So He Smirked

So He Smiled.

Hey readers!! Here's the Myungyeol chappie :)... HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY ITTT xD!!!!! Although I don't think it's as good as the first chappie...oh well... Anyways...Comment, and give feedback, pleaseee <33333



There were many reasons why Myungsoo smirked that night.

Myungsoo waited, until he was sure that Sungyeol was safely asleep in their bedroom, before he returned. He'd been in Sungjong's room, laughing most of the evening away, as he retold Sungyeol's jokes to Sungjong. They were good jokes: side-splittingly funny. Sungyeol had told them to Myungsoo, one rainy afternoon years back, when they were still rookies, when they were still uncertain of success. Myungsoo still remembered them word for word though, and it wasn't only because the jokes were so funny. There was another, deeper, darker reason, that he'd rather be killed than say now:

Because he couldn't forget anything to do with Sungyeol.

Every tiny detail about the boy seemed to jump out at Myungsoo, assaulting his senses, drawing him in. It wasn't like he was obsessed or anything, Myungsoo had tried to explain to himself, so that his mind would make more sense. Myungsoo hadn't had a say in it at all. Like how he loved it when Sungyeol laughed, because he always threw his head back, and that showed off his amazing jawline, and made Myungsoo draw in a quick breath, unconsciously. Like how he loved watching Sungyeol drink water, because he would unscrew the bottle just so, and anyone could see how beautiful his fingers were, how they begged for attention.

Like how he couldn't help loving the boy. He smirked.

Myungsoo's smirks nowadays were halved smiles. Because he was afraid that his heart would shatter a little more, if he really, truely smiled. Because a smile meant he was happy, like when he was with Sungyeol, like when they teased each other, like when they didn't need words to show their affection towards one another. Like how he'd been in the past. When the bittersweet memories haunted him now, he wanted to smile, because they'd had so much fun together, and he could still see the way Sungyeol had laughed, with him.

But then, he'd remember that it was all over now, that Sungyeol had never been his to love in the first place. And then his smile would become broken, and bent into half--he would smirk.There had probably been a time, when he could almost believe that those days would last forever, but they didn't.

At the back of his mind, Myungsoo knew they'd come to an end, eventually.

What hurt the most was that it was nobody's fault that his life had become this wrecked mess. He couldn't blame his sadness on anyone, couldn't force his heart to heal by turning the pain into anger. When songs with overly-cheery lyrics played on the radio sometimes, Myungsoo would smirk, and be reminded of time spent with Sungyeol. Basically, every stupid love song now reminded him of the boy now--happy ones about the laughter and the smiles, and the sad ones about how Myungsoo would always be alone.

Myungsoo sat beside Sungyeol's bed, where the sleeping boy lay, and leaned back against the frame, covering his eyes with one limp arm. All he wanted to do now, was kiss Sungyeol until he surrendered, and agreed to love him.

No. Screw that. Myungsoo's hands curled up into balls, defensive, as he tried to fight the pain. What he really wanted to do now, was to turn time back, to before he tried the test on Sungyeol, to when he could still wonder, blissfully, unknowingly, if maybe, just maybe, Sungyeol would love him too someday. Now all that was left, was the unwanted knowledge, the empty space next to his heart, that used to be filled with desperate hope. As time went by, and Sungyeol's reactions didn't change, Myungsoo felt as if that space was starting to crumble at the edges, festering, growing bigger, until all that would be left of him was an empty shell.

And when that happened, Myungsoo could almost bet his life on it, that he would still be smirking. Because the memories with Sungyeol would still be haunting him with the echoes of their laughter. Because he could never forget Sungyeol.

This was what they called heartbreak? To feel like an empty husk? Like an empty vase, so fragile? Myungsoo had always thought it'd mean hurting all the while, thought it'd mean going crazy with the pain, just like they sang in the slow, sad ballads he used to listen to with Sungyeol.

But then, Myungsoo had never gotten his heart broken, so he couldn't say. He smirked a little at that. It seemed that only Sungyeol had that ability to screw up his life like that.

