Sandara, meet...

His Guardian


As always, Sandara had her guard up while they walked through the building. Her eyes subtly scanned the crowds of people, looking for any suspicious people as they made their way to the car. Of course, Jiyong had his other guards to them as well but she didn't think they took their jobs as seriously, considering Jiyong had to call them to meet him at the elevator in the lobby. 

Dara didn't know Jiyong personally. She had seen him on T.V next to his dad in the past. Over the past couple of months, it was almost impossible to go anywhere without seeing his face. 

'That poor Jiyong.. Taking over the company at such a young age' 

Sandara didn't have any sympathy for him unlike everyone else around in South Korea. She had taken over her own 'family business' when she was sixteen. She had transformed it into something other than just killing people for the hell of it. She was proud of herself. Her family was proud of her. If she could do that at sixteen, Jiyong should be capable of doing the same at his age. 

When they got to the car, Jiyong slid into the back seat first. Sandara got in beside him, scowling at the idea of sitting in the back seat. She would much rather prefer to be behind the wheel, able to have control if anything happened but Jiyong forbid it. 

"Who are you having your meeting with?" she asked, mentally scolding herself for not asking sooner. Even if she wasn't his actual secretary, she needed to know his schedule and his contacts to be safe. Since he had asked her to come out with him so suddenly, she didn't have the time to collect either. 

"Mr. Lee. He's been a good friend of the family since I was younger. He just wanted to have lunch to discuss a few things." 

Sandara nodded slowly, trying to make mental notes in her head and connections. She could already tell Jiyong would have his guard down around Mr. Lee. It was obvious he trusted him. He was a 'family friend' after all. But Dara had learned that those 'family friends' were always the first ones you questioned. She knew well that people would work damn hard to get on your good side just to stab you in the back. 

It took about twenty minutes to get from the company building to the restaurant Jiyong was having his meeting with Mr. Lee. She scanned the location as they left the car, noting any exits and entrances of the building in case she needed to use one. She followed closely behind Jiyong, taking in as much detail as she could. Sandara's brain was constantly aware and at work. She'd admit, it got tiring sometimes. Always having to be alert. But she couldn't afford to be any other way. Bad things happened when you let your guard down. 

As soon as they took a few steps inside the restaurant, a shrill voice welcomed both pairs of ears. 

A high pitched, "Oppa!!!!!" filled the restaurant. A blonde came running toward Jiyong, arms spread wide. Dara instinctively let her hand slid to her skirt, her fingers creeping up the fabric in search of the cool metal she was prepared to whip out if she needed to. When she saw Jiyong welcome the girl in an embrace, Dara let out a small sigh and let her hand fall from its position over the small gun she had tucked away. 

"Chaerin.. What are you doing here? I thought I was meeting your dad." 

Chaerin giggled and shook her head. "Nope. I asked appa's secretary to call you." 

Dara looked over the girl, taking in her appearance and evaluating her in her head. So she was the daughter of Mr. Lee, Jiyong's family friends. Which meant her and Jiyong must be rather close. The girl looked pretty harmless but Dara wouldn't let that influence her. At first glance, Dara looked pretty harmless as well. 

Chaerin pulled away and smiled up at Jiyong. It took her a good three minutes before she noticed Dara standing there. Her eyes narrowed as she possessively clung onto Jiyong's arm. "Oppa.. Who is that?" she asked. 

Sandara resisted the urge to roll her eyes at her childish tone. 'How immature..' 

"This is Sandara. She's my new secretary." 

Chaerin looked up at Jiyong and frowned. "New secretary? What about Hyorin? She's been with your father for years. You just fired her?" 

Jiyong sighed and shook his head. "Hyorin was over sixty, Chaerin. It was time to let her go. I had to find someone more... capable." 

Chaerin glared at Sandara, a look that was meant to be intimidating. But Dara couldn't help but smile in amusement. The blonde reminded her of an angry little chihuahua. "Well, I don't like her.." she muttered. 

