THE Classified Project

A Thousand Years

I can’t believe this. I simply really can not believe this. I’ve been sitting for quite some time, flipping the whole content inside these file folders my private investigator slash family attorney gave me and I found nothing to get me a go against that kid!

“What is this? A valedictorian, the recipients of a full scholarship from many reputable universities and then graduated in double course and each course has perfect GPA? Very talented in both musical and sports fields? LIVING A LIFE WITH A GO GREEN MOTTO?!” this is ridiculous, this is madness! And that’s exactly what I said to the young man who sits in front of me “THIS IS RIDICULOUS! THIS IS MADNESS!”

I heavily sighed “This can’t be real Taengoo-ah, you got to help me here, dig more about this kid and I want to know everything, to the point about did he ever fart in public? Did he ever stuck his bugger under the table? Did he ever eats his own bugger? Anything! Any kinds of things if you couldn’t find any record about some scandalous things that involved him or even a parking tickets violation!”

“Currently me and my man still trying to find more records about the young Liu Mr. Jung and rest assured that once we found any, I will personally inform you as soon as possible” I know he already did his best, but I’m too desperate once I read all of the info’s Taengoo gave me.

“I know, and I thanked you for doing what I asked you fast enough Taengoo-ah, even though I know you must have a lot more important things to do but to stalk on a punk who tried to get my daughter away from me”

Meet Kim Taengoo, my private investigator, confident, family lawyer along with his father, and Edith’s nephew which reminds me “Oh you and your dad didn’t tell anyone about this right?” my wife wouldn’t be so happy to know this, that’s for sure and I don’t want to be in my wife bad side.

“No Mr. Jung don’t worry, dad gave me direct orders, because he’s currently overseas taking care of a contract negotiations for your company, he told me to helped you instead, I apologize if I couldn’t provide you much information that you needed”

“Ah its not your fault, this punk is just too slick and too smart to hide all his flaws, but I will find it, we will find it” oh I’m sure about it, because seriously, logically speaking, is there any living being in this world that has a very perfectly clean records like this? No, I’m sure he must have something I could use to go against him, and when I do, kukukukuku, I’ll not hesitate to use it with all my heart.

“But.. Pardon me to say this Mr. Jung, he seems to be a good kid for me, I just wonder why..”

“You clearly don’t know anything son” I pitied this young man “You are a guy yourself, and personally from what I see and know thorough out all these years, you’re a good kid too, but what do you want to do when you have a girl near you, someone you like and likes you much as much as you likes her? Look me in the eye and tell me you honestly never have any slightest thought that you would like to put your hands inside her pants and do the whole humpty dumpty shake a wawa thing with her”

Looking at his flustered face I know he knows what I’m trying to tell him.

“I just want someone worth it for my daughter. And currently, for me, he’s not even close” I know he’s that good, its flashy enough.

But that’s not what I want to know about the man that my daughter would live her life with. Not his family background. Not his personal achievements, educations, career or financial situation wise. Everyone can do that, heck there’s even a genius kid there who was end up being a psychopath killing other people mercilessly for God knows the reasons. Not how he showed his personality in public. But I want to know him.

The real him.

And if I ever found one misbehave coming from him. I wouldn’t hesitate to shack him off my daughter’s life, even if Krystal would hate me for some time, I wouldn’t have a second thought, because all that matters is my baby princess well being. She must have a happy end, especially even when I’m not around to make sure that she’ll always have her happy end.

“Er.. Excuse me, Mr. Jung..”

“Yes Taengoo?” what is that tingling sensation I wonder.. It tickles..

“Your phone has been ringing for sometime sir, maybe..” why is this kid staring at my left chest? Is he..

“Ah my phone! No wonder why I kept feeling that weird tingling sensation, thanks for telling me Taengoo”

“Yes sir”

And oh my God I am surprised “Taengoo-ah, you didn’t tell your aunt about this meeting right? You didn’t even tell Ppany?”

“N..No Mr. Jung, dad kept reminding me not to do that and I am very aware on how classified this matter is for anyone outside our secret circle”

“Are you sure? I know how weak you are with your wife son” this kid can resembles a jelly once he’s with his wife, what a whipped =_=

“Yes sir” hem.. I can see he’s not lying

“Okay then, but shush for now, I need to take this” okay calm down David, you can do this, calm down, must be calm, must not get caught lying by her or you’re in danger, a great great danger David, come on man, you can do this! Inhale, exhale.. Must not make her suspicious at you, must not slipped, must sound confident and sure, must not hesitate, do not make a second thought before answering her questions, must be firm and proper! Inhale.. Exhale..

“Er.. Mr. Jung..”

“What now?!” this kid! Can’t he see I’m trying to concentrate here?!

“Mrs. Jung text me asking for your where about because you didn’t pick up her phone, do you want me to reply?”

Hem.. That’s actually a good idea, he answer, he lied, I am free from guilt to lie at her which I know she would never like, not to mention why did I lied to her.. 

