It's all about us.

Krystal's POV

 My grandfather called me today and he said he wants to see me after my class, so i automatically said yes. My grandfather is my bestfriend, father, teacher, companion and my love since i moved to Korea from LA when i was 7 yrs. old.

"Appa!" I called him Appa as he was like a father to me.

"What took so long, my princess?" My grandpa said with a smile on his face while he was being strolled by his assistant on a wheel chair.

"Traffic jam! Umm, why is mom and dad here?" I kissed my mom and dad on their cheeks.

"We have something to discuss." Grandpa said with a weak voice.





"You know i love you Appa, but. . . THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" i stood up from my seat.

"Krystal." my dad said.

"No dad! Yes i want to get married, but now? This is stupid!" i said.

"I want this not for me but for you, i want to entrust you to my only trusted person too, my living days are counted." my grandpa said calmly.

"Grandpa." I approach him and held his hand.

"My princess." He held my hand and put it in his cheeks.

"If this is. . .what you like." I said looking down and letting out a sigh, i don't want to fight with my old man.


Days have passed as my grandfather is struggling on his age illness. So i started to always stay by his side everynight.

"Appa, about the marriage." tucking my granpa to his bed.

"Mm?" my grandpa replied.

"Who is he?"

"That's for you to judge who is this person, from my perspective this person is trustworthy." He was happy about my future husband.

"How 'bout school? College?"

"Marriage can't stop you from studying. Are you reasoning?" i love to reason.

"I'm only 17 is that possible?"

"Your mom and dad agreed to the agreement, stop reasoniiiiing." Aish~

"There's 1 week before the wedding, and i don't know what he looks like." I pout to him.

"Exciting, right?" He laughs at me.

"You're always making fun of a situation."

"This is serious now. You see, my princess must be with the one i'm sure of."

"Like you're super sure about him."

"Ofcourse. Oh and one more thing, the place of event will be on LA but your love one lives here in Korea too like you, i just want to held it there."

"Love one?! Huh? Why?"

"Goodnight, Appa is tired of talking." Appa closing his eyes.

"Aish!~ Well goodnight, rest up." I said kissing his forehead. My grandpa wants just one wish out of everything.



My chapters are too short sorry, please keep reading ^^

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Chapter 1: I think the future husband of Krystal is Amber
jpigtom #2
Chapter 8: Krystal loves amber!!!!!!!yihaaaaan kryber!
Chapter 8: Thank you author! Please keep up the good work fighting!! PS: I literally got a nose bleed when i saw the gif of amber and krystal
Chapter 7: the last part was so cheesy lol!
Chapter 8: I love the story,and i'm trying to kept my words to read all of your stories...wish me luck <(^_^)>
Flickers #6
Thankyou! Sorry if t is too short i'll keep it longer next time! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ~ Thankyou again. :D
This was so cuteeeee but too sad it was short keke :3!
musiclover16 #8
is that all?!
i wish it was a lil bit longer.

jjang author
Flickers #9
Thank you for waiting, here it is! :D