Family Reunion ! pt.2

Playful kiss



Kyung-Mi: *Walks upstairs to Ha-Ni's room,and knocks on the door* Ha-niii


Ha-Ni: Oh Kyung-Mi hi come in come in !*Gets up and hugs you* Kyung-mi ! What are you doing here ?


Kyung-Mi: I could ask you the same thing why are you living with Seung-jo. I thought he rejected you

and now your living together like a married couple ? Whats up with that ?


Ha-Ni: well it wasn't my choice to live here


Kyung-mi: Then what happened !?


Ha-Ni: There was an earth quake and our house fell down, my dad said we were gonna go live with one of his friends, but I didn't think his friend was Beak Seung-jo's dad! if I knew I would have refused!


Kyung-mi: No you wouldn't have , cuz you loooove him ! Hahaha! *Squeezes her cheeks together to mouth the word L.O.V.E*


Ha-Ni: Hey cut it out! Pfft I’ve decided to give up on being in love with Seung-jo!


Kyung-mi: OK well you do that! Hahaha idk how you can stand it, I mean he lives in the same house as you. if I were you I don't know what I’d do!


Seung-jo: *Standing outside Ha-ni's door. He's quietly laughing. He opens the door* Hey Kyung-mi ! Its time for your lessons.


Kyung-mi:Yeah OK I’ll be there, just one sec k!


Ha-Ni: Lessons?


Kyung-mi: Oh yeah I didn't tell you I needed a Korean teacher to help me brush up on my Korean, so Seung-jo offered to help!i guess we'll be seeing eachother often from now on. anyway see you later Ha-ni!

*Seung-jo and Kyung-mi walk off together*


-------------------------------------------------------Next Scene-------------------------------------------------------


Seung-jo:*its really late and Kyung-mi fell asleep on the couch while Seung-jo was teaching her. He walks over to her and pats her on the head*

Hey Your Sleeping during my lessons ! How do you expect to learn anything if you keep falling asleep!?


Kyung-mi:*Quickly gets up* What wha... oh sorry heheh.

Whoa its really late I should go !


Geum-hee: *comes into the room* oh don't worry about that sweetie I already called your father he said you can stay here over night !

Kyung-mi: umm oh I couldn't do that you've already been so nice to me!

Geum-hee: Well That’s what family's for right!you can sleep in Ha-ni's room! Go on, go on up now get straight to bed there’s school tomorrow, ah maybe one day you can come back on a weekend,and you Ha-ni,and I can have a real sleepover !

Kyung-mi: Yes I'm looking forward to it ! *goes upstairs*good night auntie !

Geum-hee: Goodnight Kyung-mi !


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Oh :( you should finish this :( i wanna know my role / kyung mi's role here :]
Watched Playful Kiss, liked it xD<br />
Sounds interesting <3