But.. What if she got suspicious and then she got curious and then she calls him to interrogate him and use his wife in the process?! “NO! I mean.. No Taengoo, I’ll handle it” and as if it reads my mind, my phone starts to vibrate again, informing an incoming call from my one and only in my life, my wife.

“Yes honey?”

“Where are you?” *gulp* she sounds scary.. NO! it must be my imagination, must stay cool and calm, cool, calm, cool, calm.. “David! Are you there? Hello?”

“Yes honey! I mean.. Yes honey? I’m sorry, bad recipients, I was on a meeting earlier, with government people, you know, about THE project?” smooth Dave, very smooth.. Oh Almighty God up there, please let this one slide please, I promise I would never lie to this woman you’ve blessed me with ever again! Just for this special matter only God, for our daughter sake God please!

“Oh? And where is this meeting being held? Because I called the office and your secretary said you went out..” God.. Pleaaase.. TTT_TTT

“At a restaurant they wanted us to meet honey, you know how government people sometime, they want it to keep it classified from public eyes, they don’t want our meeting to caused so much drama made by the media’s or the oppositions if they saw us together, so they chose some place by their own for us to discuss about THE project” at least I didn’t entirely lied to her, I did have a meeting for a classified matter.

“Oh? Did I disturb you?”

“No, of course not, we just finished, they just excused themselves a minute before I pick up your phone, so what is it honey? Why are you calling?”

“Is Taeng with you there? Because I texted him, asking about you but he didn’t reply” Oh shoot! Think fast Dave think fast!

“Maybe he’s on his way? I did ask him to pick me up, I went out using a cab from office, talking about bunch of paranoid people those government officials are” at least I didn’t entirely lied to her, yes God? So please God! TTT_TTT

“Okay then, I better not asked more about that project since we’re on the phone right now” good idea honey and thank you God! “Well I just want to call you to make sure whether you had your lunch or not yet dear..” My wife.. “I understand that you have a lot of things to do and to think to make sure everything goes well there for the sake of your own and your employees family, but please, do not skipped your meal, okay? I don’t mind losing one or two of my platinum credit cards and stop shopping for some time, as long as I have the man I fell in love and got married with right next to me in a perfectly healthy condition for the rest of my life..” thank you for blessing me with this woman God..

“Did I just got flirted by my own wife? Not that I mind” as impossible as it may sound, I think I just fall in love once again with the same person I have been in love with for all these years, my wife.. “And don’t worry, I already have my lunch because damn sure I am going to be right next to you for the rest of your life, in fact I’ll stick to you like I am your Siamese twin to make sure no one else comes close to my woman! You are mine and only mine Meredith Jung, and I am going to make sure you’ll forever be Meredith Jung”

“Look who’s being a flirt, silly you..” from the very first time I heard her giggles until now, it always sounds so melodious in my ears “Just make sure you’re not stressing yourself much there okay dear? And if you could manage to come home a little bit earlier than usual.. Maybe I could give you a good massage after you take a nice warm bath..?” O_O did my wife just.. I can’t be wrong! That low y tone.. “David, honey, are you there?”

“Please prepare that nice and warm bath for me now honey, because as soon as I see Taeng’s car, I’ll jump in and tell him to make use of that fast sports car of him to get me home in a less than 20 because mommy, I’m coming~ Oh what do you know! That’s Taeng! I’ll hang up now, wait for me honey!” That’s it, the punk can wait, Krystal would thanked me for giving her more time with him, because I have a wife to take care

“Taeng, you know what to do now”

“I’ll make it in less than 15 Uncle David!” That’s why he’s my favorite nephew!



What's with AFF? x_x and no,let's not elaborate about what will Mr.&Mrs.Jung do ._. next would be Kryber, but will i update soon or not, that, is the question *_*9 posting this without edit, in a middle of an internal meeting and with unstable office wifi

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laperlateehee2 #1
Chapter 7: Hahaha nice story,LDW, as usual. Papa Jung is so funny.

kryberrrrrr is cominggggggg wheeeee
dede123 #2
Chapter 7: I can't wait for KRYBER! :)
Mr. Jung is so funny. Haha.
Thanks for the update. And Please do update soon. :D
DerpinJae #3
Chapter 7: i hope daddy jung wouldn't do something to aj that will hurt his daughter so much.. he would want his daughter to be hurt because of him right? hahaha
Chapter 7: Nyahahahahahahahahahaha.. Daddy david and Mommy Meridith........

Ohh okay..
Chapter 6: Tsk.. tsk.. tsk..

Bad daddy jung.. he's got bad plans.. Aj should watch out for his back..

Now I wonder what drama Daddy David will bring to our Kryber..
Chapter 6: WWWOW you updated.

Daddy Jung is up to no good,eh? Tssk tsssk
chandyto #7
Chapter 5: author your story was great...why didnt u update another chap?aishh....
25 streak #8
Chapter 5: woohh..i was thinking of my future while reading this.. being a father...Wow!! big word..
ace022 #9
Chapter 5: I love Momma Jung so much! She is jjang!!!!
Chapter 5: Hmmm....i hope i won't do be too ridiculous like Mr.Jung one day :D

thanks for the update