The Beautiful Exchange Student

Ghost Whisperer

It's almost 2 in the morning. The people at this time is in deep slumber. No cars going back and forth. Silence all over. Then suddenly, a shriek were heard. A figure flying through the air. Someone has been following this figure.

"HEEEYY, DON'T YOU DARE RUN AWAY!!!" The figure reveals to be an Onryo and as she turn her head. A very mischevious lad with a long rod, jumps around like a monkey. The boy broke a smirk on his face. "Founda ya!"

"Hey, Goku, stop jumping around or Sanzou won't find you!" The little boy, known as Goku from an elder man. He snorts and lazily turn his head. "Man, he so slow"

Then the Onryo make her escape as both of them busy talking. But then a beam of light block her entry, blinds her as she fell into the ground. Then, suddenly the iron chains wrapped her body as she felt burning pain. "Guys, I think we should focus on this Onryo than talking."

"Sorry about that, Hakkai" Another elder man with short hair and a glasses walka towards the Onryo. "Now where is Sanzou,huh?" "Dang, he's late!!"

"I'm hungry"

"Gojyo, Goku, be patient." The Onryo were struggeling to get out from the chains, feels that it burns her skins. Gojyo then walk slowly towards the Onryo, struggling to get out. "What shall we do with this one?"

"I don't know" the little boy reply. " I say we kick her right now!" 

"Hold it."

The younger one turns around after the two elder men finish their turn. A beautiful blonde haired deer-like young men with yellow robe and a sutra hang from his shoulder. The younger pouts to the young men "You're late!!" The young men smiles gently to Goku while patting his head. "I know you're anxious but please be patient." The young men then turn to the Onryo who was almost died from the heat from Gojyo's chains. "I told you to go easy on her, Gojyo."

"The Onryo is not a person, how many times to I have to told you?"

"Gojyo, stop that will you?"

The blonde just sighs and turn to the Onryo. As he kneeled down to the Onryo. "I'm sorry that I have to do this to you. Please forgive me." he pats the Onryo with  a gentle smile which gave Gojyo a disastisfied groan "Oh man.." while Hakkai and Goku only just sigh "I guess I start to miss the previous one.." The blonde just turn to them. "Hey, that's not nice!!" as he pouts. 

I won't forgive you blondie, Oooohh I won't forgive you~~~I want you to release me RIGHT NOW and I'm gonna kill you, monk, you won't kill me hahahhahaahaaaa~~ while the Onryo grit her teeth with her sinister smile. The blonde shook his head lightly and as he steps back. The blonde begin to chant as his sutra levitates from his shoulders. As his voice became higher. The Onryo felt pain as the chains as she screams in pain. The Onryo swears to the blonde and his three companions And I'm gonna make sure that you'll rott in Hell. The White Lady will avenge me~!! as his voice begin to be so loud as he open his eyes. "Evil spirit who seek destructions of the human world." He then raised his hand toward the Onryo and the Sutra's fly straight to the Onryo's body as she disappears. The blonde then sighs "That was a ugly."

"Are you okay?" The younger brunette suddenly hugged the blonde. He nodded. "It is ugly sight, indeed." said Hakkai while fixing his glasses. "I guess Sanbutshin was right,huh?" 

"We gotta do something about this. That's why we're here, right?"

The blonde then looked up to the full moon from the night sky. "I guess we have to stay here for a while, won't we?"



2 Months Later

[Back to Soohyun's POV]

Thank God......

I looked at my report cards one more time for confirmation. I open them, Yup. Although not as good as Hyun Jong but at least not 30% below. I sighs in relief. "Thank God!!"

"Hey, Soohyun ah, what did you got?" My friend Donghyun whispers to me in the back. "I got just 41 from Math. Although it is. Yu's gonna scold me."

"You're maternal cousin,huh?" I nodded. I lied about Yu, actually Yu is a poltergeist and my family's spirit and she is also my partner. Yeah, I am a Ghost Whisperer, an Onmyouji of sort. My job is to dispel evil spirits, known as Onryo, who seek destruction and casualities of the humans and the White Lady is the ring leader. Although it's my big responsibility, but it's kinda, you know, burdensome and tiring. Just think having to study and practice at the same time. My ears hurt with all the scoldings from Yu and Hyun Jong. My life stinks, I know, but it IS my life from now on. Gotta stay sharp, Onryo can jump in anytime.

"Kim Donghyun"

"Y-Yes!!" Donghyun went up from his desk and walk straight to Ms Lim, my homeroom teacher. As I looked at Hyun Jong, after he finish looking at his report card. I whistled to him. I guess he figured it out and saw me. I mouthed at him "Hey, how are you?" Hyun Jong then nodded "The same. You"

"I made a progress this time."  

After the last students receive their report cards, well, a lot of people use to sughs in disappointment, sometimes their reactions is worth watching. I kind of finding them amusing but as great as Donghyun, though, everything he does is quite funny, even his reaction when he got a lowest score in school. "Oh man, my mom is gonna scold me for this.." I heard about his mom, though, a very tough woman, now that I think about it. Wherever Donghyun did something all she does is scold her and beat him up. Very amusing mother. If it were mine, she would have scold me too "That's the result you get for watching to many horror movies with your sister."

