Operation "Help Ha-ni get the boy of her dreams" !

Playful kiss

At lunch in the lunchroom the 4 girls are sitting a few tables across from Seung-jo,but still close  enough to see him, he's sitting alone, ->

Ha-ni: *sits down at the lunch table where Kyung mi, min-ah and joo-ri are sitting* so Kyung-mi, whats you plan?

Min-Ah: yes lets hear all about it !

Kyung-mi: Well... uhh i dont  really have a plan!.... ! but i'll figure something out, i'll make it up as i go along

Ha-ni: ...ok then so what are you gonna do?

Kyung-mi:i'll just walk up to him i guess and see how it goes from there.

Ha-ni:*before she had a chance to say anything Kyuong-mi was already happily skipping over to her big cousin Seung-jo*

 Kyung-mi:*hugs Seung-jo from the back* hi buddy !

Ha-ni:*from a distance*wow they are so close !

Seung-jo:*first has a "who-the-hell-are-you " look on his face then looks up and notices its Kyung-mi and smiles* hi !*kyung-mi sits beside him, and every person in the school starts staring at them* How are you enjoyin the new school?

Kyung-Mi: yeah its fun i already met up with some of my old friends, and met some new ones !

Seung-jo:thats good *smiles*

Kyung-mi: oh i need to ask you something important ! *everyone around them leans in to hear. kyung-mi looks around* uhh i'll tell you later

Seung-jo: ok , well i have to go*gets up and walks away, leaving Kyung-mi sitting there alone and all the other students staring at her*

Kyung-Mi: *every one walks up and crowds around her blocking the veiw of Ha-ni and her friends*

Hong Jang mi :* sits down beside kyung-mi* oh your the new girl here, nice to meet you i'm hong jang mi. *bows*

Kyung-mi:*bows* hello i'm Ga Kuyng-Mi

jang - mi : oh wow what a pretty name, its almost like mine...

joo-ri: *walks through the crowd along with ha-ni and-min-ah* uhh kyung-mi,*grabs you arm and walks out of the crowd. whispers* uhh i dont think you should talk to her.

Kyung-mi: why ?

Min-Ah: well she isn't exactally the nicest person shes kinda...

Jang-mi: oh Kyung-mi sunbea i guess i'll see you around then !

Kyung mi: * looks over her shoulder, smiles* sure !

Joo-Ri:*they keep walking away* dont get taken in by that fake smile and cute act, she only wants to hang out with you cuz she knows you have some type of relationship with Beak seung jo,

Min-ah: yes thats what i was trying to say jang-mi is one evil girl, she'll stop at nothing to get to seung-jo

Kyung-mi well then we'll see about that !i'll just work extra hard to get Ha- ni and seung-jo together !

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Oh :( you should finish this :( i wanna know my role / kyung mi's role here :]
Watched Playful Kiss, liked it xD<br />
Sounds interesting <3