Chapter 2

The Greatest Happiness




Almost as soon as Jongin appeared in Sehun’s room, he was tackled into a hug by Sehun.  
“Yay you’re finally back!” Sehun said grinning but then his face suddenly turned very serious.  “Do you have my letter from Luhan?”  
“Yeah yeah I have it.  Here you go lover boy,” Jongin said rolling his eyes jokingly and handing the letter to Sehun.  
Sehun launched himself onto his bed, ripped open the envelope, and proceeded to read his letter from Luhan.  Not even a minute later, Sehun started giggling and a huge grin formed on his face.  Jongin just shook his head and chuckled to himself over his friend’s lovey-dovey behavior as he went and sat down on Sehun’s bed.  After a few minutes, Sehun set the letter down on his nightstand and sighed dreamily with a goofy grin on his face.  
“So lover boy everything smooth sailing in paradise?” Jongin asked playfully punching him on the leg.  
“Better than you could ever imagine,” Sehun replied sighing happily.  
“Ew how cheesey!” Jongin exclaimed fake gagging and laughing at his best friend.  
“Seriously though...things are going really great,” Sehun said sitting up to look Jongin in the eyes.  “And none of this would have been possible at all without you...I don’t know how I would be able to repay you for all you’ve done for me...”
“Stupid,” Jongin said softly tapping his fist lightly on Sehun’s head and smiling at him gently.  “There’s no need to repay me.  You’re my best friend and practically like a brother even.  Just seeing you happy is enough for me.”  
“I’ll do something to make it up to you just wait and see,” Sehun insisted.  “Ah I’ve been meaning to tell you though...I want to arrange a secret rendezvous with Luhan.  I miss being able to see his face.  I mean at least I have pictures from him but...I miss hearing his voice...seeing him actually smile at me in person and not through a picture...”
‘Well he sure has been seeing a LOT of you,’ Jongin thought laughing to himself in his head.  
“I haven’t actually told him yet what I want to do but I want to put it in the next letter doesn’t sound like I’m being too forward and stupid for wanting to do this does it?” Sehun asked his voice laced with uncertainty.  
“No it doesn’t don’t worry I’m sure Luhan will be absolutely thrilled that you want to try to meet in person again.  I mean he is totally in love with you,” Jongin assured him.  
“H-he is?” Sehun asked his cheeks turning a bit pink.  
“Of course he is now hurry and write your letter to him so that I can deliver it.  He’s waiting you know,” Jongin reminded him.  
“Ah that’s right!  Okay I’ll write it right now!” Sehun exclaimed and quickly sat down at his desk and started writing his letter.  
About ten minutes later Sehun finished his letter then he sealed it in an envelope and gave it to Jongin.  
“Here you go.  Make sure that gets to Luhan!” Sehun said cheerfully as he handed the letter to Jongin.  
“Yeah yeah don’t worry I will,” Jongin replied taking the letter from Sehun.  “Okay I’m off.”  
When Jongin returned to Luhan’s room he found Luhan sitting on his bed swinging his legs restlessly back and forth and it was obvious that he was anxiously awaiting his return.  
“Prince Luhan I have that letter you’ve been waiting so anxiously for,” Jongin said a slight hint of teasing in the tone of his voice.  
“Yay thanks Jongin,” Luhan said happily taking the letter from him.  
“I have a feeling that this one will make you extra happy,” Jongin teased as he sat down on Luhan’s bed.  
“Why what’s in it?” Luhan asked as he eyed the envelope suspiciously.  
“Just open it and find out,” Jongin said sticking his tongue out.  “I don’t want to spoil the surprise.”  
Just as Luhan was about to open the envelope, suddenly there was a knock on his door.  
“Luhan, can I come in?” Luhan’s mother asked through the door.  
“J-just a second,” Luhan said quickly as he scrambled to hide the letter.  He whispered to Jongin, “Hurry just-just hide under my bed!”
Jongin quickly did as he was told and Luhan made sure that there were no traces of him ever being there before taking a seat on his bed and trying to look calm.  
“Come in mother,” Luhan called out as he tried to take deep breaths and calm his heart rate down.  
“Luhan I have some wonderful news for you,” Luhan’s mother said as she walked through the door.  “Your father and I have arranged for you to be married.”  
“WHAT?” Luhan exclaimed his eyes wide with shock.  
“You will be married to the crown princess of EXO-K planet and your marriage will finally bring peace between our planets,” Luhan’s mother explained calmly.  
“B-but mother I don’t want to get married,” Luhan protested.  
“You don’t have a choice Luhan,” Luhan’s mother said sternly.  “You know what your duties as a prince are I don’t need to remind you of that but you will go through with this.  I will not argue about this subject with you any further.”  
After that Luhan’s mother swiftly left his room and Luhan collapsed back onto his bed.  Once Jongin was sure that Luhan's mother was gone, he came out from under the bed and sat down next to Luhan. He let out a sigh and put a hand on Luhan's shoulder.


"Wh-what am I going to do," Luhan asked looking up at Jongin with tears in his eyes. "Sh-she was serious."

"We'll work something out," Jongin said but the sad tone in his voice contradicted his statement.

"I wonder if Sehun knows already," Luhan said sitting up alarmed. "Jongin please hurry go to him now and make sure he doesn't do anything rash please."

Jongin's eye widened in horror and he nodded quickly before teleporting back to Sehun.


When Jongin got back to Sehun's room he found Sehun lying on his bed facing away from him. Jongin walked over to Sehun's bed, sat down next to him, and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Sehun-ah," Jongin called out softly. Sehun looked up at him slowly before turning back away and it broke Jongin's heart to see his friend look so sorrowful. " know don't you?"

"How do you?" Sehun asked his voice barely audible.

"I was there with Luhan when..." Jongin trailed off.

"Wh-what am I going to do Jongin," Sehun asked biting his bottom lip to keep his tears from falling.

"Luhan's going to try everything he can to stop it," Jongin tried to assure him but his tone of voice betrayed him once again. "Just...try not to give up hope yet..."

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hunhan_chunjoe #1
Chapter 5: The hunhan part is soo romantic wow I love this it's just making me crying all day!
Chapter 5: This is like Romeo and Juliet.... Jongin is just so beautifully written and HunHan were just the saddest couples....

I'm glad Jongin meets Kyungsoo though... The view point was quite interesting as well~~~

Great job on the story!!!
nambyunjung #3
Please have KaiSoo sequel T_T
I cried when Sehun and Luhan killed themselves. T.T
Atleast they're happy&together in the other world! Hunhan! :D
Kai,move forward and there's Kyungsoo! XD Kaisoo❤!!
This fic is great. :) Love it~