I begin to miss my family...

"Everyone, before we move to another lesson. We have a new classmate starting today." As Ms Kim signaling something through the door. A very beautiful blonde haired walk into the class, making the students starts to whispering. I gawked at his presense. He's very pretty, making me wonder if he is a girl. 

As the blonde standing in front of us with a smile. Ms Kim wrote his name on a chalkboard. Tang Xanglang. "That's difficult name." As Ms. Kim turn around as she is going to introduce the blonde. "Everyone, I'd like you to meet, Tang Xanglang. Our foreign students from Beijing,China." Everyone surprised and continue the whispering. I hated when the people gossiping others. It's kind of-- annoying. "Alright, then Student Tang, can you sit down next to Student Park,please" the blonde then looked at me, I startled a little, and I realized that my seat is empty. He smiled as he walk straight to me and was about to sit next to me but, a very tall man, whose the Dwaeji's bully friend, put his legs from my side. "Sorry, China boy, but this seat is taken, so get the f**** off to China, brat" I lookedat him, That's not nice  for speaking a foreigner like that. But this boy, Xanglang just smiled as he open his lips, Dwaeji's buddy suddenly froze, then I sense, a green aura surrounding him. I thought it would be Yu but then I saw a short young man, holding his leg. A brown haired young man, snickers. The blonde respond to him "Please,sir, will you let me sit here?" I was surprised and so does the students. He speaks fluent in Korean. The Dwaeji's friend's eyes widen. The brunette young boy just moved his leg from the seat. The brunette suddenly locked eyes with me. He seems flustered, he must of been surprised that I can see him, and so does the blonde but he faked his surpised look. As he is about to sit down, he turn to me with a smile, "Hello, my name is Tang Xanglang, what is yours?" I gulp in one second, I was really nervous, even looking at him, he is so beautiful even with his smiles. "P-Park S-Soohyun, my name is Park Soohyun"

"Soohyun? Well, then, let's be friends, Soohyun-sshi" As he lend his hand to me, asking for a handshake. I was nervous so I put my hands to his. Oh, what am I going to do, I gotta mixed feelings about this. There's no way I'm gonna feel in love with a boy. Then froma blink of an eye, the young brunette is gone from the moment that Xanglang sits down.

After that, so many people were gathered at our desk, I'm trying to hide my face from everyone. But I can see that Xanglang is really enjoying the commotion. "Are you really from Beijing,Xanglang-sshi?" He nodded "Yes, I was born there."

"Then, can you speak Chinese." He smiled and introduce himself in Chinese, the girls were kinda faint from that point. What to do, he is already famous, he's so open to others. "How can you speak Korean so fluently as your Chinese?" Xanglang just shook his head with a smile "No, I've home study at China and also, my mother is Korean, but she went to Buddha when I was a baby." the students were twitching their head. "Er, excuse me, went to Buddha?"

"That means she's past away, I'm sorry, I get used to that term." Then Xanglang turn to me. The blonde's expression turns bitter when he saw me, I thought that he was mad at me from the second. But when he turns to the crowd. He smiles "Excuse me, but can you leave me and Soohyun-sshi alone for a second. You might miss your recess time." then everyone forgot and quickly rush to the cantine. I was shocked, why is he doing that? As he turn to me. He smiles "Better?" I surprised. "D-Did you just--"

"I'm sorry about that. Are you alright now, you seem to be scared." He looks so worried there. I was flustered. I didn't know he's worried about me. I really didn't.  I shook my head "N-No,No. I-It just that-- I don't like the crowd."

"Soohyun here is quite a shy and very timid" Donghyun added. As I raised my hand, begin to spank Donghyun for teasing me. "You this kid, really!!" I turn to Xanglang while he's deer eyes shining. "D-Did I disturb your time?" I was expecting that he respon with a firm 'Yes' but he shook his head "No, actually I kind of wanted to get to know you."

"Soohyun ah, let's go to the cantine with your new friend" Hyun Jong waved at me. Xanglang then laughs as he nodded "Yes, I'd love too." I begin to smile a bit. I have never made a foreign friend before.

As we chatted. I begin to know Xanglang even more. He's a single child born from a Chinese father with a Korean mother. But, just like me, his parents died from the same accident as mine. an accident from Okinawa 8 months ago. It was also that time it change my life.  He was adopted by a Japanese Buddist monk and raised him in the temple. 

"Are you born blonde by any chance, Xanglang?" Xanglang seems flustered "Please, just Lang. I'm sorry about my name."

"I'm sorry,Lang." He smiles "It's okay." His smile is very warm, like Bomi-noona's.  He checked his head "Yeah, I was born blonde. But it strange, both my parents were brunette and black."

"Seriously, me, too, I was born silver hair."

"Your late parents don't mind?" I nodded "They told, it's beautiful."