"Well that doesn't matter. She's my secretary, not yours." 

Chaerin pouted and tore her eyes from Dara, not without giving her one last warning glare. When she had her attention elsewhere, Dara finally gave in and rolled her eyes. She found it amusing that the girl thought she was so low as to find her scary. She had come face to face with 6 foot tall grown men with guns and knives with every intent to kill her. Little Chaerin and her glares were definitely at the bottom of her list. 

Chaerin pulled Jiyong along with her, dragging him to their table by the window. Dara followed behind them, her eyes darting toward the window, feeling uneasy of the location of their table. It would be easy for someone to shoot from across the street and simply walk away like nothing happened. Jiyong and Chaerin sat at the only two chairs at the table. 

Jiyong frowned slightly and flagged down the waiter. "We'll be needing another chair." 

Chaerin's eyes widened at his words. "What?! Why? She's staying?"

Jiyong nodded as he sat back in his chair while the waiter left. "Of course. Wherever I go, she goes." 

"I thought she was just your secretary?" 

Before Jiyong could answer, Dara decided she would put in a word or two against this annoying prissy princess. "I am. However, I am a very diligent secretary. Besides, I don't believe my work for Mr. Kwon is any of your business, Ms. Lee." She held a frightening smile as she spoke, making Chaerin clenched her teeth and glare at her. 


Dara grinned, feeling accomplished for putting the little rodent in her place. She didn't have time to spend with such an annoying little thing anyway. She had bigger things to worry about. That list of things didn't include a clingy fan girl. 


The rest of the day went fairly smoothly. Dara got settled in to her desk at the office, making mental notes to bring a couple of weapons to hide in her desk. She was still in the process of convincing Jiyong that he would be much safer if he carried a gun with him as well. 

It was currently 1:30 am. 

Everyone in the building had already gone home, including Jiyong. 

Well... Everyone aside from Dara. 

Dara had a plan in mind. A very cynical plan that would teach Mr. Kwon a lesson. 

Since she had started working for him, she learned that Jiyong was a very oblivious person. He refused to take word from a person who was skilled and trained in such things. He was a stubborn man who insisted that he knew better. 

Well, Sandara was about to prove him wrong. 

She stood in front of his office doors. To anyone else, it would have looked impossible to get in without a code. But this was yet another skill Dara had acquired over the years. 

She sprayed a bit of glow in the dark liquid over the keys of the keypad. Since there was only one code to open the door, it would be pretty easy for her to get the numbers. She shinned a blacklight over the keys, grinning when she saw them. '3791' 

She knew the order because she had listened to the music it played when Jiyong had entered the code before. 'High, low, lower, high.' 

After that, she had the simply task of picking the lock with one of her bobby pins. 

With a satisfying click, the door unlocked and Dara simply swung open the door. 

"Jiyong, Jiyong, Jiyong.." she said softly as she made her way across the room to the desk that was the middle of the room. 

The binder was exactly where he had left it when she was last in his office, except now there were other papers on top of it. She shook her head slightly, slightly upset at him for asking her to compile the information for him and then not even read it. She carefully took a hold of the binder and eased it out from under the papers without touching them or making them fall. She held the binder in her arms and contemplated taking anything else to freak him out but decided against it. With a delicate smirk on her lips, she turned and walked out of the office, anticipation for the next day bubbling inside her. 

His reaction would surely be work the extra bit of work she put in to this. 


It was a long drive home for Dara. She learned never to mix her personal life with her business. That meant secluding herself from her job as far as possible. She lived nearly on the other side of the city from where the Kwon company was. It was a long drive but in her eyes it was worth it. She was eager to get home. To be able to kick off her heels, change into her sweats and just relax finally. 

She pulled into the garage of the house she lived in. It was a large home, the home she had grown up in and had inherited from her father. Many people told her it was a bad idea to live in the same house for so many years. And normally, she would agree. But... she wanted to live in the house she was comfortable in. She just wanted to have one constant aspect in her life. Just one thing to come back to that would be the same. And that was her home. 

