Rain Drops

Friend Zone


Tiffany can't seem to move-on about the kiss that Taeyeon gave her last night. It became sweeter when she saw Taeyeon's status on facebook saying.

'One kiss in the forehead is much sweeter than a THOUSAND kiss on the lips. No lust but full of love and respect.'

By just remembering this, Tiffany can't help but smile throughout her sleep and even when she woke up. The quote was tattoed on her head. Even when she took her shower and put on her clothes. A smile was plastered on her head. Then she giggled and threw herself from the bed. She hugged the pillow tight as she felt a weird feeling on her heart-- throughout her body. Her cheek were tinted by a red-like-tomato color. Her eye-smile were showing. 

Her daydreaming was interrupted when her mom suddenly calls her.

"Tiffany! Breakfast is ready. Hurry down and eat."

Tiffany rushed to the kitchen and sat across the table with a crazy smile on her face. Mrs. Hwang placed the plate with pancakes infront of Tiffany, then Mrs. Hwang stared at her daughter with a weird expression. Mrs. Hwang looked at her husband, her husband just shrugged it off.

While Tiffany is on her deep thoughts. Mrs. Hwang told her to bring umbrella due to a bad weather. But to her dismay, her daughter forgot to bring it. The married couple just shook their head, unbelievably at their daughter.

"What's wrong with her?" Mr. Hwang asked as he finished his cup of coffee.

"I don't know Yeobo."

"Did Taeyeon came last night?" Mr. Hwang asked. Taeyeon was like a son to Mr. Hwang. He knows how close Tiffany and Taeyeon are and he was quite amazed by Taeyeon, he doesn't know why. There's just something that amazes him.

"Yes. He ate dinner here."

"Ahh. Anyway, I better get going. I'll see you tonight." Mr. Hwang stood up from his sit and gave Mrs. Hwang a peck on the lips.

"Okay. Drive safe honey."


"Yah! Let go of me!" Taeyeon struggled ro escape from Yuri's tight grip on him.

"No way! You'll run away again." Yuri tighten the grip as the entered their school. Yuri waved his hand to get Jessica's attention, who is currently zoning out with Tiffany.


"Omo~ Tiff they're here." Jessica quickly run towards Yuri and gave him a bear hug. Luckily, Yuri still got Taeyeon with him.

"Goodmorning Princess. Good morning Fany-ah." Yuri greeted. Tiffany just smiled as she hid herself on Jessica's back.

Meanwhile, Taeyeon is still trying to free himself from Yuri. Which finally came to success.

"Hah! I'm free." Taeyeon shouted as he celebrates his freedom. He did dorky dance that made the three laugh. As the hyperness subside, he fix his jacket and hair, making a hair flip.

For Tiffany, it was like in slow-mo with sparkling effects around him.

"Yah! Tiffany. You're daydreaming again." Jessica voiced out as if she wasn't doing it awhile ago.

"What?! No!" 

Jessica rolled her eyes and started walking beside Yuri. Now Tiffany and Taeyeon were left behind.

"Err~ A-ahm. G-good Morning." Taeyeon sttutered as he greets Tiffany. Probably because of the kiss.

"A-ahh yeah. Morning." Tiffany flashed a quick smile and started walking away. Her face is once again blushing because of Taeyeon.


The class went well as well as the lunch time. Tiffany was happier since Taeyeon was there to eat with them. It was also embarassing since Taeyeon have to shove the sandwich in just to make her eat. That's what she get if she refuses to eat.

But then Taeyeon and Yuri have to left the two girls since they have the same time on their practice today.

"Hey Taeng!" Yuri shouted as he pass the ball to Taeyeon.


"What's the status?"

"What status?"

"Oh c'mon. Between you and Tiffany? Is there something?"

"Nothing much. I guess we're becoming friends again."


"Yeah. Her mom invited me on dinner last night."

"Again. Really? How was it."

"The same."

