Coffee House

Random Pieces





The figure in black said.


They sat on a single stool, on a small stage, under a small spotlight, in a small coffee shop.

The figure fixed their hat, and repositioned the frayed strap of their guitar.


"One, one two?" the figure said into the small mike stand.


"Testing, testing, one two three..." the figure said unsurely.




A girl with dark brown hair lazily braided over to the side of her glasses-framed, fair skinned face in a baggy, gray, worn-out cardigan and faded jeans sat curled up in a red-leather booth in the corner, mug of warm coffee in hand. She watched the figure with great interest.




The figure plucked a cord, and then another.

Followed by another, until they had started and intro.




"If I die tomorrow, I'll have no regrets.

For I have lived my life for eternities

Waiting for you..." the figure sang in a soft, low voice.




The girl sat in the corner, sipping her coffee while watching the figure, humming softly to the continuous loop of those four melodic chords and the voice that never stopped.

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Chapter 4: about your question. Yes i have cried myself to sleep, and woken up with dried tears....its sad i know. But i am not the only one who does it, i know that as well. btw im still reading ur chqapters! so far my favorite one is chapter 4..? i's about the girl with the knife. its sad. buti like it lol
Chapter 2: I like this poetry!! I barely like alot of authors writing on this site but yours imprssed me so far!! I'm a deep writer so I like it when ppl post poetry it writing like this <33 I'm not done reading all so far though!
Chapter 2: Dude. I found this while strollin' through the angst tag. I like the first one.