So They Laughed.

So He Smiled.

Hey guys, alot of you have given me feedback, requesting for a happy ending for myngyeol, so i decided to put it in... Hmm i tried to make this short chappie kinda fluffy(?), to (sort of) neutralise the angst... I'm not that good at writing fluff though, but here it is...>< hope you enjoy reading this... For myungjong shippers, i'm reallllllyyyy sorry, but i'll be delaying the myungjong chappie by one day... Thanks for subscribing and commenting guysssss <3333 Hahas, after I read your comments, I got the inspiration for this chappie from last night when I was dying from a fever..... ><


"Hand." Sungyeol fumbled in the dark for the fingers that had wrapped around his just now. Myungsoo didn't move his hand that was resting on the mattress, just let it be found again by Sungyeol. Even with the decisions that they'd made, both the boys gripped the other, fingers tangling in the dark. Both of them avoided eyecontact.

Sungyeol's fingers shaped themselves naturally around Myungsoo's slightly larger ones. He nodded to himself in the gloom. He had been right. "Yah. You have a fever." Sungyeol climbed out of bed, and let go of Myungsoo's hand (it curled up in a ball at this, so it wouldn't miss Sungyeol too much). Sungyeol came to stand in front of Myungsoo. Raising his hands, the boy slowly, gingerly placed one palm against Myungsoo's forehead, cool fingers soothing the hot skin. The other hand tenderly brushed back Myungsoo's fringe, to expose the warm forehead.

Myungsoo stared at Sungyeol's face, just inches away from his in the dim room. Why did he have to be so concerned? And right after he'd made up his mind as well. If it wouldn't have made him look as if he'd gone completely batty, Myungsoo would have torn out his hair in frustration. Sungyeol was weakening his resolve. Almost unconsciously, Myungsoo's eyes trailed down Sungyeol's cheek, gaze lingering on the smooth skin. Myungsoo just wanted to lean forward, to brush his burning lips against the cool skin...

Myungsoo realised that his body had tilted forward a fraction, and hurriedly leaned back on the balls of his feet, lest he do something that would probably make him hate himself as long as he lived. Myungsoo didn't want to ruin their friendship. He wanted them to stay like this, forever. Ignoring the way his body protested, Myungsoo shuffled backwards a few steps, towards his own bed, away from Sungyeol. Myungsoo had to remember to keep his eyes off Sungyeol. He'd stick to the promise he'd made to himself, no matter what.

Sungyeol felt the unnaturally warm skin leave his hands. His hands missed the contact, but he'd rather die, than allow it to show. Sungyeol took a baby step towards Myungsoo, then stopped, hesitated. What if he did something to give himself away? Sungyeol didn't want to ruin their friendship. He wanted them to stay like this, forever.

But Myungsoo needed help. Sungyeol swallowed nervously. It was okay to go close to Myungsoo now, right? Afterall, the boy was sick! Sungyeol's eyes travelled to where Myungsoo stood, arms hanging limply from his shivering frame. The way Myungsoo frowned to himself made him look like he was in pain. Sungyeol cursed inwardly. Myungsoo was weakening his resolve. Almost unconsciously, Sungyeol's eyes trailed up to Myungsoo's face, gaze lingering on the perfectly messed up hair. Sungyeol just wanted to walk forward, to bury his hands in the soft hair...

Sungyeol shook himself mentally. He couldn't entertain those kinds of thoughts now. Ignoring the way his mind protested, Sungyeol slowly closed the gap between them, and lightly shoved the boy onto the bed behind him.

Myungsoo's eyes widened, as Sungyeol came nearer. Damn. Of all times, why did he have to get now?! The way Sungyeol had pushed him onto the bed, the way Sungyeol now hovered over him, just watching his face. It was almost too much to bear. Myungsoo tried to keep himself grounded to the reality that Sungyeol didn't have feelings for him, by gripping onto the bedsheets, hard.

Sungyeol made sure that Myungsoo was comfortable, by lifting his head gently onto the pillow. Sungyeol felt Myungsoo's body stiffen, and he slowly let go of Myungsoo's head that he had been cradling. Did Myungsoo really dislike his touch so much? The corner of Sungyeol's mouth curved up into a smile, to cover his hurt.