The conversation didn't stop even when they have to run all olver the field. 

"Hey isn't that Jessica?" Taeyeon pointed to his left while jogging across the field. Yuri tilted his head to check.

"Yeah. She's supposed to be in the class right now." Yuri stopped running and went to the bleachers, followed by Taeyeon.

Their body were soaked in sweats. Yuri grabbed one towel for him and Taeyeon before proceeding to his girlfriend.

"Miss Jung. Don't you have classes around this hour?" Yuri tried to sound serious.

"It was minutes ago. I only have 2 subjects today same as Tiffany." Jessica glared at Yuri then looked away.

"Oh. I thought you skipped class today." Yuri replied as he sat next to Jessica.

"You didn't bring any food with you?" Taeyeon asked as he wiped all the sweats forming on his forehead.

"Nope. Tiffany will." Jessica replied without looking to Taeyeon. She was busy wiping Yuri's sweats.

"Ahh. Arasso." Taeyeon started walking away. But was stopped by Jessica.

"Where are you going? Tiffany is already here." Jessica pointed at the other direction.

Tiffany started placing the food on the bleachers. Taeyeon started walking again.

"Yah! Taeng! I thought you were hungry?" Yuri asked while chewing the food on his mouth.

"Not anymore!" Taeyeon started walking again.

Tiffany hung her head low. Feeling sad by Taeyeon's reaction.

'Does he hate me now? What's with him?' Tiffany asked herself.




Taeyeon's POV

Argh! What is wrong with me? Why do I have to leave? I am such a jerk! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

I shook my head dissapointedly at myself. Then I started putting my books in my locker.


My phone vibrated, indicating an incoming message. I took my cellphone out and started reading the message.


From: Kwon Yuri

Hey! Dude. I'm pretty sure we left Tiffany there.

Sorry for ditching her. You're on your own.

And ooh! It's gonna rain. I swear. It'll rain.


Received at 4:53 pm


They left Tiffany here? And it'll rain? 

As soon as I started walking the rain started to pour. It was lighter then it got heavier and stronger. I just hope there will be no thunder. How could Yuri predict all this?

I ran along the hallway to look for Tiffany. There she was. Shivering to death. How could those two lovebirds leave her here? I walk slowly so I won't startle her. I took out my jacket and slowly put it on her. She was shocked. She started turning her head, slowly looking at me. It was a confused look. I gave her smile then she look away.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked me, it was almost a whisper but it's enough for me to hear it. 

"No. What makes you think I'm mad at you?" I asked back. I didn't bother to look at her instead I stared at the pouring rain.

"You left when I showed up earlier."

"I'm not. I was just-- uhm I was-- I was being stupid." I look down on my feet. It's true.

Silence started filling the atmosphere. Pouring rain can be heard loud and clear. There was no student left but us. Luckily the school doesn't close until 9. My body started to feel cold.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked, ignoring the coldness. I shifted my head to face her.

"Waiting for the rain to stop. You?" (No. I'm actually waiting for you. -Tiffany)

"I guess I have to run to a nearby store." I beamed a smile on her.

"What for?"

"I'm gonna buy an umbrella." I took out my phone and handed it to her. "Hold this for me. I'll be back in a minute." I was about to run but suddenly she grabbed my wrist.

"Wear your jacket." She sounded worried. She looks worried.

"No. Wear it. I'll be fine. It's not that cold anyway." I smiled at her, hoping that she would shake away those worries. She nod at me and smiled slightly.

I ran off as fast as I could. But the rain is heavy. Before I knew it, I was already drenched in water. Darn it. I continued running fast, looking for a store. Damn this stores, how could the close their shop when umbrella is needed. Then a loud rumbling thunder roared on the sky. Not good. Luckily a small store selling umbrellas was open.

I entered the store. Waters were dripping off of my clothes. I took whatever umbrella is there then headed to the counter. The cashier girl stared at me with a weird face.

