Daddy's Fear

A Thousand Years

Being my Dad’s Princess would be every daughter in the world kind of dreams gets to be real. My Dad would do anything for his daughters, me and unnie. He always made sure that we get what we want, we have what we need and if that means endless shopping, so be it.

Out of material things, Dad always tried to be around us no matter how busy he could be. He always checked up on us, asked for updates about us from mom if he couldn’t reach us, basically everything he could so that we can always feel his presence around us. Just to make sure we know how much he loves us, and believe us, we do, we really do. But I’ve had enough, it started to suffocate me!

“Ugh! I mean seriously, I’m legal enough to drive my car alone ad I’m not legal to have boyfriends?! And I can’t believe he flatly said no when there’s a good guy wanting to have a serious relationship with his daughter! Would he prefer some punk to date me?! And he called A.J punk?! Is he really OUT OF HIS MIND?!”

And that exactly what I told mom when we were having breakfast the next morning after the dinner night, of course without that annoying old man, because I purposely getting off my bed late, so I didn’t have to spent entire breakfast time with him.

“I mean, I just don’t get him! What was he thinking?! I can’t stand him, how can you stand him?!”

“Watch your tongue young lady, I agree with you that your daddy has done something outrageous last night, but he have a reason behind it, he always does whenever he start to act like this and believe me when I told you its because he loves you, and don’t you ever questioning on how could I stand it to be on his side no matter how annoying, stubborn and childish your daddy can be most of the time, because you wouldn’t understand unless you are me!”

And I should have known better that mom will always stand beside him, no matter what, great.

“Listen Soojung-ie.. I know your daddy being a little bit childish whenever it comes to this matter”

“A little bit mom? Please, you’re being modest”

“Fine, more than just a little bit childish whenever it comes to this matter”

Even that still sounds too modest for my understanding.

“Of course you remember what happened to Sooyeon’s friends in the past, even Yul before your daddy finally said yes”

“Thanks to you that is”

“No.. Soojung! Let me finished first!”

I rolled my eyes then sighed “Fine..”

“Yes, it was me who’s in the end telling him to stop all of his childish acts and pranks and start knowing Yul like how a father of a daughter getting to know his daughter’s friend normally, but you do know their marriage wouldn’t happen if he still refused to do what I asked him to do right? You know how stubborn he can be”

“Its obviously because dad would never said no to you”


O..kay.. That’s new.. Dad, actually said no to mom?

“Remember Sooyeon’s former boyfriend Jay?”

“Kind of? I remember dad and unnie got into a big fight when dad kicked that guy out of our house and that’s the first time I ever heard them arguing”

“Because Sooyeon were so in love with that young man, she even threatening your daddy that she would run away and live with that young man if he still against their relationship”

What the..

“And believe me when I said I’ve tried many ways to make your dad changed his mind.. Well.. He didn’t”

“That’s kind of odd, dad actually saying no to you.. But what does that have to do with me?”

“Because what you are doing now is kind of similar with what Sooyeon did to him, you are angry at him, annoyed at him, disappointed maybe?”

“That’s pretty obvious isn’t it mom?”

“But do you know why did he act like that?”

I rolled my eyes, this is going nowhere really “Because he loves me?”

“That too, but no.. That’s not entirely the reasons why”


“He’s scared”


“Yes, scared”

“What sorcery is that?! I mean, mom, seriously, we are talking about dad here, he’s not afraid of anything, that’s how he raised us, even though we are girls, he taught us not to be afraid of anything anyhow in anyway, and you told me, he became this childish because he’s scared?!”


“Of what?”

“Of losing both of you”

This is ridiculous “Huh?”

“I know, it really sounds ridiculous, but Soojung-ah.. You must know, that ever since Sooyeon and you were born, he always carried this fear inside him, that one day he’ll lose the both of you”

“I don’t understand it, I mean, why would he feel that way? Where would we go?”

“To follow your own respective spouses to wherever they are?”

What the.. “Mom, you do realize that it really sounds ridiculous right?”

She smiled at me and said “No its not, in fact, its normal..”