Dara would never make the mistake of staying at her home by herself. This house was far too big for her by herself. She was barely home throughout the day. Someone could easily see that and break in during the day and off her when she got home. She lived with two other people. Two people who had been with her entire life and knew how to handle themselves. They knew her lifestyle because they had the same. 

Gong Minzy and Choi Seunghyun. 

Those were two people she trusted with her life. 

With a tired sigh, Dara pulled herself out of her car and dragged herself into the house. To her surprise, the lights were still on. She dumped her keys on the kitchen counter and kicked off her heels, leaving them by the stool. As always, she looked around the house and entered each room with caution before she was able to fully relax. When she walked into the living, she saw Seunghyun on the couch, the remote in his hand as he flipped through the channels. 

"Why are you still awake? It's... 4am." Dara asked, yawning in between her words. 

Seunghyun looked up at her with tired eyes. "You weren't home yet. I was getting worried." 

"I told you I'd be home late." 

"I didn't think you meant this late. What the hell took you so long." 

Dara shrugged as she rolled her neck and plopped down on the couch beside Seunghyun. "I had some extra... work to do." 

Seughyun just nodded and pressed his lips together. It wasn't a secret that Seunghyun didn't like the fact that Dara was working for Jiyong. She had never had such a big client before. Someone who was always in the public eye. Seunghyun was worried for Dara's safety, though that was honestly nothing new. Dara respected Seunghyun. He was like a brother to her. He was always the first one she went to for advice or help. But he got annoying sometimes. He treated her like every other girl. Like she was defenseless and weak when they both knew she wasn't. 

"So... how was the first day working for the prince?" he asked, refusing to say Jiyong's name. 

Dara was too tired to correct him or even roll her eyes. "He's.. stubborn. But it was fine, I guess. I haven't been working long enough to have an actual opinion." she said tiredly as she collapsed onto the couch, using Seunghyun's legs as a pillow. 

Seunghyun, finding this completely normal, didn't budge or move. "Mm... I'm sure you'll regret working for him sooner or later." 

"Oh shut up.." she mumbled as she curled up on the couch. 

"You know, I'm sure your bed would be a lot more comfortable." 

"Too tired... Too far.." 

Seunghyun chuckled softly and shook his head. Dara was precious to him. 

And while she was off protection Jiyong... 

He would be right there protecting her.


A / N: oh my goodness, 19 subscribers already? 

Yaaay. c: 

please enjoy this y gd lip gif:

a badass dara gif:

and an adorable top gif:


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kpopavid17 #1
Chapter 4: finally another story where dara saves the day... seriously i am sick of dara being portrayed as a damsel in distress or some ultra innocent girl who doesn't know the way of the world... i'm looking forward for more updates..... ps. please don't slowly turn her into a crying pathetic mess who completely made a 180 change from the first chapters.
mrschoi09 #2
Chapter 4: i wish u can update regularly.....dara is a strong willed woman here...i love it when shes badass and all keke...
mszwee #3
Chapter 4: I love this. Please update soon^^
Crazy4dara #4
Chapter 4: Oh!!!! I love badass Dara. I want her to kick some booty. I wish it was TOP who is the main guy though.
Chapter 4: I almost read it from the start. lol
daramaegon #6
Chapter 4: pls update soon,,i like this fic, i like dara's character her not the weak, vulnerable girl but the opposite,,,thanks:)
Chapter 4: Yay!!! thank you for updating :)
krxo35 #8
Chapter 4: Authornim thank you thank you for updating!!
Update soon, so far your story is great.
Chapter 3: Authornim, why aren't you updating it has been a century since you last updated
sweetkishie #10
Chapter 3: Aigoo...its been a long time since this story had been updated, please update it soon, please. So fari think the story is great and I have been longing to read the whole story. Thanks for sharing this. I really really hope that you will update this real soom