"That would be 10 dollars sir." I took out my wallet with a shivering hand. I opened it and saw my money was soaked in water. Darn it.

"Do you accept credit cards?"

"No sir." I sigh in dissapointment and started thinking what to do. Then my eyes landed on my watch. No way. Aish, I can't do it. Then a thunder roared once again.

"I don't have 10 dollars in cash. But take this. It's worth more than 10 dollars. You can sell it in a pawnshop." With that I headed out of the store and ran again.

All I could think is Tiffany after that two thunders. I ran even more faster like that super hero named flash. 

After running for minutes I arrived at our school. I searched for Tiffany along the hallway.

"Pani-ah!" I shouted through my panting. Then I heard a sob not far from me. I turned around and there she was. Crying on the corner of the locker. "Pani-ah." I said softly as I kneel beside her. My hand went straight to her shoulder.


Tiffany's POV

I can't help but cry when another thunder came. I was scared to death. It's worse because Taeyeon is not here. The rain keeps on getting stronger. I sat on the ground and continued crying. I leaned my head on the locker. It's getting colder and I felt so weak.

Come back now, Taetae.

"Pani-ah!" That voice. I want to move my head but I can't. I want to shout but I can't. "Pani-ah." He called softly. 

"Taeng?" I spoke weakly. My energy suddenly starts to restore. I can finally move my head up. His clothes were soaked in water and he's shivering. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug. I rested my head on the crook of his neck. Although his clothes were totally wet, I could still feel his warmth.

"Hey. Stop crying. Let's get you home." I don't know what to say but I broke the hug quickly. He was still shivering though it's not that obvious. If he gets sick after this. I am so gonna blame myself.

"Yah! Don't tell me you ran back here without using this umbrella." 

"I was in a rush." He smiled slightly while rubbing the back of his neck. How could he be so hot like this. His abs were showing off of his wet t-shirt.

He put one arm around me, pulling me closer to him. How could he always make me blush in any kinds of situation. What is this? A job of him now? We stayed like that until we reached our  house. 

No One's POV

Tiffany opened the gate. She entered first followed by Taeyeon. They were greeted by Tiffany's parent. Her mom is full of worries. 

Mrs. Hwang hugged Tiffany with a teary eyes.

"I thought something happened to you. I told you to bring an umbrella." Mrs. Hwang said not breaking the hug.

"Sorry mom. I forgot." Mrs. Hwang broke the hug and held Tiffany by the shoulder. She tilted her head when she noticed some water flowing.

"Omo~ Taenggo." Mrs. Hwang quickly left Tiffany with his dad and went to Taeyeon. "Gwaenchana?" She asked.

"Nae~ Auntie." Taeyeon answered as he bows. "If you don't mind. Uhm, I better get going." Taeyeon smiled at Tiffany's parents as he prepares himself to leave.

"No, Taenggo. Stay here. It's a typhoon. It's dangerous." Mrs. Hwang said, as she stops Taeyeon from leaving.

"Anni- Auntie. It's okay. I'll take a cab." Taeyeon smiled once again.

"There's no cab right now. Look at the rain and the strong winds." Mrs. Hwang insisted. They were like playing tag-of-war.

"She's right Taeyeon-ah. Stay here for tonight. It's dangerous." Mr. Hwang spoke.

Taeyeon can't be stubborn now. It's Mr. Hwang.

"Arasso~ Mr. Hwang."

Mr. Hwang pouted as he heard Taeyeon calling him by the surname.

"Yah. You're calling my wife 'auntie' but you're not calling me 'uncle'. That's unfair." Mr. Hwang crossed his arms and pouted like a little kid.

Tiffany together with Taeyeon and Mrs. Hwang giggled at Mr. Hwang's childish act. Tiffany felt like she was introducing her future husband to them. She loves how Taeyeon and her parents get along so well.

"Whatever yeobo. Anyway, Taenggo take a bath you too dear. After that let's eat dinner."

