Wipe Away Your Tears.

Ghost Whisperer

A lot of students talk around each other on how Miss Ra Im died. Some ohter said that she was being brutally injured and drowned in a toilet bowl by the theif while on the other hand said in an opposites ways, saying that the security guards didn't see the theif at that time and when checked on CCTV he wasn't there. But some lot of them, however, making a big fuss about the 10 years of the curse of the school. I was in shiver when I heard about it.

  "Looks like it's a quite a mess here. What do you think, Soo hyun?" I can't tell Donghyun about that problem, because if I say that the vengeful spirit bear a 10 years old grudge trying to kill it's former classmates which is Miss Ra Im is one of them, Donghyun will think I am out of my mind and saying there is no such thing as ghosts. So, I reply to him by raising my shoulder. "Some of the kids keep saying about this curse, I don't think so."

"But, what if ti's true?" I blur it out from my mouth. Donghyun's jaw almost dropped when I say that. "You got to be kidding me, aren't you? "

"I mean, what if the 10 years old ghost really going to kill her former classmates 10 years ago?"

"Soohyun ah, you're not sick are you?" Of course, he would say that. "Ghost aren't real, you know."

"I'm just saying--"

Then suddenly Hyun Jong came into my classroom, quick as fast as a lightning, grab hold of my hand and whooossh~~ me away. In a speed of light he brought me to the library. "Why did you bring me to this place?" 

"There is something I want to show you."

Then he bring me to the School Photobook Section. There, it's a LOT of school photobook here. Some of them were very old, look like 20 year plus? I was just standing there while Hyun Jong were in haste searching for something. I couldn't bring myself for asking Hyun Jong but since he is so caught up in this incident. "Soohyun ah~!!!" I turn around when someone calls me. Donghyun were there, in a sweat and catching his breath. "W-What the heck is that, why are you running like crazy, Yah, Kim Hyun Jong!! You want to kill me or something?" But Hyun Jong didn't hear anything besides wanting to find something in the section "Yah, were even listening to--"

"Hey, stop already.."

"What?! He is running AND dragging you like crazy!! Are you sure he's not gonna--"

"Aish, stop saying some nonsense will you! Hyun Jong won't do that, okay?"

Donghyun then sighs "I really hope that he had a good reason why he drag you into this--" Then Donghyun start look at the shelf. "Wow" he exclaims, "That's A LOT of school photobooks here?" As he turn to Hyun Jong with a curious face as he lay down his knees to Hyun Jong's level. "What is it you want to find anyway, Kim Hyun Jong?"

"I want to find this school yearbook from 10 years ago."

"Huh, what for?" Then Hyun Jong stops and moves his hand to the one book as he pulled out from the shelf with one finger. He then stands and grab hold of my hand and sits down to the certain table with no one is watching. Hyun Jong continue to search for something with an unrest eyes. I begin to feel worried about him. Donghyun however, can't stop being suspicious about Hyun Jong. Then suddenly Hyun Jong stops as he see something. "What is it that you found?" 

"Look here, is that Ms. Ra Im when she was in school?" I looked at where Hyun Jong point in the photo there is a slender girl with a short bob cut hair and she looks so mean in the picture. Unlike now she had a gentle eyes. I am not sure what to believe "But how come this mean looking girl can be Ms. Ra Im?"

"Didn't Ms Ra Im says that she use to be bully leader in her high school days and then when someone from her class commit suicide. She stops and transfer to another school."

"I didn't hear anything about that?"

"Maybe because you've been absent in school because of the wake remember?"

"Ah, I think I remember now."

Then I spotted a long haired, very beautiful, has a round eyes and small lips and a bit pale skinned. She's very pretty but somehow I felt sad about her, her eyes seems so lonely while her classmates were smiling in front of the camera. "Hyun Jong ah, who is this person?" I pointed the girl and Hyun Jong seems to catch it. "This one, her name is Baek Yoon Ji."

