Family Reunion !

Playful kiss


at Seung-jo's house.*doorbell rings, Seung-jo walks to the door and looks out the window, and see's you waving,*

Seung-jo: *opens the door with a big smile on his face* Hi Kyung-mi !

Kyung-mi: Hiiii !!!!! *hugs him*

Seung-jo: so what brings you here  unannounced?*they walk into the living room and sit down*

Kyung-mi: well i came here to see auntie and uncle ! oh and Eun-jo,!

Seung-jo: well they're ...* before he could say anything his mom walks in* 

Seung-jo's mom: ahh ! Kyung-mi ! *walks up to her and hugs her* wow is that my little Kyung-mi?! look how pretty you are,your all grown up, i remember when you were little, you and Seung-jo were so close you were best friends ! omo so cute,

Kyung-mi: *still being hugged by Seung-jo's mom* auntie i cant breath

Seung-jo's mom: sorry *lets go of her* ah Eun-jo, Soo Chang come quick, guess who's here !

Eun-jo: *walks out of the kitchen and see's you * Kyung-mi noona ! *runs to her and gives her a big hug around her waist*

Seung-jo's dad:  little Kyung-mi,my you've grown ! *sits down beside Seung-jo's mom (Geum Hee)


Eun-jo: Kyung-mi noona, when did you come back to Korea ???

Kyung-mi: a few days ago and i just started today a the same school Seung-jo goes to !

Geum-hee:wow that's wonderful, have you made any new friends ?

Kyung-mi: yeah i met these 2 really nice girls jung joo-ri and go min-ah, also i met up with one of my old friends oh Ha-ni !

everyone else in the room: *stops at the sound of ha-ni's name, and stares at you*

Kyung-mi: What? d-did i say something wrong ?

Geum-hee: well its just that ...

Soo-chang: umm well...

Seung-jo: just tell her ! 

Kyung-mi: tell me what ?

Eun-jo: Ha-ni and her father are living with us !

Kyung-mi is that all i thought it was something terrible

Eun-jo: *whispers,* it is terrible,we are stuck here with Ha-ni

Geum-hee: EUN-JO!  ah Kyung-mi i didn't know you were friends with Ha-ni ?

Kyung-mi: yeah we were friends since grade school,but then my dad and i moved. oh i brought you guys a gift its one of my dads cakes from one of his shop in Canada, i hope you like it *hands it to Seung-jo*

Seung-jo: *opens it* wow this is a beautiful cake!

Geum-hee:well of course it is ! tell him thanks for me !

Kyung-mi: yes i will. oh where is Ha-ni? i wanna say hi to her before i go !

Eun-jo:aww your leaving already ?

Kyung-mi:yeah i have to go cuz my Korean tutor will be coming soon

Seung-jo: why do you need a tutor ?

Kyung-mi: well since i was in Canada for so long i forgot a lot of my Korean so i need to practice a bit more

Geum-hee: don't waste you money on a tutor, Seung-jo will teach you, wont you Seung-jo

Seung-jo: *looks at you and smiles* sure !

Kyung-mi: OK I’ll call my dad and tell him to cancel my tutor ! so where is ha-ni i still wanna say hi to her

Geum-hee:she's upstairs in her room,do you want me to show you ?

Kung-mi: no, i can find it !

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Oh :( you should finish this :( i wanna know my role / kyung mi's role here :]
Watched Playful Kiss, liked it xD<br />
Sounds interesting <3