Surviving SuJu's dorm day six

Surviving SuJu's dorm

Donghae scanned the bed, his eyes following each curve of Jonghyun's body, images of him, filling his mind. How cute he looked, his face completely flushed. Donghae had just a glance of Jonghyun's body as the younger had been quick to cover up. He would not mind a second time, one very he could fully enjoy Jonghyun's body. The urge to touch had been there, but they were not close enough for that. Donghae settled on the bed next to Jonghyun, making sure both of them were covered completely. He assumed Jonghyun was sleeping and closed the distance between them, taking in the sweet scent that surrounded the younger.  But Jonghyun was not asleep, keeping quiet as Donghae fell asleep while holding him, one arm around his waist. 


Jonghyun had to admit, it felt save to be held like this. The others strong muscular arms holding him in his sleep. That feeling was something he had missed after being kidnapped. He had gotten over that with time, though sometimes he would freak out again and something like the 'cookie imcident' would happen.


The first thing Donghae saw when he woke up the next morning was Jonghyun's peaceful face, stil asleep. He reluctantly let go of the others sleeping form and walked out of the room. He was greeted with the usual noise of the other members, some lazing around as others got ready for their schedules. Donghae had the day off and had made plans to take Jonghyun out. 


He hoped it would make him and Jonghyun closer to each other. He prepared breakfast for the both of them and waited patiently for the younger to wake up and join him. It was about ten minutes later that Jonghyun entered the kitchen, settling down at the table. "Morning" he greeted Donghae, his eyes settled on his lap. Donghae said the same as he filled Jonghyun's cup with rice and stew, handing it to him afterwards. Their hands barely touched, fingertips brushing over soft skin. They ate in silence until Donghae spoke, catching Jonghyun's attention. "We are going out today" Jonghyun was surprised by that sudden announcement but could not stop himself from feeling exited. Being alone with Donghae was something he liked very much. "Where are we going?" He asked, his food long forgotten.


"It's a surprise" With those words he got up and headed to his room, using about 15 minutes to get ready. "You get ready too" Donghae said as he entered the kitchen again. Jonghyun nodded, striding of to the room they shared and got ready as fast as possible. 


They headed out, getting in the car that would bring them, the destination unknown for Jonghyun.


Donghae found out about this spot before debut and visited it regularly. The woods surrounding it where breathtaking, the lake a perfect place for a swim. He parked his car about a mile of the road. "We walk from here" Holding Jonghyun's hand in hi he guided him through the forest until they reached where he was heading for. A two story house the walls overgrown with flowers. The windows with wooden blinders and a porch that surrounded the entire house was something he had always kept for himself. Jonghyun looked at it in awe, it was the most beautiful house he had ever seen. "Like it?" Donghae asked, a grin on his face. He then turned around and pointed at the lake, on a short distance of the house. "Let's go for a walk, the nature here is beautiful, we can take a swim later when it's warmer.


Donghae then showed the basket he had brought from the car, that same grin still on his face. "We'll pick nick later"


Jonghyun followed, enjoying the fresh air and the scenery. After a long walk they returned to the lake. Donghae laid out a blanket and sat down, patting the spot next to him. Jonghyun settled down and watched the elder unpack the basket, his eyes widened at the food that was displayed before him. Donghae woke up in the middle of the night to prepare, making sandwiches and a cake. He also brought cookies, tea, soda and candy. 


"Dig in" he said as he pushed an open lunch box in Jonghyun's direction. He himself took a sandwich as well, taking a bite and marveling at the taste. He felt proud that he made this himself and hoped that Jonghyun liked them too. Pouring in something to drink for the both of them he scooted a bit closer, handing the younger his glass. He wanted this to be yet another memory they could share. Jonghyun smiled softly at Donghae, feeling more at ease, the incident from yesterday already forgotten, or at least buried in the back of his mind. He looked at the water, the sunlight reflected on its surface. An idea popped up in his mind, one where he could get at least a bit of payback and see Donghae in a somewhat undressed state. It was only fair right?, considering that Donghae had seen him completely . "Let's swim later on" he said, his eyes meeting those of Donghae. 


"Sure" Donghae was a bit surprised at the sudden idea but it proved that Jonghyun felt comfortable around him. It gave him hope, though he did not know what it was he hoped for.


After they finished their sandwiches they started on the candy. Donghae decided to be bold and unwrapped one, holding it in front of Jonghyun's lips to feed him. Jonghyun blushed lightly as he ate the candy. 