"Baek Yoon Ji?"

"Yeah. that's her name. I heared from the another students that Baek Yoon Ji is the smartest student in her days in school."

"A genius?"

"Yeah, she got the highest score results in school and no 1 in the region 10 years ago."

"But why she looks so sad?"

"The kids says that she is the victim of Ms Ra Im and her buddies's mass teasing and bullying. And because of this, she commit suicide."


Hyun Jong nodded. Suicide? How come? How did she commit suicide? Someone who is very smart and beatiful as her can be a victim? But then I remember something from my dream. That girl in my dream were very dirty and wet and her hair is over her face so can't see. Could it be that Baek Yoon Ji and the girl in my dream is the same person and became an Onryo?  I can't think straight anymore. If that's true then, why?

We got home feel messed up and I have to stay in the room, waiting for Hyun Jong to bring me something after the dinner. I lay my head on the soft pillow as I looked at the celiling. I kept on remembering the girl in my dream and Baek Yoon Ji. It can't be the same person, can it? If so, why am I feel uneasy?

"Seems you gotta problem there, Chibisuke?"

I looked at my right and saw Yu, with her casual wearing, white blouse with a ripped jeans. I felt shocked at the same time. She appears right beside me like a ghost. Well, she IS a ghost, not to mention a poltergeist. "Stop doing that, you'll give me a heart attack!!" She smirks at me "At the end?[ee sighane kkeut?] from the lyrics 'Heart Attack'" She laughs haughtily as  she sings a song. I snorts and get up from the pillow "VE~RY funny Ms Yu."

"Sorry, Chibisuke, didn't mean to scare ya big time." 

"Yeah, BIG TIME."

"So, what do you find in school today?"

"I didn't sense a Rei-Chii today, and also, one of my teacher is dead. Ms Ra Im, you know her, right?"

"You're English Teacher? Yup, I remember."

"I heard it from the students, they said a thief killed her and drowns her to the toilet bowl but some says a ghost killed her but don't have a proof of that."

I also tell Yu about what Hyun Jong found today about  Baek Yoon Ji and how she was being a victim of the mass bullying and teasing and she commit suicide. Yu listens to me very careful. I try hard not to mess up with my words. She then moves away from the bed and starts thinking. That kind of Yu, it's my first time watching her so serious from fighting. Was it because she was with Bomi- nuna all the time. I didn't get the chance to tell her about Yu.  Yu then turn around to me with her serious face.

"I think--"

"What is it, Yu?"

"That Onryo--Could it be?"

"Be what,tell me, Yu!"

"That Onryo might be HER."

It can't be her? But she looks so innocent. That's what I thought it would when Yu said that THAT Onryo is Baek Yoon Ji. I want to believe it's true but somewhere deep down, feels like it's wrong. And I hate that feeling, usually I get this kind of feeling and Nuna often scolds me. But I can't help it feeling this way. 

Help, Somebody, help me!! I heard a voice. And so does Yu. We looked into each other and quickly storming until Hyun Jong were right in front of us with a puzzled face. "Where are you going?"

"No time, I gotta go!!"

"But, your dinner--" I cut him off when I move my way from him and ran downstairs to the entrance and as I went outside I ran as fast as I can but then it felt like I was transport to the school I'm not kidding,okay?! I stand on the silent and dark corner of the school hallway. I walk slowly and slowly. It's really creepy here. No one usually don't walk around at the time like this except the security guards. But as I soon as I stop going, I sense this dark violet Rei-Chii all over the place and it's stinks,too. And that eerie laugh, soaring in the air, swimming into my ears and it brings me shiver to my spine. 

Where are you~~~ Come out come out wherever you are.

I turn around, searching for the owner of the voice. I can't let fear eaten me up again like before. The dark violet Rei-Chii surrounding my feet like silk roaming around under. The Rei-Chii will suddenly went up to my torso and then to my shoulder. "Let it go to you. I think SHE wants us to come to her" Yu hold my hand so that I am not shivering of fear. The Rei-Chii consumes both of us. 

