
Flawless Adrenaline

I stuck my hands into my gray sweater’s pockets.  Hood up with earphones in my ears, bangs perfect as I touch them after every two minutes, and curls perfect.  I walk around in my dark blue skinnies, oblivious to the world.  I twirl around every so and then, as if lost, but I’m just in the scenery.  I smile at all the laughing and shouting around me.  I just put up the volume and let my mind sink into the piano music.  Today I do nothing.  Tomorrow I work.  Today I like, tomorrow I hate.  A cycle that perfectly balanced my life.  I felt a tap on my shoulder, making me swirl around.  I abruptly paused my music to listen what to this person had to say to me.

“Yah!  We’re filming here!”  I looked at this busy, frowning man and took the place into mind, full of cameras.  Sigh…I always did this.  I bowed immediately.

“I’m so sorry!  So so so sorry!”  I put my hands together desperate to get this situation over already.

“Did you know how much time you took out of the shoot just now?”  The older man shouted, his face getting cherry red.  I frowned and looked over at the place, noticing tons of people staring.

“Do you know how much time you’re wasting just shouting at me?  I already said sorry old man!”  I stared at his shocked face.  I felt like I was going to see a cherry pop in from of me if he got any redder.

“Yah!”  He raised a hand to hit me, but I firmly placed up my hands in self-defense.  Feeling him punch my arm, he was ready to take another swing but was put to a stop.  Of course people wouldn’t just watch him hit me.

“Ahjussi, you shouldn’t be hitting innocent people.  She said sorry already.”  I stared at the guy in front of me.  He has bright brown hair and large eyes.  Incredibly handsome and flawless.  He turned around to give my glance a return.  “Are you okay?”  He hesitated, wanting to check my arm.  I stuck it out for him, wanting to get this over with even more without seeming rude.  He pushed up the sleeve, seeing a red spot form.  It was inevitably going to be a bruise.  He grazed it with his thumb, it hurt and certainly looked like it but it was really whatever.  He looked into my eyes, finally noticing.

“Pretty aren’t they?  They’re real too, sadly.”  Dark blue muddy little eyes I had.  Anyone that walked by me seemed to be unable to stop staring.  But I didn’t hate them, they made me feel special.  Even though from faraway I’d look like another regular Korean, except for my curly hair once again.

“Your hair too?”  He touched my hair, only to retract his hand.  “I’m sorry, it just doesn’t look fake.”

“It’s fine…I’ll be going now okay?”  I looked up at him before leaving.  Swiftly clicking play, letting the music drown me out from the laughter and shouting.

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