'Cute' was what crossed his mind. "Feed me too" Donghae opened his mouth and waited, wondering if Jonghyun would do it.


The blush on his face intensified as he fed Donghae one of the candies. "Hmmm" he hummed, leaning a bit closer to Jonghyun, looking into his eyes. "Let's go swim then" he got up, pulling the younger up with him. He began stripping from his clothing, taking of his jacket, followed by his shirt and pants. He deliberately flexed his muscles a bit to show off. Jonghyun followed Donghae's example, stripping until he was left with nothing but his boxers on.  Donghae took Jonghyun's hand and led him to the lake, stepping in the water. It soon reached far beyond waist level. Donghae did not let go off Jonghyun's hand, not until they could no longer stand. "You are not cold right?" Donghae asked as he didn't want Jonghyun sick.


"No, it's nice" Jonghyun said, a pout forming when Donghae no longer held his hand. He splashed a bit of water in the eldest direction before sticking his tongue out and swimming away from Donghae. This was how he wanted things to be, carefree and playful. 


Donghae chuckled at the attempt of Jonghyun to escape, wiping the water from his face before following the other. He was sure to catch him and he did, wrapping his fingers around Jonghyun's ankle and pulling him back. He then wrapped one arm around the youngers waist and held him close. "Running away from me now?" 


"No" Jonghyun shook his head quickly in denial.  He did not really mean to run away. It was easy to get Jonghyun flustered as it was proved to be that way every time. Donghae leaned a bit closer, his eyes still locked on the youngers face. They had never been so close, their lips close to touching.


'Would they finally kiss?' Was what crossed Jonghyun's mind.


 The moment was spoiled though, the sudden raindrops falling down from the sky. ‘Not now', Jonghyun mentally cursed in frustration. It soon turned in heavy rainfall and forced them to rush out of the water, standing on the porch. Donghae laughed at the sheepless look on Jonghyun's face and picked up a key underneath a flower pot and opened the door of the house.


'How do you have the key to this house?" Donghae did not answer but pulled Jonghyun in with him, closing the door behind him. He left Jonghyun alone in the living room and went upstairs, grabbing two towels and two sets of clothing. He wrapped the towel around Jonghyun and began drying him off. He pulled the wet boxers down from the others hips, leaving him bare. 


Jonghyun held tightly onto the towel, his face still damp as he looked up at Donghae. Jonghyun took the clothes from him, looking around the room. "Where can i change hyung?"


Donghae took a hold of Jonghyun's hand again and let him upstairs to one of the two bedrooms. "You will have all the privacy you need here"


Donghae left, changing as well, the wet clothes tossed in a bin. It was a secret to everyone, even the members, but he was the owner of this house. He would visit it regularly and leave some groceries when he was to spend some time here. This was the first time he brought someone over. 


"Come down when you’re ready" he said, knocking softly on the door before he headed down. He grabbed two cups of instant noodles and boiled water, pouring it into the cups.


Jonghyun walked down, following a soft humming sound to the kitchen where he spotted Donghae. He had to try his best to suppress the urge to hug the elder, pressing himself against that firm back. But how should he explain himself if he behaved like that?


Donghae turned around, placing the cups on the table. "Sit down" he said with a grin as he looked at Jonghyun. "You were checking me out, weren't you?" He teased as he sat down.


Jonghyun was red instantly as he quickly sat down. He began eating the noodles as he wanted to avoid that question. He could not say what he desired, it would make him a freak. 


Donghae laughed softly before he began eating. He really liked the younger, he just had to find a way of telling him. That would be hard though, he had no clue. How could he possible tell that he liked Jonghyun more than a friend, better said, more than a best friend...a lover....?


He would keep quiet for now, get a better bond first before he would say anything. He wanted to be sure of Jonghyun's feelings as well, or at least some insight in how he felt.


Donghae began eating as well, slurping up his noodles. He finished up at the same time as the younger and cleaned up. He wanted to keep the atmosphere light and easy going. "Take a seat in the living room, I’ll be there in a sec" 


It did only take a minute to clean up, taking a seat next to Jonghyun. The rain had not stopped, it only increased and the wind howled around the house. Thunder crossed the sky and Donghae knew then that the chance of returning to the dorm was none existent. "Seems like we will be spending the night here"


"H~here?" Jonghyun stuttered as he looked outside before looking at Donghae. It was true, they could never leave with this weather, it was too dangerous. But wasn't it a good thing? He got to spent time with Donghae alone, no other members and no Heechul and Kyuhyun to . He should enjoy this time, it would be something to remember and look back to once he was back at SHINee's dorm. 


