Chapter 5

The Greatest Happiness





A few days later after some discussion together, the king and queen of both EXO-K and EXO-M planet declared that the two planets will now be completely at peace.  Both parents did not want their children to have died in vain and also declared that there will be free communication and travel between the two planets.  Also it was decided that people on both planets could marry whoever they wanted.  Jongin was happy that his two friends’ deaths were not completely in vain but he still felt sad and suffered from lack of sleep due to reoccurring nightmares.  
The next day, Jongin had a visitor come to his home who he did not recognize.  
“Are you Jongin Kim the teleporter?” the boy who looked a little older than Jongin asked and Jongin just nodded.  “I am Zitao Huang and I am a member of the imperial family of EXO-M planet.  I am here because I have a message for you.  May I come in?”  
“Yeah come on in,” Jongin said gesturing for Zitao to enter still slightly confused as to how the boy even knew who he was.  “Who is the message from?”
“I have a rare power which allows me to control time,” Zitao began to explain.  “What most people don’t know however is that my power also allows me to visit a timeless dimension.  The dimension of the dead.”  
“S-Sehun!  Luhan!” Jongin gasped his eyes growing wide with shock when he realized that the message must be from one of them.  
“Exactly,” Zitao confirmed.  “I can take you to the timeless dimension to see them but only if you promise not to touch anything and to keep a good distance between you and the deceased.”
“Yes I promise!  Please take me to see them,” Jongin pleaded.  
“Okay as you wish,” Zitao replied.  
He closed his eyes and slowly lifted to hands and the time around them seemed to stop as what was around them melted into blackness.  Suddenly they were transported to a beautiful garden where the sun was shining and there was a light breeze blowing.  
“Jongin!” they both heard a voice yell and they quickly turned around to see who it was.  
“S-Sehun! Luhan,” Jongin exclaimed as he felt tears start b in his eyes from seeing his friends again.  
There they both stood smiling warmly at Jongin.  Sehun had his arm around Luhan’s shoulders and Luhan had his arm tightly and securely around Sehun’s waist.  
“It’s so nice to be able to see you again Jongin,” Sehun said smiling and Jongin brought his hand up to cover his mouth and bit his bottom lip to keep the tears in.  “Jongin, we both asked Zitao to bring you here because we want you to know that neither of us blame you for our deaths.”
“Our deaths were our own choices,” Luhan continued also smiling.  “But none of that matters now because now Sehun and I can finally be together.  Also now our two planets are finally at peace assuring that in the future no one else will have to go through what we have gone through.  There isn’t anything more that either of us could’ve asked for.”  
“Please Jongin promise us that you will try your best to be able to move on,” Sehun entreated.  “We don’t blame you for anything and we’re both so thankful for all that you have done in order to help us be together.  There’s no way that we’ll ever be able to thank you enough but we have one more last request: please promise us that you’ll be happy Jongin.”  
“Find love Jongin because experiencing true love is the greatest happiness that anyone can have,” Luhan nodding in affirmation and tightening his grasp on Sehun with bright smile on his face.  
“Jongin-shi it’s time to go now,” Zitao suddenly cut in and suddenly their surroundings started to blur again.  
“Please promise us that you’ll be happy Jongin,” was the last thing that Jongin heard Sehun say as he disappeared from right in front of him.  
“Yes I will be!  I promise!” Jongin called out to Sehun just as he completely faded away.  
Then suddenly they were back in Jongin’s house in the middle of the living room right back to where they had been before.  
“Thank you Zitao-shi,” Jongin said with a slight smile on his face as he wiped a few stray tears from his eyes.  
“Are you alright Jongin-shi?” Zitao asked worried.  
“Yes I am,” Jongin assured him with a real smile this time.  “I’m alright because I finally received the closure that I needed.  Thank you.”  
“I’m just glad that I was able to help,” Zitao said bowing slightly to him.  “I will take my leave now.”  
Jongin nodded and walked Zitao to the door to see him out.  After Zitao left, Jongin stood in the doorway of his house and watched the hustle and bustle of people going by with a tranquil smile on his face.  Suddenly he heard a loud crash and turned to see that a boy who looked about his own age laying on the ground with a lot of various groceries scattered around him.  Jongin quickly went to help the boy pick up his groceries.  


“Here let me help you pick these up,” Jongin offered and he gasped suddenly when the smaller boy looked up at him.  

Oh my gosh he’s the cutest guy I’ve ever seen!’ Jongin thought to himself feeling his heart rate speed up.  
“By the way what’s your name?” Jongin asked as he stood up once they had finished picking up all the groceries and both of them were holding two full bags each.  
“I-it’s Kyungsoo,” the smaller boy said shyly.  
“Well Kyungsoo-shi please allow me to help you carry these groceries home,” Jongin said smiling warmly at him.  



The End

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hunhan_chunjoe #1
Chapter 5: The hunhan part is soo romantic wow I love this it's just making me crying all day!
Chapter 5: This is like Romeo and Juliet.... Jongin is just so beautifully written and HunHan were just the saddest couples....

I'm glad Jongin meets Kyungsoo though... The view point was quite interesting as well~~~

Great job on the story!!!
nambyunjung #3
Please have KaiSoo sequel T_T
I cried when Sehun and Luhan killed themselves. T.T
Atleast they're happy&together in the other world! Hunhan! :D
Kai,move forward and there's Kyungsoo! XD Kaisoo❤!!
This fic is great. :) Love it~