"I'll be back." Sungyeol said, as he left the room to get an ice pack.

Myungsoo watched as Sungyeol disappeared from sight. He smirked at Sungyeol's back. Because he wanted to smile, ask him to come back, make him take his hand again--but that would give him away, and so his smile broke in half. He heard a muffled thump, as Sungyeol probably bumped into something (clumsy giraffe, Myungsoo thought with another half-smile).

When Sungyeol returned, three icepacks in his hands (just in case one wasn't enough), he found Myungsoo shifting uncomfortably on the mattress, one hot, shivering hand slightly clawing at the collar of his sweaty shirt. Sungyeol set down the icepacks on a bedside table, then turned back to Myungsoo, hands on his hips, deep in thought. Myungsoo watched him, wondering what Sungyeol's internal struggle was about.

Sungyeol took a deep, calming breath, as he stepped towards Myungsoo again. He'd made up his mind. Myungsoo's shirt needed to come off--his fever would become worse if the sweat chilled him. You've seen him top-less so many times, Sungyeol tried out self-hypnosis. This is nothing.

"Take it off." Sungyeol's voice was low.

Myungsoo's hand stilled. He looked over at where Sungyeol stood, an unreadable expression on his face. Myungsoo hated that expression. Because it meant that Sungyeol was hiding his thoughts, and Myungsoo liked being able to guess what Sungyeol was thinking.

"Excuse me?" Myungsoo guessed he must have heard wrongly. He watched, as Sungyeol's tongue swiped once over his dry lips.

"Your shirt. Take it off. You'll get cold." Sungyeol his heel, and fetched another shirt from their closet.

"What? No..." Myungsoo crossed his arms over his chest, fingers curling to hook onto his shoulders. He didn't know why, but stripping in front of Sungyeol now felt a little weird.

Sungyeol turned back, to see Myungsoo in the classic Egyption mummy pose. He raised an eyebrow at Myungsoo's defensive position, which was a strange reaction, given that they had been teammates for years now, and the nearby public bath was a favourite haunt of all seven members, when they had the free time. "Yah. You a girl?" Sungyeol grinned suddenly at the boy.

Myungsoo felt his stomach warm up again. Grumbling, and still reluctant, Myungsoo placed his hands on his button. His hands didn't seem to obey him. he growled a little, willing them to work, but the fingers kept shaking, and skimmed uselessly over the button. He sighed, then tried again. To no avail.

Sungyeol stood by his bedside, shirt clutched in one hand, watching Myungsoo's struggle. Not wanting to waste any more time, Sungyeol dropped the shirt, swatted away Myungsoo's incompetent hands, and took over.

Myungsoo glanced down at Sungyeol's fingers, working on his buttons, and knew that the situation could get dangerous. What if he lost control? Myungsoo imagined Sungyeol's disgusted expression. Myungsoo couldn't let that happen. Grabbing hold of Sungyeol's wrists in an attempt to stop him, Myungsoo used one of his feet to poke Sungyeol in the stomach, his weak spot.

"Yah!" Sungyeol's hands left the shirt, to defend himself from the tickling feet, face scrunching up with laughter that Myungsoo smiled at--until Sungyeol smacked the offending foot away, and clambered atop Myungsoo's stomach to escape from the assault.

"Oof." Myungsoo felt the air leave his lungs, as Sungyeol landed rather heavily on his stomach, and sat there, looking triumphantly at him. Myungsoo frowned at the boy on top of him--how could he treat him like that?! He was ill, for pete's sake... The frown dissolved as Sungyeol's fingers went back to work at ing his shirt, and Myungsoo lay there, dazed, as he watched Sungyeol's face for a while--then realised that he should be stopping the boy.

"No..." Myungsoo groaned out, what with the weight on his stomach, squeezing the air out of him. He placed both hands on Sungyeol's chest, trying to push him away. Normally, this would be an easy feat for Myungsoo, but he felt frustratingly weak from the accursed fever, and Sungyeol managed to pop open two more buttons, fingers moving down to the last one.