"Yes, here" Donghae said as he smiled at the younger. "Let's play while we're here. Truth or dare is fun” he grinned like a schoolboy as he turned to face Jonghyun. "I pick truth, so you can ask me first"


Jonghyun nodded and thought about a question to ask. "Who do you like the most from the SuJu member's?"


Donghae didn't have to think much, having his answer ready at all time. This had been asked many times before and he would always answer the same "Eunhyuk" he replied. They were best friends and would share pretty much everything together.


"Your turn, truth or dare?" Donghae did not know what he wished for more, truth or dare, both could be interesting.


Jonghyun thought for a moment before replying, "Truth" he choose the same as Donghae did and because it was saver then dare.


"Who do you like the most from the SuJu members?" Donghae returned the question. He used te question Jonghyun asked against him, hoping to get some understanding of the others thoughts.


"Uhmm...." He could not just say 'You' now could he?  


"Leeteuk hyung" he mumbled as he scratched the back of his head. If he only had the courage to tell Donghae how he really felt. 


Donghae could not deny that he felt a little disappointed, but it was to be expected. Either Jonghyun was too shy to tell how he felt or he had no feelings for him at all, the mere thought of that enough to break his heart. He did not want that one question to ruin the mood and smiled. Leeteuk hyung was an amazing person after all. "He is...and dare for me" 


A dare...what should he make Donghae do? "Sing for me..." He had always liked Donghae's voice and this was the perfect opportunity to hear it again. 


It was not what he had expected but it was fine with him. "Sure" he took a breath as he thought of what to sing until he settled on .... Jonghyun listened intently as Donghae sung, his voice filled the room. It was soothing and made him feel calm. Donghae ended it after the second chorus and shrugged lightly. "It would sound better if you sang it" 


Jonghyun shook his head, he had enjoyed it more when Donghae sang. "Hyung, you have a nice voice, i like listening to it" 


The game continued like that, they asked each other questions, truth chosen more than dare. They used the game to get to know each other better and it worked. They had a great time, and before they knew it the sky turned dark. The storm had stopped but it was too late to return now.


"Let's sleep, we'll return tomorrow."Donghae got up and pulled Jonghyun along with him, guiding him back to the guestroom he changed in. Jonghyun didn't say anything but his mind was overrun. Was he going to sleep here? Did this mean that Donghae did not want to sleep with him and that he was putting up with him in the dorm?


None of that, it was Donghae thinking that Jonghyun would be more comfortable when having a bed for him alone. "Goodnight" he said before turning away. Once again, it took him a lot of self-control to keep him from kissing Jonghyun.


Once in the other room he got in the bed. It was for the best, Jonghyun needed some time for himself too. He slowly closed his eyes to catch some sleep if he could.


Jonghyun tossed and turned but he could not fall asleep. He was too used to having Donghae beside him, sleeping together with him in the same bed. He slowly got out of bed and opened a door, closing it again before opening the next. He walked in slowly, trying not to make any sound as he made his way over to the bed. It seemed that Donghae was sound asleep, did he not miss sleeping with him? He was about to turn around when an old fashioned clock on the wall sounded 12 times, the sound causing Donghae to open his eyes and spot Jonghyun next to his bed. What a way to start a new day....



I know i haven't updated for a while but i have been out of the country. I just returned last week. But i did wrote a chapter when i was gone. This one is longer than the last one.  I hope you guys like it. Please do comment (though i do not deserve to get comments) i would still like to know what you guys think! I will post the next chapter faster, am already working on it.


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Next chapter will be up much sooner then i thought it be! Already halfway there.


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Shinee1997 #1
Chapter 15: Please update soon ^^
raery3012 #2
Chapter 15: Update soon~~~
JaeYong_TY #3
Chapter 15: yeyy, updateee
Shinee1997 #4
Chapter 14: Update soon plz ^^
TiaTea #5
Chapter 14: Please update! This story is so cute and adorable. Jjong is so cute and Donghae you better fix this!
JaeYong_TY #6
Chapter 14: sad, very sad

i hope donghae does spmething bout this

and please update soon
Shinee1997 #7
Chapter 14: Update soon pls ^^
Shinee1997 #8
Chapter 14: Aww poor jonghyun he needs his memebers to comfort him I like the story. ^^ :)
Chela2002 #9
Chapter 11: Please update soon ^^