“You wouldn’t understand until you have your own child, but I really understand your daddy’s fear, heck even I have it, I mean for goodness sake, I carried you both, 9 months each, watched you two grew up and suddenly I might lose contact with the both of you because you’d be busy with your own life your own family and we’ll be old and forgotten”

“Mom, that’s not going to happen, no matter what we’ll always be near you two”

“Oh I know dear, but I can understand if even the both of you got too busy to even spare an hour or two to call us just to asked about how’s our day going, I’ve done my phase when I was in both of you age. Drifted between parents and children once you all grown up is something really inevitable, but your daddy.. He just love both of you so much..”

“But it doesn’t mean he could stopped us from having our own happiness”

“He doesn’t honey, of course he doesn’t mean that way”


“He just wanted to make sure that what makes you happy, will always be your happiness”

“I don’t get it”

“Ever since both of you were born, he swore to himself that he would give nothing but happiness for both of you, he swore that he will dedicate his life to both of you, his fortune, his time, his attention, everything he has in him, even I need to compete with both of you to have those..”


 “Kidding honey, the bottom line is, he wants both of you to always be happy. I guess he got to be a bit cocky because then both of you were always depended on him, he became both of you hero, best friends, almost everything, until both of you grown up.. And that’s when the fear creeps in him.. Slowly but sure, both of you becomes less depended on him.. Both of you spent times with your friends more until he rarely could find you both presence during breakfast and dinner time even weekends when he finally had time to stay at home.. And then love came..”

My dad can’t be that ridiculous, can’t he?

“Slowly but sure, both of you starts to spent more time with that person, put that person as the center of your attention, becomes depended on that person most of the time.. He felt.. Left out..”

“Mom, you do know we never meant it that way”

“Of course I do Soojung-ie, and I’ve told your daddy about it and he knows its ridiculous”

“And he keeps doing it anyway?”

“Because he wanted to make sure.. He wanted to really make sure that this person really worth it to be with his daughter, and that’s why he did what he does last night.. He wanted to make sure if A.J is worth enough.. You do remember that among Sooyeon’s former close friends, only one can finally made your daddy agree right? Because somehow, he could convince him, and that’s what he wanted A.J to do, to convince him”

I don’t know how should I process it, I mean, half of me said, daddy is being super ridiculous! But on the other side, he’s the most loving dad child would ever asked for..

“What should I do mom?”

She smiled again “Let your dad do what he knows best, he promised me last night, and tell A.J to be serious if he wants to convince him, but then you have to realize one thing Soojung-ie.. If A.J failed.. Then that means, he’s not the one for you..”

“What if dad make as if he’s not the one for me?”

“Oh dear.. He knows better not to mess with mommy Jung” as she sipped her tea calmly





THERE! I finally update! yes? I know ._. anyway, until some other random time! Pardon for any kind of mistakes..

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laperlateehee2 #1
Chapter 7: Hahaha nice story,LDW, as usual. Papa Jung is so funny.

kryberrrrrr is cominggggggg wheeeee
dede123 #2
Chapter 7: I can't wait for KRYBER! :)
Mr. Jung is so funny. Haha.
Thanks for the update. And Please do update soon. :D
DerpinJae #3
Chapter 7: i hope daddy jung wouldn't do something to aj that will hurt his daughter so much.. he would want his daughter to be hurt because of him right? hahaha
Chapter 7: Nyahahahahahahahahahaha.. Daddy david and Mommy Meridith........

Ohh okay..
Chapter 6: Tsk.. tsk.. tsk..

Bad daddy jung.. he's got bad plans.. Aj should watch out for his back..

Now I wonder what drama Daddy David will bring to our Kryber..
Chapter 6: WWWOW you updated.

Daddy Jung is up to no good,eh? Tssk tsssk
chandyto #7
Chapter 5: author your story was great...why didnt u update another chap?aishh....
27 streak #8
Chapter 5: woohh..i was thinking of my future while reading this.. being a father...Wow!! big word..
ace022 #9
Chapter 5: I love Momma Jung so much! She is jjang!!!!
Chapter 5: Hmmm....i hope i won't do be too ridiculous like Mr.Jung one day :D

thanks for the update