Technically, this night was cold

Every dream will always end

Technically, this night was not supposed to be the best night. It was cold and the allys were plain deserted.

Idols can't go out so freely, you never know when a paparazzi will pop up and nab shots and shots of you, nobody would like that, obviously. Key was in a dark hat and his long, trench coat/ The coat was so fabulously striking when displayed in his prized collection, but tonight it would be done for different things.

Minho was once again, simple. Simply blending in with the norm of the people in korea. He always blended in. 

Key's walking anxiously and his heart was beating quick. the night was undeniably cold, and made his fair skin fair like the snow that was falling. His hastily thought up "speeches" formed and broke in his little mind over and over again. Thinking desperately on how to break the news. It was absolutely tiring, but it has to be done anyway. Minho was his best friend, and his first love in the world of homouality, there was so way he wanted to hurt him, even the feelings disappeared as quickly as he came, he never wanted to hurt minho, if it wasn't for the new person hogging up his mind, he wouldn't have done this, and he begs that he does not blame him.

Minho's face was dark as the night. He looked cool, care-less, but inside he was in a frenzy mess. What to do? Was the biggest qurestion. His new found feelings were undeniable. it was unmistakable that he wasn't gay. It was certain and crisp clear to him that his preferance for women has never changed. He was sure that Yuri was the one for him, but he is still unsure. He needed to break up, but he was afraid, more afraid than the word afraid, to bring hurt and tears to Key, his best friend.

It's funny how best friends became lovers and then best friends again, fate was annoyingly uncooperative. 

They were walking on opposite intersections, nearer and neaer, they met at the lampost they were supposed to have their secret gatherings at once again. 

Staring at their feet, unable to raise their heads to meet the pure white conscience of the moon's exterior. It was almost frightening and he panted in the cold weather.

They heard footsteps...slowly they raised their head and saw each other.

They stared at each other, their gazes were sufficient to send telepathy and shocks of messages of what they were about to convey. Their decision was regretful and pathetic, but it was for the best for the two.

" I'm sorry" They both said at the same time. Key tried to give a smile, but it turned out small and awkward. Minho bit his lower lip.

" I fell for jonghyun..i'm sorry."

" I'm so sorry" Key said, his face breaking out in tears. Though the feelings were gone, Minho's heart ached with the pain of remorse and guilt.

" I thought...I thought i could stay this way, but I..I found out women were more of my type...I'm sorry Key." Minho said, wiping his tears. It pained him to every bit and dept of his heart to see his friend, the once so intimate friend of his.

To see him like this.

" I'm sorry..." Key said, sobbing his ears and eyes red.

" I'm sorry too." Minho said

" I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry too...."


This would probably be the last meeting for awhile. No ex-lover can really be friends ever, or for that matter, best friends ever again.

It was saddening, but it had to be done. This night, the weather was cold, the emotion and the air was still and chilly. Technically it was cold, but the best that could have done, the best and the love of the best friends, it was cold only on the outside, but it was warm, if, you know what I mean.

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Ilonahaku #1
Chapter 1: It was great, I liked it! ^^/
Somehow I felt sorry for them that they cried, because they had to break up. But I think it was good for bor of them, when they found a new love. :)

This line was so beautiful:"Staring at their feet, unable to raise their heads to meet the pure white conscience of the moon´s exterior."
Chapter 1: I'm not really that sad about them breaking up since they both have someone new to love and there won't be one hurt person.
The thing that got me was they could never be best friends or possibly even friends again.
Chapter 1: My minkey feeling is sad.... T_T