Chapter 2

For Better Or Worse


Chapter 2 


I should've seen it coming.

Every time I wiped a spot of cream from the corner of your mouth, or a flour smudge from your cheek.

Every time we washed dishes together in the back kitchen.

Every time you rested your head on my shoulder because you were tired.

Every time you gave me a back hug, or you let me give you one.

Every time you sat in a patch of sunlight, and the rays hit your dark brown hair, showing all the lighter colors your hair naturally possessed.

Every time the light hit your eyes just so, turning them a dark amber color instead of the normal dark-brown.

Every time you welcomed customers with that bright smile. "Annyeonghaseyo! Welcome to INFINITE LOVE!"


Every time you called my name.

From the shy "Myungsoo-sshi..." to the bright "Myung-oppa!"

Sometimes it was "L-oppa! Saranghae!" with a heart thrown in my direction.

Clearly, you'd been taking aegyo lessons from Woohyun-hyung.

You'd insisted that I looked like the hero in the Death Note manga, but much more photogenic.

I can still hear your voice now, hear your smile.

Slowly, inevitably, I fell deeper into that trap called love.

And I had no intention of getting out.


I remember how your eyes would light up when Sungjongie handed you another slice of cake to sample.

Or how they would close in bliss as Sungyeol eagerly watched you try another of his creations.

I remember your barely-stifled giggles when Hoya and Woohyun demonstrated their newest fanservice routines.

But your best laughs, your prettiest smiles?

Those were mine.


I remember kissing you for the first time.

It was a truth-or-dare game during an afternoon lull.

You remember, how Woohyun (that evil, conniving sneak) had us play the Pocky game.

You had the chocolate end, I had the plain one.

You snapped the treat between your teeth when I got close...

But not in time to keep my lips from brushing against yours.


The other boys thought this the funniest event since the time Sungjong created a cherry-coconut cake that ended disastrously.

It took them a while to get over it.

Even the mere insinuation of Pocky made your face turn scarlet for weeks afterwards.


The second kiss came a few weeks later.

You'd slipped on a patch of water while carting empty trays back to the kitchen to be washed.

I caught you around the waist, pulling you back against my chest.

I remember the peaches-and-cream scent of your shampoo.

I can still feel how impossibly tiny your waist was, pressed against my arm.

You'd turned around, looking up at me with those enormous brown eyes.

We stared at each other for a few seconds, and the next thing I knew, I was kissing you.


Your lips were soft and warm, and tasted like the cinna-mint chapstick you liked to use.

My fingers were buried in your soft hair, my other arm still wrapped around your waist.

The kiss lasted only for a few seconds, but it felt like hours had gone by.

You'd put your hand up to your lips, and your cheeks took on a soft shade of pink.

It was the cutest thing I'd ever seen.

Whatever you were about to say or do was interrupted by Sungjong bursting through the kitchen doors.


Apparently, Sungyeol had created a new drink and wanted guinea pigs to test it on.

Hoya and Woohyun were the volunteers (read: sacrificial victims) this time.

Wasn't it going to be funny?

We'd have to hurry if we didn't want to miss it.

Luckily, the boy didn't catch on to what had just happened.

We just looked at each other, then headed out to the front of the store.


Other kisses soon followed, all chaste, all sweet and innocent.

You'd peck me on the cheek when you were happy about something.

I'd kiss you on the forehead when we had a quiet moment together.

Or on the tip of the nose, just to see your face scrunch up.


My brothers saw these interactions, and thought we made the perfect couple.

Even despite the fact that you were married to a man who would likely beat you to death if he even got the slightest bit suspicious.

I should've known it was too good to be true.

Too good to last.



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Okay, I apologize for the story updates you'll be getting from here... I'm getting my story reviewed and posters made, and will be updating as needed.


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cherLynmyung #1
Chapter 12: Love this so much!! It's Si different from others ♡
Chapter 12: Well, author-nim I'm here to give you the review that I made for this story. Ok, here goes! :)

1. Fore word - 90/100

The foreword is good. It has pics and a good synopsis. The poster is nice to. The infos are good to. Noting much to comment really

2. Pictures - 90/100

The pics you put on the foreword is still not enough. I could only say that the poster suits well with the story. It give u the vibe :) Better you added in more pics.

3. Story plot - 95/100

I'm in love with your story plot! The story plot us well written and it's really interesting. The genre angst really works well with tis story. I say good one! :D

4. English - 96/100

It was a pleasant use of English that u used to describe it all. The English is not bad and the vocal is good too! I think that anyone that reads it would most likely find it pleasing :)

5. Writing style - 96/100

I sort of liked your writing style in this story! The way you write it, is easy for me to get the atmosphere, the feelings and to understand the whole story :) Although, there are a few parts that I find quite hard to catch, still it's something that you shouldn't worry bout.

6. Total markings : 93%

Some marks you got there! Overall, I think that this story is really amazing! I enjoyed reading this! It makes me want to read this non-stop, but unfortunately, I must stop and good thing must come to an end. The story has its perfect ending, even though it's a sad one. I liked it how you relate the domestic violence in this story and gave out advice for the readers, it's nice of you to do that. I shall say, thank you for writing this kind of story and madew me enjoyed reading it ^^~

Lastly, thank you s much for choosing 'Butter Review Shop' to review your marvellous fic! Hope that you are not offended/pissed/angry at me. So, we are still cool, yea...? :D See you next time! (^_^)V *sorry for the typos*
Chapter 12: Yes you are correct! 100% correct!
Chapter 11: Oh my gawd.... Seriously, this chap is really sad T.T I can't believe that she died. Serve Seunghyun rights for treating her that way. I wish that Myungsoo would just beat the hell out of him.
Chapter 2: OMOG! Myungsoo and a marred woman?! How bad can he get? ^^
Chapter 1: Nice 1st chap! It's really....short and simple :)
JungChaeWon #7
Chapter 2: Omg i love your poster!!! Nice fic!!
14 streak #8
Chapter 12: This story is so sad!!! I hate how there are those type of people in this world T.T i feel sad for her and her children and L.....
Anyways..... I cried in almost every chapter ;A; ♥
Chapter 12: I luv the story but its sooo sad TT^TT
Chapter 12: OMG this is the first story which i read which made me cry. :') I agree that domestic violence is not a joke. i really love your style of writing btw. ^^