Goodbye, Korea.

The Case of Innocence

So, I'm going to cut the story short you know? xD I don't think I should write more than 40 chapters like I usually want too. Yep, cutting it short.

I heard foosteps behind me as I was trying to get out of my wheelchair. I almost slipped until a pair of hands caught me before I fell down. I looked up at who was holding me up and it was Hyunsik. He was smiling with worry in his eyes. I smiled back at him as I got back in my wheelchair and looked up at him.

"What are you doing trying to get out of your wheelchair?" Hyunsik questioned while wheeling me back to the house.

"I was going to pick out the rose and put it in my room.. but since I have a balcony I can put it there." I smiled while looking around at the rows of beautiful flowers planted here and there.

I didn't know if I should ask him this question, but it wouldn't hurt right? "Hyunsik, would you care if I left Korea right when I'm able to walk?" I asked slowly trying to sense like I want to leave him or anything.

My wheelchair halted. "Wae? What happened that you want to leave so sudden?" Hyunsik asked while stepping in front of me.

"I just.. don't like Korea. It's too plain you know? I've been here too long and Singpore, Thailand, and America sound good! It's really beautiful at those places. I want to explore and study abroad. I feel like I've been in Korea too long. You know what I'm saying?" I asked while craning my neck upwards.

Hyunsik ran his hand through his hair and turned around while letting out a breath of air. I've seen him like this plenty of times and this meant he was frustrated. Kris has never done this, but whenever Hyunsik did it, it just scared the crud out of me because it was like being punished by my brother and TOP wasn't someone to mess with.

"I honestly.. don't know what you're saying Anahi. You don't need to go. You can just move to a different part of Korea. Busan, Jejudo, Mokpo, Daegu, or somewhere else! You can't go out of the country though. I can't accept it. Do you know how your father would react to this? Or your brother?" Hyunsik shouted while putting his arms on his hips.

I flinched and leaned back in my chair. "Wasn't this the reason we broke up?" I said quietly.

Hyunsik stopped going in circles and looked me straight in the eye.

"Yes, this was the reason we broke up. Our fights. I couldn't take it all the time. You are stubborn sometimes you know? And very blunt, but you've changed a little after we broke up and I want you back. I can't be your bodyguard my whole entire life." Hyunsik said while walking behind my wheelchair.

A cold breeze went though the garden as I was b tears in my eyes.

"Let's go. It's getting cold." I said through gritted teeth.

"Yes ma'am." Hyunsik replied while pushing me towards the house.

We didn't talk at all after that fight we had out in the garden. It was awkward at dinner and Kris left with TOP. I didn't really eat either. I just my food around and looked at everybodies stern expressions.

When it was time to sleep Hyunsik didn't talk to me throughout the whole night and just slept there soundly while I was there staring up at the ceiling, thinking about nothing and doing nothing. I had to leave soon so I thought let's go now.

1 Month Later

I waved goodbye to everybody as I set off towards the airport.

My dad and I were going to America to make a new branch there for the business and Kris and I are friends now. We didn't really change actually; We're still affectionate towards eachother and Hyunsik and I are a little distant, but we still talk to eachother.

I'm not attending school in America, but I will attend English classes. I haven't been to America for more than 2 years and I need to freshen up on my English because the other day I couldn't understand this one employee that came to the hotel and I was starstruck for like 2 minutes until Kris came and helped. Embarrassing right?

The car was off towards the airport and it was 5AM. I told my Dad I wanted to take an early morning flight even though I wasn't much of a morning person I still set it up whether I liked it or not. I just didn't want Kris and Hyunsik seeing me leave. It was too heartbreakening. No, there is no happy ending, but I am leaving which is my happy ending. I get to explore the world and-

"Anahi we're here." My dad interrupted me as I rolled my eyes.

I got out of the car with my luggage and walked towards the terminal. Nobody was out; Maybe since it's 5:30 in the morning and there's only 3 flights open this morning.

I looked around Incheon airport and breathed in my last breath of Korea. "See you in a year Korea!" I shouted while walking into custodies and going into the plane.

I took my seat next to my dad and I put my headphones on and listened to B.A.P's Goodbye. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and then the plane took off. I smiled to myself when I felt a soft hand touch mine. I was smiling, but my smile turned into a confused look and a frown. It wasn't my dad; It was Kris.

Kris waved one arm in the air and smiled sheepishly.

"Annyeong~(?)" He said sweetly with a questioning look.

LOLOL I think I'm complaining too much about this hospital. xDD HATE IT SO MUCH. -sniffles- Anyways, thanks for reading! :D Love you subbies and silent readers and also~ I'm just making things short you know? Don't get irritated at how much my writing skills .


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Sorry if everythings all over the place xD


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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 34: HAHAHAHAH!!! It's so funny and cute!!!!

Who would have thought a lot of guys were scared and mesmerised by Anahi (even her dad seems scared of her)... her family is sure funny ^^

I love the story so much !!!!

Great job authornim :D I wish you the best for all your other stories :D :D
Chapter 34: Aaaaaaaahhhhhh! It ended! But it was awesome! Thanks for writing and hope u can write more!!!!! ^_^
Chapter 34: wahhhhh~ and it ended already :(((( thank you soooo much for sharing this story to us author nim~ i really did enjoy this~ im gonna reread~ wooohooo~

plus your other kris fanfic ended also ~
Chapter 32: its ending soooon? :(( its okay i'll just reread this story again :)) coz i really like this :))
Chapter 27: Just read the last one n I don't think it was boring.
I just can't wait for their wedding! Lol jk
Just a suggestion hehehe
Update soon!
Chapter 26: Your welcome! Lol
I do wat I can lol jk hehehehe
Lol xD
I can't wait for the next update! ^_^
Chapter 25: she doesn't have much longer?! does she have some kind of cancer or something? ;'( I hope she doesn't die. authornim pweese.
Chapter 24: i'll wait for your updates author~nim fighting~^^
Chapter 2: Yippeee~ another krisxyou fic~ :33 imma read this the whole day,i just read chap 2 and so far i like it :))