Although inside the dark aura. I kinda shiver a little. I closed my eyes very hard and try not to move an inch. "It's gonna be okay, alright?" I nod when Yu says that. Then I feel that the aura slowly fading away. I was in this dark room. A very dark room. No glimpse of light were seen, only me and Yu. Yu already in front of me as she sense something. 

"I know you are there you damn Onryo, come out!!!"

Then an eerie laugh echoing through the entire darkness. My heart beating fast from fear. Yu's hand were already in the position and the green light suddenly came into her palm. As she shoots. The laugh suddenly disappeared. Silence went all over the place.

But then suddenly I sense an eerie breeze swimming into my skin as I look back. A small figure come to me and Yu like a speed of light and just right past me. Yu was being pushed by the Onryo. "That bastard!!"

"Yu, are you alright?!"

"Chibisuke, don't come near!!!"

Then the Onryo grab my neck with it's cold hands and raised me into the air as she was floating. I saw Yu struggling below and as she was about to jump. A hand suddenly grab her ankle. Yu then looked down, feeling frustrated and irritated. Then many hands the same white and pale hand that grab Yu's ankle suddenly went all over Yu's leg. The more of them coming the more irritated Yu has become. 

I was struggeling to let go of the Onryo's cold hands as I open my eyes. the scary face of an Onryo was right in front of me. I was about to scream in fear but I can't. Fear completely controls over me, even for my voice.

What's the matter? she snickers while she strengthen her grip to my neck. I can't hardly breath even if I try to fight it, but the Onryo was too strong.  Cat gotcha tongue,boy? Are you scared of me? I can't think of anything right now while Yu were shouting to the Onryo that strangle me. "YOU , LET GO OF SOOHYUN, YOU--"


As the hands below her grew and she felt like she was drowning. I can hear her snorts and rasps from her. I slowly open my eyes, the Onryo still smiling as she still strangle me. I thought I was going to die. I can't even breath anymore. My arms and legs are about to loose strength. My sight were about to drown from darkness as the only thing I can hear is Yu's rambling Japanese swearing words.



Then suddenly I was released by the Onryo and fall from Yu's arms, again, I slowly open my eyes and I saw Yu but we are still in the black space. The Onryo, seem to be angry, as she kept finding the voice that stops her. I also curious whose voice is that? 


Silence fills the air in this dimension. Then I heared a man's voice, I recognized this voice. The low but nasal toned voice echoes in the air. It was Hyun Jong. I know who you are, Baek Yoon Ji, stop at what you are doing!! Killing innocent people who is not invovle in this is not right!!

I was surprised, that Hyun Jong refers that Onryo as Baek Yoon Ji, the one that drawn into suicide 10 years ago. I was a loss of words as I turn to Yu. Her serious face shown that it's true. Without knowing I moved my lips 'No way' without a sound. The Onryo then shriek like crazy as the ground shaking hard as I duck and Yu cover me for protection. 


As the ground still shaking fiercly as I almost fell to the ground but thanks to Yu's strong arms support me. "Oh , if it comes like this, then you gonna get yourself f***ed up, Chibisuke."

As I struggle to looked up, the dark violet Rei-chii suddenly flows from the ground and into Yoon Ji. I try to stand on my foot, slowly, as I walk straight to her, even my heart beats faster from fear. But I want to stop her. I want to go to her heart that she shuts in, as flashback of her being bullied from my dreams before and Hyun Jong's remark on her , makes me wanna go and comfort her although she's now in a vengeful state. I don't care about myself anymore.


