Oh my God Lee Jonghyun!!!

You're my one and only

We stood in silence, my head facing thw ground trying to force back the tears. He had a girlfriend... and he never told me. Then, a girl with long blonde hair and her uniform on her skirt up to her ! and her top ed, she was gorgeous, she made me feel like a fish, she walked up to Jonghyun oppa and gave him a big hug, giving me a death glare over his shoulder "oppa, we need to go, I'm getting my dress for the party and I want you to help me pick it out" she said "ok" he said, she takes his hand "I'll call you tonight" Jonghyun mouthed, I nodded and watched the couple walk out of the hall.

I walked out of the school gates not paying attention to anything around me, we were talking only a little bit during the holidays how could he not have told me? I thought, anger flared as i thought of how he never told me, I don't normally over -react but this has made me go a little crazy! 


I walked into my bedroom and Slammed the door behind me, my mum and dad were not home until later tonight as they were going on a little date, I threw my pillow at my wall and fell onto my bed Tears streaming down my face.

The phone rang around an hour later "Hello?" I answered, it was JongHyun. I acted normal and like nothing was wrong, but I think he managed to figure out that I had been crying, as he hesitated to speak for a moment "I'm sorry, I never told you about her. We just barely talked over the holidays and I was going to tell you I just.. Couldn't" He sounded so guilty, it made me feel sad "Oh, that's okay. She's really gorgeous." I said with a big smile on my face even though he couldn't see anything. "She is. I'm sure you two will become great friends." He said, I chuckled down the phone. I heard the front door open and close "I have to go my parents are home. Bye" After he said goodbye I hung up.

I went downstairs and said hello to my parents, then went back up to my room to continue studying.

I couldn't sleep that night, I remembered the death glare Lizzy gave me when she hugged Jonghyun, the way she wore her uniform, I didn't like it. I knew she was wrong for him.. But I could never say anything to him. He'd get too protective. I knew her type, she was using him! I was sure of it.


Wait a minute, he's my best friend! I'm supposed to protect him! She doesn't deserve him! He belongs with me, I have to get between them, and stop their relationship.


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Chapter 1: I'm sorry! I'm very busy and haven't been able to get on a computer, I shall update as often as I can:)
Chapter 4: please update!!!
yongseo_shipper_sone #3
Chapter 1: Please continue writing!