So when his hand came up to his chest, to bunch the fabric in the grip of his fingers and bang it against his ribcage, trying to fill the void in his being that was being eaten away by loss, Myungsoo knew that the space was never really empty and nor would it ever be--Sungyeol was in there, somewhere, with that smile that meant nothing in the end, and the silence that'd meant everything afterall.

All Myungsoo had worried about was how Sungyeol was straight. Hell, he'd seen the way he teased the girls. Sungyeol would never reciprocrate his feelings--Myungsoo would always be left alone. He didn't tell anyone about what was really going on inside his head. Because he was afraid that his friends'd think he'd gone nuts. He wasn't quite certain that he was sane himself. He smirked at the boy through the gloom that separated them.

Myungsoo had taken about two and a half years to come to accept that he loved Sungyeol something more than a friend. That for Myungsoo, Sungyeol was the only one he wanted. The only one he'd wanted for such a long time. He was reminded why too, as the memories played through his head.

Myungsoo sneaks a peek at Sungyeol as all seven members dance, in perfect sync with one another. Myungsoo watches in the mirror, as Sungyeol tries his best at the choreography. Everytime he looks up, Myungsoo's heart lifts at the glimpse of the exposed jawline. Myungsoo's eyes follow Sungyeol's hands, as they move through the air, because the fingers just beckon his eyes. Myungsoo's mind moves away from the dance, as he becomes absorbed in taking discreet glances at Sungyeol as he dances, enjoying watching the performance that only he seems to see.

Distracted, Myungsoo makes a small mistake, and out of the corner of his eye, he sees Sungyeol glance at him. Myungsoo curses silently. He hates himself for being careless. To Sungyeol, he has to be perfect! Still sensing Sungyeol's eyes on him, Myungsoo pours his soul into the dance, making every hip bigger, every chest pop ier.

Myungsoo can still feel Sungyeol's eyes on him, and loses himself in the dance, perfecting each move, so much that it completely takes him by surprise when Hoya is knocked onto him, and everybody falls over, except the culprit--Sungyeol. Myungsoo knows it is selfish, but he hopes the mistake is because Sungyeol was shaken by his dance. Myungsoo glances in the mirror, to comfirm, but in that split second, Sungyeol turns away, and Myungsoo can no longer feel his gaze.

Sungyeol wouldn't have seen Myungsoo flash the best smile he could manage at him.

Myungsoo's smile faded away.

The images didn't take mercy on Myungsoo, they didn't stop at that painful memory. Myungsoo couldn't breathe normally.

"We'll be splitting you guys up into groups, to practice on the choreography." Their mentor said to the seven of them, as he walked out of the room, his job done.

There was a scattering of activity at these words, as the boys lached onto their closer friends, that they'd wanted to be grouped with. Myugnsoo watched as Sungyeol looked around the room. As expected, Sunggyu hyung chose Woohyun hyung, and Dongwoo was with Hoya, beckoning to Sungyeol excitedly to joing their group. Sungyeol hesitated, then walked slowly towards them.

Myungsoo had reached out his hand, to pull Sungyeol towards him, and tell Sungyeol that he'd chosen him, but Sungyeol had moved away before Myungsoo had a chance to touch him. Watching as Sungyeol moved slowly towards his waving teammates, Myungsoo's heart sank with every small step that took Sungyeol away from him.

Myungsoo knew that he was being silly--this group arrangement was only a temporary thing. But Myungsoo just couldn't let Sungyeol simply walk away from him like that. Myungsoo wanted to spend as much time as possible with Sungyeol.

But it seemed that Sungyeol didn't feel the same way.

Making up his mind, Myungsoo lunged forward, and caught hold of Sungyeol's arm, hating himself for his own selfishness. Sungyeol froze, and didn't even turn around to look at him, just stared at his fingers silently. Myungsoo swallowed. He hadn't thought of what to do after he'd stopped Sungyeol from leaving.

