Battle of Father's Ego

A Thousand Years

We spent our ride back home in silence last night after our dinner with the Jung’s. I didn’t even say anything since we left the restaurant, and when we arrived home, I just went straight to my private study room and stayed there for some time. I need to be alone.

Honestly, I felt offended with how Jung treated my son. I mean how dare him disregarding my son’s good intention not to mention a very polite attempt to ask for his permission to date his daughter as if my son is no one. He is my son for goodness sake! I raised him with my own hand, I watched him grew up as good man with my own eyes and I personally supervised him to be a good man and I am proudly to say that I know my son inside and out! How dare that old man degrading my son!

I know he didn’t actually say no to A.J, but did he have to say it like that?! Proving himself? What’s there to proven more?! My son graduated as one of the best students from each of his schools, he received more than one full scholarship invitations from famous universities around the world, he graduated on top with two degree at once! He has a very bright future to make any girl he chose to be with him lives very well! And he’s serious enough to ask for that old man permission to officially date his daughter and he just got to disregard my son like that?!

But then if I think about it again, I could understand why Jung put a really high standard to let anyone date his daughters, because I could say I did exactly the same with Jackie’s boyfriends. Only this time, the situation is a bit different. This time, I’m not the one who did the threatening, but its my son who gets the threats.

“Now it all gets back to you isn’t it? Its backfiring you” I was too immersed with my own thoughts and annoyance about tonight’s event I didn’t even realize my wife already closed the door and walked to where I am to stand near where I sat, crossing her arms then looked at me disapprovingly “I told you before not to be so hard on Jackie’s friends because we have a son and maybe one day he will get such treatments as karma, but no you just think exactly the same with what David did tonight so don’t you dare feel annoyed with your own friend decision about this matter Alfred”

“How come you stand behind enemy’s side, you’re supposed to be on my side, with our son, not them” I can’t believe this!

“I am in no one side, I refused to get involved in such childish battle between father’s ego” My wife just back stabbed me!

“Marlyn Liu! How could you?!”

“Oh don’t be so dramatic old man” she rolled her eyes on me? what the.. “Besides, your son is not affected at all, in fact, he becomes more determined to get permission from David, you should be proud of him”

“Of course I am, he’s after all, my son” and I have all reason to feel proud of him, he is really my son!

She scoffed before she sighed.. Wait, my wife just scoffed and rolled her eyes on me! “Say anything you want to say Alfred, but so you know, you make A.J worried”


“Yes, because you haven’t said anything after what happened tonight” ah yes.. That I did “He’s worried that what David said affecting you much more than it affected him, or worse, he’s worried that you’ll feel offended with what David said, and you’ll think about not letting him meeting Krystal anymore”

“What? That’s nonsense!” as much as I feel annoyed, or offended, I wouldn’t do such things that I knew very well could make my kids sad “Marlyin honey you know I wouldn’t do that, yes maybe it affected me because I felt like when Jung questioned A.J’s ability to be a suitable match for his daughter, he questioned me about my ability to raised my son, and yes I do feel kind of offended because of that, but I won’t do such things as stopping my son from seeing someone he’s serious to be in a relationship with”

“I know Alfie” my wife hugs me tight while rubbing my back, knowing exactly how to make me feel a lot more calmer after more than twenty five almost thirty years of marriage “But you can’t blame A.J to think that way, you didn’t say anything after dinner and when we got home, you just went here straight away, I have to stopped A.J to follow you before a misunderstood occurred between you two”

I sighed “Where is he?”

“Waiting for me to inform him whether its okay to talk to you or not” my wife said as she gently rubbed my face as part of her way to make me calmer before giving me a good peck right on my forehead, and I like it and it does made me calmer “So is it okay if I tell him to come to see you?”

I sighed again “Are you going to be with us when we talked?” slightly giving my wife a look she would feel hard to refused.

But its failed for tonight “No, do the father and son talk you always bragged about, just listen to him, tell him what you feel, and come to bed, you might find a little surprise because you know I couldn’t really resist that puppy eyes of yours big boy” or maybe not

“Then what are you doing here? Call him in and wait for me in bed” she giggled oh I love the way she giggled, have I ever told you that my wife is hot even in her forties? Oh yes she is.

“Dad?” but for now my hot wife should wait because I need to talk with my son.

“Come on in son, your mom said you wanted to tell me something?” I asked him

“I.. I just want to say that I’m not backing off dad. I know you might felt offended with the way Mr. Jung talked, but believe me dad, it didn’t makes me wanted to give up. I determined to prove him that I’m worth it to be with Krystal. I wanted to gain his trust, I wanted to get his approval no matter what”

“Son you do know that David Jung is very protective towards his family, especially his daughters that he could come up with the most craziest ideas just to make your journey to be with his daughter miserable”

“It makes me even more determined”

Part of me, as his father wanted to advise him to find an easier way about this matter, by finding someone else with lesser risks to face an overprotective father like Jung, but the other part of me can’t help but to feel very proud of my own son A.J. I just wish Jung wouldn’t do anything crazy that will hurt my son, because he’s not the only over protective parent around. It just happened that I have more common sense than that old man.

“Okay then, I won’t stop you, I kind of like Krystal anyway, but if David went overboard and hurt you in process, I won’t hesitate to sacrifice years of friendship because he’s not the only one here who loves his own kids”

“Dad Mr. Jung won’t do anything harm, don’t worry”

“You don’t have daughter yet A.J, if you have one, you’ll understand how crazy a father can be to protect his daughter, and guys, are the biggest threats, especially a good one like you” he looked at me confused, I wish he would understand, but he wouldn’t, just yet, until he have his own.

Meanwhile in Jung’s residence..

Mr. Jung just received a new text messages, its from his trusted person. And that person informs him, that that person already have what Mr. Jung needs, he replied to that person to meet him somewhere tomorrow, then he locked his phone, lay down on his bed, and evilly smirk.




There! My once in a year update,hahahaha,this story is getting out of hand i'm telling you,i'm being suicidal by continuing this story because i don't know what will happen next,i'll just follow my mood and my wacky brain,muwahahaha,seriously,don't let your hopes high,i'm not even sure if there's anyone read this ._. but anyway,i updated HAHAHAHA,okay,sorry for the grammar errors,english is not my first language,well enjoy~ until next year~ HAHAHAHAHA,i'm crazy ._.

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laperlateehee2 #1
Chapter 7: Hahaha nice story,LDW, as usual. Papa Jung is so funny.

kryberrrrrr is cominggggggg wheeeee
dede123 #2
Chapter 7: I can't wait for KRYBER! :)
Mr. Jung is so funny. Haha.
Thanks for the update. And Please do update soon. :D
DerpinJae #3
Chapter 7: i hope daddy jung wouldn't do something to aj that will hurt his daughter so much.. he would want his daughter to be hurt because of him right? hahaha
Chapter 7: Nyahahahahahahahahahaha.. Daddy david and Mommy Meridith........

Ohh okay..
Chapter 6: Tsk.. tsk.. tsk..

Bad daddy jung.. he's got bad plans.. Aj should watch out for his back..

Now I wonder what drama Daddy David will bring to our Kryber..
Chapter 6: WWWOW you updated.

Daddy Jung is up to no good,eh? Tssk tsssk
chandyto #7
Chapter 5: author your story was great...why didnt u update another chap?aishh....
29 streak #8
Chapter 5: woohh..i was thinking of my future while reading this.. being a father...Wow!! big word..
ace022 #9
Chapter 5: I love Momma Jung so much! She is jjang!!!!
Chapter 5: Hmmm....i hope i won't do be too ridiculous like Mr.Jung one day :D

thanks for the update