Poetry 002

Random Pieces

I am a musician
I wonder if I can make the perfect musical piece
I hear millions of beats and tracks on loop
I see lyrics floating around in mid-air
I want to become an important piece of musical history
I am a musician

I pretend I perform in front of thousands
I feel the bass hum
I touch the barrier that contains my creativity
I worry about people’s reactions to my work
I cry over my unfinished pieces
I am a musician

I understand that hidden meaning behind lyrics
I say to other people my work is truly worthless
I dream about success in my career
I hope to be understood by society
I try to express my heart and soul through my performances
I am a musician

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Chapter 4: about your question. Yes i have cried myself to sleep, and woken up with dried tears....its sad i know. But i am not the only one who does it, i know that as well. btw im still reading ur chqapters! so far my favorite one is chapter 4..? i think...it's about the girl with the knife. its sad. buti like it lol
Chapter 2: I like this poetry!! I barely like alot of authors writing on this site but yours imprssed me so far!! I'm a deep writer so I like it when ppl post poetry it writing like this <33 I'm not done reading all so far though!
Chapter 2: Dude. I found this while strollin' through the angst tag. I like the first one.