The Snowflake

Wanna Play A Game?

You picked up the small shiny object and smiled. It was a beautiful snowflake. It sparkled in your hands, glittering in your eyes. You looked up. You held out the beautiful crystalline object carefully. “Who’s is this?” You asked warmly. You notice Xiumin fidget. He looked nervous. You walked over to him. “Here.” You held out his object toward him.
He took the other end and stood up, while you still held your end. You froze. He looked at you. You ignored his chubby cheeks, because suddenly you were glued to his eyes and you couldn’t move. You were frozen in place.
You tried to take a deep breath in, but you couldn’t, you couldn’t look away from Xiumin. Until, finally, he blinked, breaking the contact first. You let out the deep breath you were holding in, as he seemed to do the same.
Kris smirked at his older member’s reaction. “Well get going you two, Times wasting.” He hurried you along.
You let go of your end of the snowflake. Xiumin fixed his grip on it, placing it in his pocket.
It was quiet between you to as you walked toward the closet. It wasn’t long, though it felt like forever to you, until you were inside the closet. ‘At this rate,’ you began to think, ‘nothing is going to happen.’



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imcllin #1
Chapter 43: .................. YEAHHHHHHHHHX'D
Pi-chan #2
can you please update this came ?
XxBoram4everxX #3
Chapter 9: I'm confused on clean: and : part?!
kpopgirl2494 #4
I got Kai..what a day!!XD
Chapter 30: On the 10th spin. Why can't I find the next part for Kris?!?!?!
mysoulisstarving #6
Chapter 39: i knew yeolli was number 69... update soon., i want the dirty version ..