In the Closet with Baekhyun (7th Spin) Clean VER.

Wanna Play A Game?

 It became quiet in the closet. You were blushing like crazy and you assumed Baekhyun was smirking in your direction. You heard him come closer to you. His hand lightly touched your hand. It brushed against it. The touch made you tingle.
He took another step forward. His hand brushed against yours one more time, before he took hold on it in his hand.
You looked towards the ground too embarrassed about the contact with him. His other hand reached forward and took hold of your free hand. The warmth of his hands caused a chill to run down your spin. You felt excited and nervous at the same time.
You waited for Baekhyun to make the next move. He did. One of his hands moved from yours, making it feel cold without his warmth. His hand traveled upwards and rested on your cheek.
He brushed his hand against your skin. You blushed and tried to look away, but couldn’t. His hand was brushing your hair back off your face, before grabbing the back of your neck and pulled your face closer to his. You felt his breath on you. His lips were centimeters away from yours. His lips brush against yours, but he was still teasing you. He didn’t kiss you quite yet.
He took in a deep breath, before pressing his lips against yours, kissing you fully. Your eyes shot up in surprise, but quickly closed again as you got used to the sensation.
Baehyun slowly pulled away from you, leaving your lips cold like he did you hands.
You looked up at him waiting to see what he would do next. Instead, he only chuckled and brushed his hands through your hair again.
“Your beautiful.” He stated in a soft, calming voice.
Your ears rang by the sound of his voice. “Th-thank you.” You shyly answered back.
His face got closer to yours again. His cheek brushed against yours, as his lips went towards your ear. “No…” He said firmly, “Thank you.” He pulled away and kissed your cheek, before leaning down to meet your lips again.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and his arms pulled you closer by wrapping them around your waste.
You were in complete and utter bliss.
He pulled away to get some air as you did the same. This moment couldn’t have been better. The only thing that would make it better was it if could last longer.
At that moment, there was a knock at the door. You frowned, looking up at Baekhyun. His hand made its way up to your chin, pulling our lips close to his once more.
“Another time.” He promised as he pulled away from you.
You nodded, smiling towards him. As the door open and shined in on you, couldn’t help but notice the smile on Baekhyun’s face.
It was the brightest smile you’ve seen on him to date and you couldn’t help but think, you were the cause of it.
Baekhyun and you exited the closet. He put an arm around you shoulders as he led you to your seat. As you parted, his hand touched yours once more.
As he left, you left cold without his hand on yours any longer. You couldn’t help but frown at that fact. But his words repeated in your mind, causing you to smile, “Another time.”
You smirked to yourself, “Yes, another time.”
As you looked towards Baekhyun, you noticed he was thinking the same thing. He just smiled that radiate smile at you, for the rest of the party.


Stay with Baekhyun:

Try someone else: (Chapter 33)

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imcllin #1
Chapter 43: .................. YEAHHHHHHHHHX'D
Pi-chan #2
can you please update this came ?
XxBoram4everxX #3
Chapter 9: I'm confused on clean: and : part?!
kpopgirl2494 #4
I got Kai..what a day!!XD
Chapter 30: On the 10th spin. Why can't I find the next part for Kris?!?!?!
mysoulisstarving #6
Chapter 39: i knew yeolli was number 69... update soon., i want the dirty version ..