If they only knew

His Guardian


Sandara walked into Jiyong's office, papers in her arms as she walked pass the receptionist. Truth be told, the papers in her arms weren't anything he needed to sign. They weren't any memos that he needed to read or appointments he had. They were lists. Lists of companies and mobsters that would be after him. Lists of people who were against Kwon INTERNATIONAL or in relationships with companies who were. She had three sleepless nights collecting all of this information for the CEO. That was her job. To protect him from anyone who would be after him. 

Being raised in the mob lifestyle had its advantages. She knew the underground world like the back of her hand. She had been in that world since birth. She was raised knowing who to talk to and who to hide from. Who to beat the crap out of and who to shake hands with. She knew things that people trained by the police didn't know. She learned that to be a winner, you had to play dirty. Fair fighting never got you anywhere but on the ground with a bloody nose and a broken arm. Yes, she was a woman. But that was an advantage itself. Who would ever assume that the Kwon Jiyong would have a female bodyguard? It would be rather easy for her to watch without being suspected. 

She was the perfect guard. 

She rose her hand to the door and knocked lightly with her knuckles, waiting patiently for Jiyong's voice. 

She didn't have to wait very long for him to call out to her and say, "Come in." 

Sandara swung open the door and held her fingers out to him in a shape of a gun. 

"Bang! Dead." she said to him, watching as he stared at her with his phone in his hand, clearly confused. 


Sandara rolled her eyes as she closed the door behind her. When Jiyong first came to her, he told her it was just for precautions. That he was perfectly capable of taking care of himself but he just wanted to be extra safe. Just at their first meeting, Dara could tell he was a big talker. In her head, she came up with 30 different ways she or anyone else could have easily killed him without him knowing. People like Jiyong irritated her. They acted like it was so difficult to murder someone. Dara knew firsthand how extremely easy it really was. 

"If that had been anyone else, you could have been dead. You're too careless." she told him simply as she walked over to his desk. 

Jiyong scoffed as he put down his phone. "It's my own damn company. There's security, cameras, an ID scanner to even get up here." 

Dara rolled her eyes. "It's quite easy to dress up in business attire and make a fake ID, Jiyong. You can never let your guard down. Your receptionist could be out to kill you for all you know." 

Jiyong, being too busy and too tired to argue, simply held out his hand. "I'll make a mental note for next time. Did you do what I asked you to?" 

Dara sighed softly as she put the two inch binder in his hand. "I told you I would." 

Mr. Kwon was honestly surprised at the size of the binder. He was nervous to even peak inside. Were all these people really after the company? Did he really have so many people out to get him like they did his father? "So many?" 

"You'd be surprised how many enemies your father made over the span of his career. Have you forgotten the name of your own company? Kwon INTERNATIONAL. There could be people all over the world out for this company." 

Jiyong actually gulped. Beads of sweat built on his forehead as he opened the front leather cover and looked through the information. 

"Inside is every company your father's ever had relations with - good and bad - since he built the company, as well as some mobsters and loan sharks." 

"Loan sharks?" Jiyong had always believed his father would never had stooped so low. He was a good man with an honest living... wasn't he? 

Dara nodded and placed a hand on her hip. "No matter how good a business man ever seems to be, they've had a low point in their lives. That low point for your father was 1989. The company made a bad investment and stock shares went down the craphole. No one was willing to invest the money to help the company fix its mistake so your father went to the only people who would help." 

Jiyong ran his fingers through his hair. Hearing Dara talk about the company, he wondered if she'd make a better CEO than he did. Sure, he knew the functions of a company. He knew who and what to invest in and how to talk to people to convince them into anything he wanted. But as far as the history of the company went, now that he thought about it, he didn't know very much. His father had kept in the dark about so much. He always told him to only think about that future because that was the only thing that mattered. Moving forward was the only thing that counted. He was obviously wrong. 

"This.. this is everything?" Jiyong asked, flipping through the pages. 

Dara folded her hands behind her back and nodded. "Absolutely everything since the birth of the company." 

"Thank you." 

Dara simply nodded again and stood in front of his desk. "Anything else you want me to look into?" 

Jiyong sighed and shook his head, still trying to let the newfound information sink in. He closed the binder and left it on his desk as he stood up from his chair. "Not right now. Though I do need you to accompany me to a lunch meeting." 

"Of course." she agreed. She would have honestly went with him whether he wanted her to or not. 

Jiyong stepped around his desk and adjusted his tie as he walked toward the door. Dara watched him, her eyes darting toward the binder on his desk. She cleared , making him turn before he was able to open the door. "Yes..?" 

She looked back down at the binder when she had his attention. "You're just going to... leave the information out in the open like that?"

Jiyong pressed his lips together and followed her eyes to the binder. "I lock up my office when I leave. You need my pin to get in. No one is ever in here without my knowledge." 

Sandara could tell by his tone that he was confident in himself. That he thought he was right. She could see that there would be no way of making him think otherwise. And if she couldn't talk him into it, then she'll just have to teach him a lesson. 

Dara let out a soft sigh and nodded as she walked and met him at the door. "Whatever you say, Mr. Kwon." she mumbled as he opened the door for her. Instead of walking in front of him, she just paused and looked up at him, waiting for him to walk in front of her. "I'm opened the door to let you through.." he explained to her as though she had no idea what the gesture meant. 

"I know that. But that's stupid. How am I supposed to protect you if you're behind me?" she asked with a raised brow. Jiyong sighed and shook his head as he walked ahead of her. It was clear to him that Sandara wasn't like other women. That was clear from the start. He was beginning to wonder if this.. relationship between them would even work out. 

We'll just have to wait and see...


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kpopavid17 #1
Chapter 4: finally another story where dara saves the day... seriously i am sick of dara being portrayed as a damsel in distress or some ultra innocent girl who doesn't know the way of the world... i'm looking forward for more updates..... ps. please don't slowly turn her into a crying pathetic mess who completely made a 180 change from the first chapters.
mrschoi09 #2
Chapter 4: i wish u can update regularly.....dara is a strong willed woman here...i love it when shes badass and all keke...
mszwee #3
Chapter 4: I love this. Please update soon^^
Crazy4dara #4
Chapter 4: Oh!!!! I love badass Dara. I want her to kick some booty. I wish it was TOP who is the main guy though.
Chapter 4: I almost read it from the start. lol
daramaegon #6
Chapter 4: pls update soon,,i like this fic, i like dara's character her not the weak, vulnerable girl but the opposite,,,thanks:)
Chapter 4: Yay!!! thank you for updating :)
krxo35 #8
Chapter 4: Authornim thank you thank you for updating!!
Update soon, so far your story is great.
Chapter 3: Authornim, why aren't you updating it has been a century since you last updated
sweetkishie #10
Chapter 3: Aigoo...its been a long time since this story had been updated, please update it soon, please. So fari think the story is great and I have been longing to read the whole story. Thanks for sharing this. I really really hope that you will update this real soom