The unexpected guest

Because You Are Mine


Seungri was preparing himself to go to class when he heard the door knocked by someone.

                “Who could that be,” he thought. The white shirt he was wearing was ed, showing the singlet with similar color he wore inside. One could tell that he was in a hurry; his slack pants were all crinkled up. He hasn’t had time to iron the pants as he woke up late that morning. The faces of Jiyong flashed in his mind. He sighed. Although his worriedness for Jiyong left him awakes until 4 in the morning, he could not blame him. In fact if there is any person to blame, it would be his very own self.

The feelings he had for Jiyong are just too much for him to handle.

Therefore he had made a decision.

He must confess his love to Jiyong today.


The knocking counts increases as he walks slowly towards the door while trying to button up his shirt. Seungri got fed up with the shirt and ignored it instead. He hurriedly opened the door.

At the moment the door was opened, he was surprised.

Stood in front of him was a good looking young lady, of he thought her age must be around his. She was wearing a rather y outfit. Seungri observed her red dress for a while. The dress was short, revealing her perfect legs. To top up with that, the dress she was wearing also showed up part of her chest. Seungri looked down at his feet, feeling ashamed. It was weird for him to have lust towards women like her because he had always liked Jiyong. And before he could speak any word to her, she abruptly pushed him inside the house.


Seungri’s POV

Ouch! What is this woman’s trying to do? Arghh my head feels really hurt right now. What great strength to push me for a small woman like her. Ehh what? Why does she smiling at me? Oh no what is she going to. . ahh wait!

“YOU! What you think you’re trying to do!?” I yelled at her, taking her right wrist off from the singlet I am wearing. I cannot believe I heard myself breathing heavily. Yes, I do have feelings for women. I just happen to realize that fact just now, when this woman trying to slid her hand beneath my singlet.

Okay here’s the thing. I’ve never touched any woman before.

And I had already one guy that I love.

But damn why does it feels so good when it is all wrong?

“Shhhh,” she said as she placed her finger gently on my lips, as a sign for me to stay silent. She looks so beautiful from close angle like this. What does this woman’s intention towards me anyway? I can barely move myself by all these seductions. I can feel her hands on upper part of my body, trailing every inch of them with her fingers. The warmth from her body is transferred to mine as she leaned herself to me. Is this how it feels like? I always knew woman’s body feels hot, but this heat I felt is like burning, bringing a sensation I could not resist. I stood frozen, feeling numb.

My thoughts vanished at the glimpse of a figure at the front door.

It was a person that I had admired for a pretty long time.

It was Jiyong.




editor's notes: heyyy so I decided to make them into chapters hehe. give me comments please~ xD I love comments ^_^

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chapter 3 is up! is it too short? tell me what you think! xD


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Chapter 3: Ugh
Chapter 3: Ugh those girl really ruined everything :((
Chapter 1: Hahhahaha but jiyong confess your feeling soon to seungri. I think he also have same feeling towards you too
Chapter 3: what !!!!! u have to update this plz ...
farhanabila #5
Chapter 3: i think it should be more, right?
Marayem #6
Chapter 3: Update this story
tabingu007 #7
Chapter 3: can't wait for the update.....
I think Seungri should run up to him knock him over, maybe kick him in the gut and then run out of the house. Then he should see how long it would take until Jiyong finds him...Or at least the other hyungs...Or maybe one of the other hyungs can come find him instead of Jiyong and out of rage he should make Jiyong jealous but clinging on to that person....

ok so maybe i'm feeling angsty today.....kekeke
monsterallergie #8
Chapter 3: Uhoh ji.... xC
tehsweety #9
Chapter 3: ooo....nooooo....

update soon