So he did the first thing that came to his mind.

"No...I want my Sungyeol..." Myungsoo didn't dare to look at Sungyeol's face, as he spoke what was probably the most sincere words he'd ever said out loud. Hooking an arm around Sungyeol's neck, Myungsoo dragged them back to their original spot, so he could pretend that Sungyeol had never left him.

"Maybe it's better if I join them..." Myungsoo heard Sungyeol's low voice, beside his ear. He smirked at the sentence. Because he wasnted to smile, to show Sungyeol how much he would like it if they could be in a group together. But the idea that Sungyeol hated the notion broke his smile.

"No!" Myungsoo wanted to tie the boy down, wanted to handcuff their hands together, so that Sungyeol wouldn't go, so that Sungyeol wouldn't leave him behind, so that Sungyeol wouldn't leave him alone. But he knew it was impossible, because then Sungyeol would hate him. He'd lose Sungyeol. Heck, this love was confusing him, screwing up his mind, until the only thing that remained clear was how much Sungyeol meant to him.

"Promise you will stayyy..." Myungsoo encircled his fingers around Sungyeol's arm possessively, swinging the arm a little. His fingers would have to make do for handcuffs, and his words would be the only thing that could bind Sungyeol to him. Even so, he needed this, needed the confirmation. Myungsoo managed a proper smile this time, when Sungyeol nodded slightly.

But Sungyeol never saw, because he didn't turn around to look at Myungsoo.

Myungsoo's face twisted, as he tried to keep his smirk intact--he had to practice looking like he couldn't care less, so Sungyeol wouldn't find out, and be disgusted by him, and push him away for good. This loneliness was one of the reasons why he started talking to Sungjong so much--the maknae also loved someone who would never reciprocrate the feeling. Sungjong had told Myungsoo that his crush was from another group, and Myungsoo didn't want to push for more information. He knew how hard it was to even talk about the subject.

When it got too difficult, just loving Sungyeol in silence, Myungsoo would go to Sungjong, and they would support each other. Sungjong was a good kid, a good friend, but it was never the same as talking to Sungyeol. He couldn't laugh as much, he didn't feel as much. But talking with Sungjong gave Myungsoo strength to carry on--at least he could be with Sungyeol everyday. Sungjong hardly ever got to see the person he loved.

Just now, as Myungsoo had listened to the jokes Sungjong told him in an effort to cheer him up, Myungsoo had been reminded of that day, when Sungyeol had made him laugh as he'd never done before...

It was after a practice that day, when they were still rookies, that Sungyeol had stayed back to perfect the choreography. Dancing wasn't one of his strong points, and he'd told Myugnsoo he wanted to make sure it didn't show. So Myungsoo had stayed back with him, because he knew Sungyeol hated being alone, because he wanted to give him support.

Watching Sungyeol dance, Myungsoo took out his handphone, and video recorded Sungyeol dancing. If Sungyeol had caught him at it, Myungsoo would have just shrugged, smirked, and said that it was for Sungyeol to review and improve. He would rather die, than let Sungyeol think he was a creepy stalker.  

Afterwards, they'd gone out of the studio, and sat down just outside the building, watching the downpour. None of them had remembered to bring an unbrella, so they'd have to wait for the rain to stop, before setting out for the dorm.

They'd sat on the step, and talked about everything, and nothing. They teased each other, and made each other smile, and Myugnsoo had told Sungyeol about his family members, and how his sister confused him--she could be so cute and deathly annoying at the same time. When Myungsoo saw Sungeyol smile, his heart lifted with the corner of the boy's mouth. Sungyeol said that he was just like his sister, so Myungsoo smacked him over the head, and Sungyeol returned the blow playfully, just like Myungsoo knew he would. He and Sungyeol were always hitting each other, but it was just a form of contact, and it showed (Myungsoo had hoped) how close they were.

