Chapter 1

The Greatest Happiness





In the year 2100 scientists discovered two small inhabitable planets close by earth.  The planets were named EXO-K planet and EXO-M planet.  After five years of close observation, NASA deemed the planets safe to live on and after five more years of construction, the government started to ask for families to volunteer to live there.  Gradually more and more families started to move there in an attempt to populate the planet and for the sake of experimentation, it was decided that earth would have as little influence as possibly in the forming of its society.  A few months after people started living on the two planets suddenly in two families living on the two planets, one on EXO-K planet and one on EXO-M planet, one of their family members became gravely ill.  The disease was one native only to the new planets so there was no known cure that could be brought over from earth.  In an attempt to cure the disease, the two families tried to make a remedy from a very rare herb that could only be found on one place on each planet.  To their surprise, the herb not only cured the illness but also gave the sick person a special power.  Upon further experimentation on other members of the family, it was discovered that this herb mutated the DNA structure and that whoever ingested it received a special power.  Because the climate of the two planets were slightly different, the genetic structure of the herb was different causing there to be different powers on the two planets.  The herb on EXO-K planet gave the powers of light, fire, ground, nature, water, and teleportation.  The herb on EXO-M planet gave the powers of fire, time control, healing, ice, lightning, and telekinesis.  The powers of teleportation and of time control were very rare and there were very few people who actually possessed it.  On EXO-K planet the herb was called hyetaek and on EXO-M planet it was called enhui both of which meant blessing, which is what the two planets considered the herb to be.  After the discovery of the herb on both planets, the two families decided to keep it to themselves.  The powers from the herb caused the two families to quickly rise in power and eventually become the ruling imperial family of their respective planets.  After the establishment of the monarchy it became tradition that upon turning the age of twelve, every child in the imperial family was to ingest the herb and receive their power.  As a result of this, except for very special exceptions, only members of the imperial family had powers.  During the early reign of the monarchs, both planets remained at peace.  This peace did not last long however and soon, due to a trade disagreement, the two planets became bitter enemies.  The main focus of this story does not happen though until generations later and it surrounds a 18 year old boy named Jongin Kim who had the power to teleport.  Jongin’s father was the brother of the king of EXO-K planet which is why Jongin was able to obtain a special power.  Also Jongin’s best friend was his cousin Sehun, the crown prince of EXO-K planet who had the power to control nature.  On one fateful day, Sehun met Luhan, the crown prince of EXO-M planet who possessed the power of telekinesis.  Luhan and his family had been visiting EXO-K planet in order to take part in peace negotiations and while exploring the palace during his free time, Luhan had stumbled upon Sehun’s room.  Sehun was immediately attracted to Luhan and quickly invited him in and the two started to talk.  Soon minutes of talking turned into hours and by the time Luhan had to go, they were already planning their next meeting.  After that they met every day for the next five days after which Luhan’s family returned to EXO-M planet having been unable to negotiate peace between the two planets.  But by then it was too late, Sehun and Luhan had already fallen in love.  The day Luhan left, Sehun was the saddest that Jongin had ever seen him in his life.  Wanting to cheer his best friend up, Jongin tried his best to think of a way to cheer Sehun up and eventually came up with a plan: to help Sehun keep in touch with Luhan by teleporting back and forth to deliver messages for them.  Upon hearing Jongin’s plan, Sehun immediately agreed to it and soon Jongin was teleporting to Luhan to deliver the first message.  This continued to go on for the next few months and Sehun and Luhan continued to fall deeper and deeper in love.  

“Prince Luhan, I have another letter for you from Sehun,” Jongin announced as he appeared in Luhan’s bedroom.  

He rose an eyebrow in confusion when he didn’t get any response and looked over confused at Luhan who was sitting on his bed with his back turned to him.  Curious of what it was that had captured Luhan’s attention so much, Jongin tiptoed as quietly as he could up behind Luhan and looked over his shoulder.  Floating in front of Luhan was a small shiny ball about the size of a grapefruit and inside the ball there was a image of a bedroom.  Upon more careful inspection, Jongin realized that the image was of Sehun’s room and inside he could see Sehun sitting on his bed waiting for Jongin to get back with a message from Luhan.  Jongin leaned back chuckled softly to himself once he comprehended what Luhan was doing.  

“Prince Luhan,” Jongin called out from behind him and Luhan jumped in surprise.  

Immediately the shiny ball disappeared and Luhan looked at Jongin with his eyes wide in shock and a dark blush on his cheeks.  
“What were you doing just now Prince Luhan?” Jongin asked faking innocence.  
“N-nothing,” Luhan stuttered looking anywhere but Jongin’s face.  
“Were you just watching Sehun?” Jongin asked a mischievous smirk appearing on his face.  “Don’t try to lie to me.  I’ve been Sehun’s best friend for our whole lives.  Trust me I know exactly what his bedroom looks like.”  
“F-fine I was w-watching Sehun,” Luhan said blushing bright red.  “But please don’t tell him I don’t want him to think that I’m creepy!”  
“Don’t worry I won’t tell I promise,” Jongin said raising his right hand, “But I’m sure even if I did tell Sehun he would just think that it’s cute since he’s absolutely in love with you.”  
“He is?” Luhan asked eyes wide and gaping at Jongin.  
“Well duh? Of course he is,” Jongin replied rolling his eyes.  “Ah, well anyway here’s your letter from Sehun.  
“Yay thanks!” Luhan said giddily taking the letter from Jongin.  
Luhan opened the letter while giggling like a teenage schoolgirl and read it with a large grin on his face.  After he read the letter, Luhan went to his desk and quickly wrote a response and sealed it up in an envelope.  
“Here you go Jongin,” Luhan said handing him the letter with a bright smile on his face.  “And...thanks so much for doing this.  Sehun and I are more grateful than you could ever imagine for all that you’ve done for us.”  
“No problem,” Jongin said smiling warmly at Luhan.  “I’m just glad to be able to help you and Sehun be so happy.  Okay I’m off to Sehun’s.  See you later Prince Luhan.”  
Luhan waved to Jongin as he quickly disappeared from the room and set about to keep himself busy while he waited for his return.   

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hunhan_chunjoe #1
Chapter 5: The hunhan part is soo romantic wow I love this it's just making me crying all day!
Chapter 5: This is like Romeo and Juliet.... Jongin is just so beautifully written and HunHan were just the saddest couples....

I'm glad Jongin meets Kyungsoo though... The view point was quite interesting as well~~~

Great job on the story!!!
nambyunjung #3
Please have KaiSoo sequel T_T
I cried when Sehun and Luhan killed themselves. T.T
Atleast they're happy&together in the other world! Hunhan! :D
Kai,move forward and there's Kyungsoo! XD Kaisoo❤!!
This fic is great. :) Love it~