Chapter 1: The New Student

Playful kiss

Ha-Ni, is in homeroom:

Song Ji Oh (Ha-ni's teacher): good morning class, today i want to introduce you to our new student.Yay! *claps*

*You walk in the door* this is Kyung-mi  She came al the way from Canada !

Classmate 1 : wow shes so pretty

Classmate 2:yeah she looks really forieng but also a bit korean too

Classmate 1: *raises his hand* uhh i have a question!

Song Ji Oh: yes?

Classmate 1: uh its for Kyung-Mi

Kyung-mi: yes? *right when you say that Ha-Ni looks up at you*

Ha-Ni I know that voice, and her face looks familir,... could it be ?! Kyung-Mi !!! is that you ?!?!?

Kyung-Mi: HA-NI !!! OMG ITS YOU !?!?

Classmate 1 : ok i guess you know eachother,but can we get back to my question?!

Mrs.Song : *bell rings* ok homeroom is over , bye !


Ha-ni: *walk out of the class room with min-ah and joo-ri tagging along oh Kyung-Mi i haven't seen you for so long, 

Kuyng-Mi: grade school actually I MISSED YOU SOOOO MUCH !!! * hugs Ha-ni*

Min-Ah: uh exactaly what is going on?

Joo-Ri: yeah you guy know eachother, how come we never knew?

Ha-Ni: well i knew Kyung-mi since we were in preschool up untill half of grade school, then she moved

Joo-Ri: oh Kyung-mi are you korean? cuz you sorta look like it, and you speak it very well !

Kyung-mi: no, well i'm half korean and half Caribbean, my dad is from St. lucia and my mom is from korea but i was born in Canada.

Min-ah: wow thats so cool!

Ha-ni: so Kyung-mi why did you move back here?

Kyung-Mi: i moved here beacuse my mom wanted to see her old friends , Hwang Geum Hee  and  Oh Ki Dong, and she missed living in Korea

Min-Ah: Oh Ki Dong? you mean Ha-ni's dad?

Kyung-Mi: yep !

Joo-Ri: and Hwang Geum Hee  isn't that... Beak seung-jo's mother ?!?!

Ha-ni: what?!?! you mean your mom is friends with Seung-jo's mother ?!?!

Kyung-mi: yeah is that a problem?acutally seung-jo is my cousin!

Ha-ni joo-r and min-ah: WHAT ?!?!?!

Kyung-mi: yeah Seung jo's mom is my moms sister,why is this such a big deal anyway?

Joo-ri: well * looks around* Ha-NI *whispers in to kyung-mi's ear*Likes Seung-jo.

Kyung-mi: oooh i understand! * turns to Ha-ni* dont worry Ha-ni i'll help you get the boy of your dreams!

Ha-ni :shhhh ! keep it down

Min-Ah: i'm pretty sure he already knows

Ha-Ni: ah your right,well whats your plan for getting Seung-jo to like me?

Kyung-mi * Bell rings*i'll tell you at lunch we're gonna be late! *runs off*

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Oh :( you should finish this :( i wanna know my role / kyung mi's role here :]
Watched Playful Kiss, liked it xD<br />
Sounds interesting <3