Both boys' heads snapped around to look at the person who had stepped into their room unnoticed. Sungjong stood, a CD case in one hand, with a ridiculously happy smile on his face, as he looked at his hyungs on the bed.

Sungyeol looked down at Myungsoo, who was panting under him, almost half-, and realised what it looked like they were in the middle of. His face turned an unnatural shade of purple as he turned back to Myungsoo's "boyfriend".

"I-It's not what you think!" Sungyeol said, waving his hand frantically in front of his face, only to jump up, and crack his head on the bed's headboard, as he overbalanced.

Myungsoo heard the sound as Sungyeol's head hit the wood. That must have hurt. Instinctively, his arms wrapped around Sungyeol's head, hands cradling it, fingers rubbing and soothing the spot which was starting to form a small lump. Then he realised what he was doing, and let go of Sungyeol, who promptly rolled off the bed, in his eagerness to create a safe distance from Myungsoo.

Sungyeol glanced at Sungjong, nervously swallowing until he realised that Sungjong didn't look angry or hurt at all. If anything, he looked pleasantly surprised. Sungyeol paused, confused.

"Aren't you guys..." Sungyeol trailed off, looking from Myungsoo to Sungjong. The maknae understood, and shook his head vigorously.

"But, but, but--" Sungyeol started, more bewildered than ever, and Sungjong ignored him, and cut him off.

"You confessed, hyung?!" The younger boy whisper yelled (nobody wanted to wake the rest of the hyungs up). Myungsoo started to shake his head, but froze, as he realised what the maknae had said in the presence of the boy he'd been trying to hide his feelings from. He looked down at Sungyeol, a look of pure horror on his face.

"Yah! Of course not--"

"How'd you find out--"

Myungsoo and Sungyeol looked at each other. Sungjong looked at both of them, and passed a hand wearily across his face. He hadn't really realised until tonight, just how idiotic his hyungs were. Sungjong felt a twinge of sympathy for the pair, and decided to be merciful.

"You love him." Sungjong rolled his eyes, and left the room again, shutting the door behind him. Once outside, he grinned, as he congratulated his hyungs silently.

Back inside the room, both the boys looked at each other, wonderingly. Myungsoo crept to the edge of his bed, to peer down at Sungyeol, who was still sitting on the floor where he'd landed just now.

"You mean you never noticed?" Both boys spoke in unison. Smiles danced slowly across their faces, lighting them up in the dark, as it finally registered in their minds.

"You're seriously an idiot." Myungsoo ruffled Sungyeol's hair. Sungyeol's hand came up to his head to copy Myungsoo's action, just as he'd expected.

"No, you're the idiot." Sungyeol huffed, trying to mask his rush of near-insane happiness, his rush of affection he felt towards the boy. His attempt failed, as another smile tugged at his lips.

They stared at each other, and their hands sought out the other's once more, fingers tangling so messily that it seemed as if they'd never come apart again. For sure, they'd both been idiots. For sure, they'd both hurt alone so long for nothing. But now the pain was gone, replaced by a happiness that couldn't be described in (coherent) words.

They didn’t  know just what to say for the moment, to express themselves--the relief, the gladness.

So they laughed.


To all Myungyeol shippers, i hope you enjoyed thisssss xD!!







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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 5: Cute ending
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 1: I love this
khasabat #3
Chapter 5: Aigo-aigo...they are so cute and fool, yeah its because all desission would appear in their relationship as beties. Its love after all, so nothing over and bad for up! All of love need change for explore how wonderfull love.
Ah you make great story...thanks author-nim
Chapter 5: /ugly sobbing/
OMO...Absolutely loved this story... So much emotion I was in tears at the end...Happy tears for SungYeol and Myungsoo...
Chapter 5: Far out, hopefulagain, This fanfiction is completely beautiful. I love the view on both perspectives and how their emotions and feelings were brilliantly depicted in the text. It made me feel both warm and heart-tearing inside while reading the story. Thank you creating such a masterpiece and I hope you continue to write more awesome fanfictions! C:
Chapter 5: KIDDING :P
of course i read it ..XD
My MyungYeol heart <3
Chapter 4: so heartbroken >.< *pout*
i don't wanna read anymore T.T