Chapter 9

Who Do You Love?
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waaahhhh...lotsa votes for minnie... ^^ hehehe...but..i cant guarantee it will be sungmin....or even kyu...or anyone...hahaha... i guess u all have to wait for it...k? thanks for chappie...enjoy @_@



Eun Hee is surprised when she opens the door in the morning. It is Kyuhyun that is standing in front of it. He’s someone that she never expects to see. He is smiling, with a basket of fruit on his hand and handing it over to her as soon as she opens the door.

She invites him in but he refuse; insists that he wanted her to take him around the village for a scenery holiday. She is quiet surprise by his appearance early in the morning and could not say no.

So they walk along the farm and started to talk.

“You know why I’m here?” ask Kyuhyun.

“I’m not going back to Sungmin. I can’t hurt them anymore. It’s been too painful for everyone.”

“I’m going to ask you something else. It’s not about that day, I promise.”

They stop walking. She looks at him in her innocence making him smiling, showing a side of him that she never seen before.

“What is it?” she asks him back.

He continues walking and she follows him.

“We never really have had a good chat before right?” he says while walking with a smile on his face.

He looks really happy to see her; all alone by themselves walking on the farm, just the two of them early in the morning.


He turns to her.

“I want you to be my girlfriend.”

He takes her hand and she is too shock to even say anything. This guy is too much but she can’t resist him.

“Can you please say yes? I’ve been thinking about you ever since I first saw you. But I don’t know how to say it out. That’s my mistakes. If I had been talking to you first maybe I’m the one that you love; and not Sungmin hyung.”

“Kyuhyun…” she says while her heart beats faster and faster.

“I’m not asking you love me whole heartedly like you did to Sungmin. Just enough to make me feels that I am someone to you. I’ve been holding back my feeling for too long. Seeing you with hyung…it kills me.”

She starts to cries. How can this guy confess his feeling to her in a time like this? At the moment when she is weak and needed someone to hold on to; at the time she needs a shoulder to lean to; and…at the time she needs someone to wipes away her tears.

And he did…he wipes away her tears.

“I don’t want to see these tears anymore. I want to see you smile. Like the first time I’ve seen you.”

She doesn’t know what to say. She loves Sungmin, God knows she does. But how can she say no to someone that had a very special meaning to her? She never talks to him before this but somehow she can feel his honesty towards her.

He looks at her, still holding tight to her hand.

“I…I don’t know…this is too sudden.”

Kyuhyun looks down. He can’t take heartbreaks again. He’s already at the end of his limit. He might breakdown on his own if she says no this time. He doesn’t want her to see his manly tears fall down.

She is still numb, standing frozen, thinking on what she should do. If she says yes, she might gives him a hope but she knows that there’s no one that will ever be like Sungmin. She won’t love someone like she loves him.

“Is that a no?” finally he speaks out; trying to make it easy for her.

She cries.

“Kyuhyun…give me some times will you?”

“But promise me you’ll be back on the university. This is all I’m asking from you.”

“How is that even possible? I’d love to continue studying but I can’t face them. I can’t. Eun Ye is still mad at me and Sungmin…I just can’t…”

“In the end it’s still Sungmin right?” he asks her.

“No…it’s not just him.”

“For how long will you keep on avoiding him? Let’s start over. I know I can make you happy; just like he did…or maybe even happier. Will you follow me today?”

At first he wants her to be his girlfriend and now he wanted her to come home with him. She is confused. Why is he there actually?

He stood there, waiting with his hand still holding hers.

“What are you guys doing there?” a lo

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trollplay #1
i love reading your stories :3
trollplay #2
Kyuhyun <33333333333333333333
trollplay #3
T______________T you inspire me
loveisfree #4
omg :DD i really love it!!
awesome story! :D
Evil_angelELF #6
There are two ending ??kyaa !! Love it...
lol. 2 versions. I didn't expect that~<br />
<br />
Congratulations for finishing this^^
Wow. She's so lucky. Kyu is also there for her. =.=
I want Eunhee for Sungmin -.- kk~