Late night phone call

You're my one and only

I got home and went into my room to study, my parents weren't home, so I figured they were out having a date. I sat on my bed and got my books out of my bag, I decided to study History first. It was my favourite subject in school, me and the boys always had a good laugh in History.

After about an hour of study, my phone rang, I knew in an instant it would either be Jonghyun or my parents, I picked up the phone and it was Jonghyun


Jonghyun: I'm sorry if today ws boring

Me: No, it was fine. She's quite... Clingy.

I heard him hesitate

Jonghyun: I know, it gets annoying sometimes

Me: Why do you let her be clingy then?

Jonghyun: Look, I know I said it can get annoying, but I really like her. She is really funny and she's the sweetest thing to me! She's always got something nice to say. Her smiles brighten my day, the only problem with her is she's clingy and takes me away from my friends. I dislike it, but I will confront her about it at some point, once I figure out what to say.

I didn't know how to reply once he spoke so highly of her.

Me: Well, I'm glad you're happy, but why did you look sad today? Is something going on?

Jonghyun: No, nothing's going on. I've just been really tired, Lizzy's been sneaking into my house late at night so we can spend time together. 

Him and Lizzy? At his place? Late at night? In his room? I don't dare to imagine what goes on in there, my heart sinks once again. 

I could feel him smiling down the phone line, probably thinking about her "So how's studying?" He asked "It's alright, a little boring." I chuckled "What are you studying first?" He asked "History" I replied "Ah, many laughs in that class" I smiled and laughed at the thought. "I know, I suppose Lizzy is switching to this class too?" I asked "No, actually, I asked her if I could have one class with just you and Yonghwa and Minhyuk, to keep the laughs going, you know?" I smiled at what he said "neh" I replied 

"it's so late now, I don't think Lizzy is coming over tonight, thank God." He said "don't you like spending time with her?" I asked cheekily "yah. Of course I do, I'm just tired, I need a break" he laughed "I'm tired too" I said "I might sleep... I'll see you tomorrow, History's first, remember your homework" I smiled once again, his kind thoughts and reminders, so caring. "Neh, arraseo oppa. Goodnight" I said and hung up. 

He likes her too much, what can I do? This is going to be harder than I thought. I can't take him from her, she's got him wrapped around her finger and they're always together. I can't tell him my feelings, it will make things awkward. 

What do I do? 

Oppa, I love you. 

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Chapter 1: I'm sorry! I'm very busy and haven't been able to get on a computer, I shall update as often as I can:)
Chapter 4: please update!!!
yongseo_shipper_sone #3
Chapter 1: Please continue writing!