Yoon Ji then looked at me with a smile on her face, that 'are you mocking me?' kind of smile. I hate that smile, really, I do, because I have seen that smile when I was in middle school, my best friend, leaving me with that smile when I try to console him and tell him to be reconsider his thoughts about his parents whom he hated so much for isolate him to his littl brother, although he knew that his little brother loves him so much. He gave me that same smile as Yoon Ji did and he just pushed me away. The next day, he died, hang himself inside his room, while his little brother just watch him in stutter, while tears flowing from his eyes.

Ji Hoo, now in a 6 years old mental state, playing atound his brother's things while making sound like a baby "Aaaaaaaa Wooooo Aaaaaa" and he often snaps when his mother and father try to console him 'Hyung's murderer!!' that's what they were called now. 

Noona console the little boy after my friend's wake, I remember her words, vivid in my mind "Ji Hoo ya, don't blame yourself. Your brother didn't blame you either. He, like you, just felt like he was abandon by your mother and father and focus only on you." Ji Hoo, looking at my sister with a crying face, hugging her like a baby. "Ji Hoo ya, promise me that you will remember your hyung, okay?" Ji Hoo nod as he buried his face to her shoulder.

Now thinking back, if I can do that to Yoon Ji, maybe it will calm her down. I still struggling from that dark violet Rei-chii so that I can reach her. "Yoon Ji ah, it's not like that,we are not like that, it's all past 10 years now. They are all regret it now!! " 

Yoon Ji, still cannot believe in what I say, swupt down and strangle me, again. YOU, OF ALL PEOPLE SHOULD MIND YOUR WON BUSINESS!!! DON'T ACT LIKE YOU UNDERSTAND!!!!  I try not to let the pain affect me so I slowly open my eyes as I look straight in her eyes. There I see her sad past, her father left her and her mother for an another woman. Her mother often blames her for the misfortune she gets and her highschool days isn't so good even if she get high score and gain respect from the other teachers and her juniors.  The moment she's at her wit's end. She commit suicide, and all the studetns were making fuss over her death. 

Tears flowing down into my eyes. Yoon Ji was startled and so does Yu. I was overwhelm by sadness of her story when I look into her eyes. I felt the same way about her, her story is more sadder than mine. More sadder than my friend from middle school and Ji Hoo whose mental is now a 6 years old after his brother's death. My heart felt heavy, I want to let out that heavy feeling inside me. I cried. 

Yoon Ji shook her head hard as she sees me No, stop it, STOOOPPP!!!!!! She strengthens her grip more as I moan in pain. I can feel her cold hands choke me even stronger like my neck will snap any minute. Yu then release her Green Rei-Chii as she jump and she snaps Yoon Ji's arms as Yu grab me like a doll. Yoon Ji then shook her head really hard as she shriek in rage. 

Stop looking at me like that~~ Stop looking like that like you knew my pain.. As she calm down while she put her palm to her face.  I cough for air as I look at her. It's the same gesture as she is when she's alive. The feeling of pity made my heart heavy as tears flowing from my eyes. "If I were you, I will do the same thing too if my family left me alone and others bullying me. But--" I sobs and wipe away my tears "But, that's not gonna change anything. You can't just kill someone who wants to ask for forgiveness. " She then looked at me and this time her eyes fill with blood streaming from her eyes. What the hell do you know how I feel. You are lucky, to have someone who loves you for who you are. You're stepmother and stepsister loves you so much and friends who always there for you. You don't know what is like to be hated by your own mother, being teased badly by someone from the same class. You don't know the hell about me!!

"YES, YES I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU!! ONE SINGLE HECK OF ANYTHING ABOUT YOU!!" I shouted. Yoon Ji's eyes widen by my exclaim. "I DON'T KNOW WHY ARE YOU SO GLOOMY AND WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS TIMID!!!" I then catch my breath, as I waited for the rhythm of my heartbeat to slow down. I sighs "But then again, I feel sorry for you, really I am. If I were there when you are alive, I would have saved you from your despair.I really really really---" I paused, my throat went dry, my eyes start to bawl out from my eyes. I can feel white Rei Chii touches my skin as I see Yoon Ji's clear face. Not a very pale skin but just like in my dreams and just like in the pictures. Her eyes flowing in tears as she hold my to hers. Her hand is cold. I lift my right hand wipe her tears away.  Did you really meant it for what you said? Did you really-- Without second thoughts I hug her. I hold her tiny body tightly. I want to let her know that I really am meant it. Ever since when I saw her in my dreams, her past. I promised myself if I met her. I want to say it out of my chest.