"You haven't ate dinner yet?" Tiffany asked.

"No. I was so worried that we forgot to eat dinner."

With that, they did what they have to do. Mrs. Hwang gave Taeyeon some small clothes from Mr. Hwang's closet. A white t-shirt and black jogging pants. Tiffany was also done taking bath and changing clothes.

The table is set for dinner. Taeyeon took his seat near to Mr. Hwang. Tiffany is next to her mother.

They ate in silence after their small talk. Mr. Hwang keeps on glancing at Taeyeon, thinking that something is wrong.

"Taeyeon-ah. Are you alright?" Mr. Hwang asked. Tiffany and Mrs. Hwang turned their gazes to Taeyeon.

"Ah Yeah. Just a little dizzy." Taeyeon replied. He took another piece of bulgogi and ate it. He was getting weaker and weaker as dizziness keeps on growing. But he managed to keep his cool and act like nothing's wrong.

After dinner Taeyeon went straight to the guest room as he was feeling really heavy and dizzy. Mr. Hwang and Mrs. Hwang went to bed also. 

Tiffany on the other hand doesn't know what to do. She wants to see Taeyeon but she doesn't know how. She thinks she would just disturb Taeyeon's rest. She went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

"I know. I'll just sneek into his room." Tiffany smiled on her little plan. She then proceeded on her plan. She opened the door slowly, hoping that it won't make any creeking sound. Tiffany smiled once again as she saw Taeyeon sleeping like a baby. She walked  closer and sat on the ground. She just watched Taeyeon inhaling and exhaling. She traced Taeyeon's face and carassed his soft cheeks. Then her fingers landed on Taeyeon's soft lips.

"How I wish I could kiss that all day." She whispered to herself. She touched Taeyeon's face once again but a strange warmth bothered her. She placed her palm on Taeyeon's forehead. "Omo~ You have a fever Taeng."

"Pani-ah. It's cold." Taeyeon muttered as he hug the blanket tighter. He started shivering.

'Is he awake?' Tiffany asked to herself. She went out of the room to get the basin and a wet towel. When she got all the things she needed. She put the basin on top of the table nearby the bed. She soaked the towel once more and squeezed the towel until there is no more water to be squeezed out. She folded the towel and placed it gently on Taeyeon's forehead. 

Taeyeon groaned as coldness suddenly touched his forehead. He forced himslef to wake up and it was a success. He opened his eyes slowly. He saw Tiffany's blurred figure. "Pani-ah?" He spoke weakly. He slowly raised his hand to cup Tiffany's face but before he could do it. Tiffany stopped him.

"No don't move. You have a fever it's better if you don't move. Just rest."

Taeyeon just followed her and went back to sleep. "Thank you Pani-ah." He muttered and drifted to dreamland.

Tiffany waited for minutes so Taeyeon will be surely in deep slumber. Tiffany slowly leaned forward.

"Now it's my time to return the kiss." She muttered then gave Taeyeon a soft kiss on the forehead. She blushed madly and look around the room though there's no one else but them. 

"I love you Taetae." She whispered before turning off the lights and leaving the room. 


Another chapter. :))) Enjoy :))


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sweet_taeny #1
Chapter 11: Just 1 sequel plezzz
Chapter 1: Thank you for this :)
gabiel #3
Chapter 11: That's it :'( please update more author-nim
mymh_bee #4
Chapter 11: Yeyy happy ending.. Hope Taeny will always have their happy ending :) <3
Chapter 11: Happy Ending for TaeNy. They deserve this (:
pocket077 #6
nice storie......
Chapter 11: Sweet ending for everyone in this story :D
I hope there will be sequel of this author :)
Author daebak!^^
sweetstrawberry06 #8
Chapter 11: Sequel pls author!! :)))
Chapter 1: SEQUEL PLEASEE !! :D

I'm not getting enough with this author-sshi!
Which mean you did a really good work ! ^ ^
LOVE IT ;) !