Sungyeol had told Myungsoo his jokes, and they'd been so funny, that Myungsoo couldn't resist laughing. It was amazing, the way Sungyeol's face lit up along with Myungsoo's. It had occured to Myungsoo afterwards, that perhaps the jokes hadn't been all that mindblowingly funny.

Perhaps, Myungsoo thought to himself, a warm feeling rising from his stomach, and threatening to settle in his chest, he'd laughed just because he was glad? Glad, that he'd made Sungyeol smile so wide? Glad, that he'd been lucky to meet someone as amazing as Sungyeol?

Perhaps, Myungsoo concluded, he'd never know for sure.

Two weeks ago, Sungjong had urged Myungsoo to confess to Sungyeol. Afterall, if he didn't try, he'd probably never find out how Sungyeol thought of him. Myungsoo thought that made sense, but he was too scared to try anything. 'Wait', he'd implored, watched by Sungjong's doubtful eyes.

Then, he'd gone on to propose the stupidest thing in his life--that he and Sungjong posed as a couple. From Sungyeol's reaction, he'd be able to tell if the boy loved him back. So they'd tried it out, after Myungsoo convinced a reluctant Sungjong.

The results had crushed Myungsoo. If anything, Sungyeol only smiled more, and spoke little to Myungsoo about the "relationship". It was as if he hadn't noticed.

"You seem much happier nowadays..." Sungyeol had trailed off, and looked into his eyes with an unreadable expression on his face. Myungsoo had been taken aback. He wasn't happier at all. It was unexpectedly difficult acting like he loved somone else, especially infront of Sungyeol. Because it was impossible, it would never happen, and Myungsoo had realised it at that moment. He had wanted to stop.

Myungsoo hadn't found any words to say to his best friend. He eyed Sungjong, and had smiled brokenly. The maknae had been right. They shouldn't have tried out this stupid test. Myungsoo hadn't wanted Sungyeol to think anything was amiss, so he'd just nodded, and kept on staring at Sungjong, avoiding Sungyeol's gaze.

Now, Myungsoo lifted his head a little, to look at the sleeping boy. He couldn't help himself when his arm shifted forward, and took hold of one of Sungyeol's hands, and his fingers curled around Sungyeol's. Myungsoo never wanted to let go.

The small movement made Sungyeol's eyelids flutter open, and the boy lifted himself up on his elbows, eyes glancing from their entwined fingers, to Myungsoo's face, half shrouded in shadow. Myungsoo glanced at his best friend, who was staring at him, head to the side, wondering at the hand that gripped his.

He knew Sungyeol would never love him the way he did. Myungsoo knew he'd never risk losing his best friend by confessing. He looked straight into Sungyeol's wide eyes, and saw the reflection of a scared boy in the dark orbs. He shakily let go of Sungyeol's hand. Myungsoo was afraid of his decision, but he didn't want Sungyeol to catch on. Myungsoo tried to grin, to show that everything was okay, but he knew that he'd be lying, and that broke his smile.

So he smirked. 


Finished with the sequel part 1!! Pleaseprettyplease comment to tell me what you think of this storyyyy!! Thanks <333333333333333333





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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 5: Cute ending
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 1: I love this
khasabat #3
Chapter 5: Aigo-aigo...they are so cute and fool, yeah its because all desission would appear in their relationship as beties. Its love after all, so nothing over and bad for up! All of love need change for explore how wonderfull love.
Ah you make great story...thanks author-nim
Chapter 5: /ugly sobbing/
OMO...Absolutely loved this story... So much emotion I was in tears at the end...Happy tears for SungYeol and Myungsoo...
Chapter 5: Far out, hopefulagain, This fanfiction is completely beautiful. I love the view on both perspectives and how their emotions and feelings were brilliantly depicted in the text. It made me feel both warm and heart-tearing inside while reading the story. Thank you creating such a masterpiece and I hope you continue to write more awesome fanfictions! C:
Chapter 5: KIDDING :P
of course i read it ..XD
My MyungYeol heart <3
Chapter 4: so heartbroken >.< *pout*
i don't wanna read anymore T.T