"Of course I meant it!! After all I saw things about you. I can't help but meeting you and I want to tell you that--" I paused for a while as I moved my shoulder and faced her. "I really really really want to be your friend. Seriously. " Yoon Ji sobs as she hold me close as she sobs. I wrapped my arms around her. I want to wipe out her despair and bitter days and replaced it with this moment. She chuckle This is the first time I made a friend. Not to mention a human. I let out a small laugh and pat her head. "Yoon Ji ah, or should I say, Yoon Ji nuna, since your older than me by--"

10 years, I am older than you 10 years.

"Yeah, I know that" She laughs pleasently when she sees me flustered. "So that's a yes?"

Yoon Ji then crane her head Is that a propose, young man? I snorts "Hmph, so what it is?"

Yoon Ji then floats to the air and brought to  the light. Thank you. Park Soo Hyun. I won't forget you. My hands following her palm then in a tip of her fingers. As she disappears, the black space turns into Hyun Jong's bed room as Hyun Jong was there. Yu is also there as well. Hyun Jong then rush to me, holding me like mother lost her child, I can hear him breath, his heartbeat. " Hyun Jong ah-- "

"Don't say anything,please..." Hyun Jong hugged me more tightly. He is worried about me. I want to tell him that I am alright, try to calm him down. But instead I cuddle him, I close my eyes tightly as I buried my face between his shoudler and his neck.  


Haru-san, from now on, his journey as an Onmyoji can be tough. I but I swear to you. I swear to your family that I will protect him with my life. 













So I was thinking in the next chapter, maybe I really want to unveil someone..If you are EXO fan then you should know whom Soohyun [Sehun] is paired with.

I started to like Daeun from 2EYES. She's just like me, well, some parts. and her friendship with Sehun is so beautiful. So I want to make her a Catholic Exorcist like Sehun's character is a Shinto Onmyoji, I think I'll reveal her later.

I think the next chapter that I am going to make, I think I'll start with you-know-who. YUP, Lu Hannie!!! I really really want to make HunHan moments in this fic so HunHan fans, rejoice but don't be mad at me when I paired Sehunnie with Daeun.

So many new characters, but I really can't wait to unveil is my character from my own [unfinished] story in Gadis Dukun, Madinah, a Muslim Exorcist.

So Sehunnie is a Shinto Priest, Daeun is a Catholic Exorcist, Luhan is a Buddist Priest and Madinah is a Musilim Exorcist. But I can't spolit it any longer so,please look foward to my new chapter

P.S: It's gonna take a while, and I mean for a LONG TIME until I can update EXO PLANET and Disturbance [a new fic Chanlli based] So thenI want to make Luhan's 1st appearence like a BANG ya know so yeah. Please be patient

Oh, and another thing. Please leave comments on my fic including the two fics. I don't want to leave it empty, like you didn't enjoy my fics..TT_____TT

Oh, please do!!

In the mean time, See yaa!!


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algaiaknight #1
Chapter 10: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I need more..after all this time am waiting huhu....keep up the good work & please always update too =)
1131 streak #2
Chapter 9: Ok author ssi but as soon as you have an idea update soon ok?? ;-)
algaiaknight #3
Chapter 8: Oh no no you need to update this dear i wonder what will happen next...am dying to know...keep up the good work dear and cant wait for the next update =)
1131 streak #4
Chapter 7: Just finished reading it now... Wow this ff is great... Update soon :-)