Surviving SuJu's dorm day five: part 2

Surviving SuJu's dorm

Walking around i was wondering what i should give Donghae. He already gave me a ring, but what should i give him. Then I knew. Donghae may find it weird, like those rings weren’t a weird gift. It looked like couple rings.  I will buy couple t-shirts too match. Strolling around Jonghyun found a pair to his liking. He paid for them and left the shop strolling around the mall. Walking around Jonghyun noticed a new shop he never saw before. He looked at the shops name ‘Fortune and future.’

Jonghyun walked in and saw a variety of products. From simple and innocent fortune cookies to jars filled with unknown substances.

Jonghyun looked around but saw no one. He wondered where the owner of the shop was when he heard a soft woman’s voice. ''Come here boy. Come here and let me predict your love life.''

''O-okay'', Jonghyun stuttered.

Jonghyun sat down on a chair on one side of the table while the woman sat on the opposite side. There was a red cloth draped over the table with a symbol of a flying bird.

''Your hand please'', the woman said.

Jonghyun gave his hand to hear and looked at her nervous but also anticipating what she would say.  She traced the lines on his hand palm staring intensely. ''Yes'', she whispered. ''Very good. You will have a romance with a guy very soon. But that guy will have to break your heart. He will abandon you. But he will…'' just then Jonghyun’s phone rang. He pulled his hand out of the woman’s hands and picked up. ''Yes I’ll be right there'', he said talking to Kibum. He placed some money on the table and left still talking on his phone. The woman was surprised by his sudden leave that she was stunned for a moment. ''Hey boy! I wasn’t finished yet!'' But Jonghyun didn’t hear and left the shop already.


When he got back Donghae hugged him. Jonghyun was stunned by Donghae hugging him all of a sudden but couldn’t help but think about the present. He didn’t want Donghae to see yet. He wanted to give it when they were alone. Donghae still hugged him and he was having trouble to breath. ''Donghae hyung I can’t breathe.''

Donghae let go immediately. ''Sorry. I just missed you.'' The other members grinned when they heard what Donghae said. Kibum and Siwon were smiling brightly while cuddling up on the couch. ''We were waiting for you '', Leeteuk said. ''Let’s have dinner now that everyone is here.'' All the members sat down for dinner and went to do relax in their room or in the living room. Jonghyun went to his shared room with Donghae after dinner immediately to hide his gift. In the showered he pondered as to when he should give his present to Donghae. Deeply in thought Jonghyun didn’t hear someone come in to the bathroom. Turning around to grab a towel he saw a shadow. A yell broke the silence and echoed in between the bathroom walls. Jonghyun grabbed the showerhead and aimed it at the person that walked in to the shower without looking who it was.


''Aishhh, Jonghyun!''


Recognizing the voice of Donghae, Jonghyun stopped and put the showerhead back into place only to realize that he was completely and that Donghae was staring at his body. Jonghyun quickly grabbed a towel to cover himself with. Donghae was completely soaked and a puddle of water was formed at his feet, drops of water still making their way down. Donghae’s shirt clung around his body showing his abs and toned body. Jonghyun blushed at the sight and averted his gaze. Donghae was still staring at Jonghyun. He couldn’t get the image of the younger boy’s body out of his head. He shook his head and noticed Jonghyun shivering from the cold. ''You should get dressed or you’ll catch a cold'', the elder said, making room for Jonghyun to pass.  Jonghyun quickly made his way out of the bathroom dressing himself in record time and leaving there room not wanting to be with Donghae in the same room. He sat down on the couch where some of the members where watching titanic while Siwon and Kibum were busy imitating the scene where Rose and Jack stand at the bow of the ship.


Donghae couldn’t get over what he saw. Jonghyun’s milky and most likely soft skin looked so pretty and touchable that he had a hard time controlling himself. He was shocked at first when he was sprayed with water but the sight after that was the best thing ever. He wanted to touch the younger right at that moment and make him his but he couldn’t. Not until he knew how Jonghyun felt about him. If he even felt something for him that is.

Donghae sighed and took of his wet clothes and stepped in the shower. After the shower Donghae walked into his room to find it empty. Donghae couldn’t help a small smile form around the corners of his lips as he thought about Jonghyun being too shy to be around him. Donghae didn’t know if he should go to the living room or stay here.  Jonghyun might feel uncomfortable but they have to see each other sooner or later since they share a room and even the same bed. Better sooner than later right?

Donghae opened the door to the living room and saw Jonghyun sit on the couch. As he came closer he saw that he was watching Titanic. Donghae took a seat next to Jonghyun which made the latter nervous. He made sure not to touch Donghae. After not even five minutes Jonghyun got up saying that he was going to bed. Jonghyun entered their bedroom and Donghae waited a bit for deciding to go to bed too. He was wondering what Jonghyun was doing and how sleeping in the same bed would be now.  He said goodnight to the members and made his way to his room.


A/N: I am sorry that it took me so long to update. I have been kind of busing lately and am struggling with my first writers block. So if it i am sorry! It is a bit short but well it is at least something. Don't forget to subscribe, comment and/or upvote.


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Next chapter will be up much sooner then i thought it be! Already halfway there.


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Shinee1997 #1
Chapter 15: Please update soon ^^
raery3012 #2
Chapter 15: Update soon~~~
JaeYong_TY #3
Chapter 15: yeyy, updateee
Shinee1997 #4
Chapter 14: Update soon plz ^^
TiaTea #5
Chapter 14: Please update! This story is so cute and adorable. Jjong is so cute and Donghae you better fix this!
JaeYong_TY #6
Chapter 14: sad, very sad

i hope donghae does spmething bout this

and please update soon
Shinee1997 #7
Chapter 14: Update soon pls ^^
Shinee1997 #8
Chapter 14: Aww poor jonghyun he needs his memebers to comfort him I like the story. ^^ :)
Chela2002 #9
Chapter 11: Please update soon ^^