I also told him that I,too involve in that accident 8 months ago and because of that I lost the most important treasure that I cherished so much. My family. I told Lang it took me 4 months to recover from the shock and depression, which I added even worse sisnce my relatives always treating me like slave to them.

"And not to mention that Dwaeji always bullied me." Lang raised his eyebrow, "Who is Dwaeji?"

"My FAT brother " Hyun Jong reply. "With that body that BIG he can push people around. He even bullied Soohyun. That boy who put his leg to your seat before his one of his buddies." Lang responds with a disgusted look. "Is he older or younger?"

"Younger, he's my twin actually, but he eats so much and my parents spoils him a lot." Hyun Jong sighs. Lang then turn to me " I'm sorry to hear that. " I smiled at him. "Well, lucky for you,Lang, you were treated nicely to the monks from the temple." Lang just shook his head. "Mine is the same as you. I was shunned by people about my blonde hair. Except the Elder monk, though."

That's the first time I had a real friend who didn't judge me by looks and my awkwardness, like Donghyun. Sooner than later, we became friends. He hangs out with me, Donghyun and Hyun Jong more often because he thought that being with us is comfortable than someone else. I was like that,too. Donghyun is like he sees the other me in his eyes, not like other people. That was make him my bests of friends. He sees the REAL me instead on the face. 

It was already pas 6:30 and we're still in the park walking around with laughters in the air, I never been laugh this big once. I am really happy with Hyun Jong, Donghyun and my new friend Lang by my side. I am really REALLY happy. 

"Oh I gotta go home, look at the time. My mom is gonna scold me this time, see ya!!" Donghyun ran off as he wave good bye to us all. "Shall we go to your house, then Lang?" 

"My house is not to shabby, though, if you don't mind"

"I don't mind at all. We could get to know your family!"

Lang smiles as we followed him to his house. Just like he said, it's not shabby, though. Just an regular apartment, not like Hyun Jong's house. " Ah Jie, it's me, Lang, I'm home " a tall brunette with glasses. a warm smile flashed from the taller man. "Why, hello there, your home, Ah Lang." As we put one step as we went inside to Lang's apartment. It's normal. Like the other apartment I've seen so far. But I sense a light green aura spreading all over the rooms. 

"Lang lang!!" Suddenly a figure just jumpr over to Lang and the figure with a brunette hugged Lang like a monkey. "LangLang, I'm hungry..." Lang smiles and pats the younger before putting him down to the sofa "Ah Kong, you know I don't have time. Why not ask Ah Jing to cook."

The brunette pouts at Lang"That ert kappa won't cook. He's busy flirting with the ladies outside." Lang sighs "I guess I had no choice then." The young brunette then saw us. Yeah, I've seen him before. I recognized his green ReiChii, like Yu's. The younger's eyes widen as he saw me. "LangLang,that's--" Lang then look at us and smiles at the brunette "Ah Kong, this is Soohyun, my friend and on the left is his cousin, Hyun Jong." The older brunette came to us with a warm smile and shook our hands. "Nice to meet you, I am Zhu Yue Jie, Lang's guardian" 


"This is Sun XiaoKong."  The younger brunette shook his head "LangLang, t-that's not my name, My name is--" Then Yue Jie shuts the young brunette's mouth. "Er-I think he is TOO hungry let's eat, Oh, Soohyun, Hyun Jong, you want to eat as well." I just shook my head and looked at Hyun Jong "N-No, we're just want to send him home. See you at school ,Lang!" 

"Aww, too bad, Well, then, see you tomorrow at school then?"

"Ah Kong, Why are do that for??"

"I'm sorry, it's just that."

"Next time don't do that, okay, not in front of Lang's friends."



On The Next Day

"Ya, have you heard? One of the students died yesterday?" 

"Really, Oh my god, that's terrible, Why?"

"I don't know, the police says she was split in half from the subway. "

I looked at the girls who were talking next to Hyun Jong's table. I turn to Donghyun "Hey, is it true?" But Donghyun is sleeping to his table. I sighs, as I scratch my neck. "Oh man, I guess he is scolded by his mom again." Lang then turn to my direction to Donghyun and gave a little cute (oh what the heck) laugh.(Really, Soohyun, did you have to say that?) "Guess I gotta have to tell him afterwards."

"I heard from the witness that before she died, she was checking with her phone at that day, maybe is the rumoured telephone curse?"

"Oh, no way, at this time?"

"No no, I'm serious, She was at the phone at the time."

"But I thought that curse is lifted 60 years ago."

"But it seems that the curse had brought back."

"What kind of curse?"

"Phone call curse..."



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algaiaknight #1
Chapter 10: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I need more..after all this time am waiting huhu....keep up the good work & please always update too =)
1124 streak #2
Chapter 9: Ok author ssi but as soon as you have an idea update soon ok?? ;-)
algaiaknight #3
Chapter 8: Oh no no you need to update this dear i wonder what will happen dying to know...keep up the good work dear and cant wait for the next update =)
1124 streak #4
Chapter 7: Just finished reading it now... Wow this ff is great... Update soon :-)