4 .

This Summer ✭ 

Naeun slipped her feet into a pair of black, converse sneakers as she nibbled onto a sandwich she had made herself. Both her parents and younger sister were still sleeping by then and she had left a note to let her parents know where she was heading to. But of course, she had informed them that she was travelling to Jeju the day before, to stay for a few days with her fellow schoolmates. Her parents strongly agreed with the plan since she was graduating from high school after all. She deserved the leisure time after all that hard work and precious time she had spent on studying. Her younger sister even begged Naeun to bring her along with her since she wanted to visit the beach.


"Oh no, you don't little girl," Naeun's mom said sternly.


Naeun chuckled to herself, remembering the pout that her sister had, plastered on her face when she was tucked into bed the night before. She would have considered bringing her younger sister along if not for her parents' strong objection. They explained that Naeun definitely needed some time alone to spend with her friends rather than taking care of her younger sister, who was actually old enough to be responsible for herself.


"Bye bye house," Naeun waved as she took a last glimpse of the terrace house before leaving for the airport.




"So what's the surprise, hyung?" Sungyeol asked while tucking both of his hands into his jeans' pocket.


"Nothing's much more surprising than seeing this bunch of boys who I spent my whole high school life with," Hoya commented with a hint of sarcasm before yawning shortly afterwards.


"Wait patiently, will you? Good things come to those who wait," Sunggyu assured, his eyes scanning through the people at the airport.


The boys exchanged glances at one another before scanning through the crowd as well; just in case they spot some familiar faces. They could not wait any longer, considering how Sunggyu had kept his surprise plan from them for almost three days. What was the surprise anyway? Sunggyu only mentioned that they were heading for Jeju.


"I'm heading h-"


"They're here!" Sunggyu exclaimed, waving frantically at a group of girls who had just entered through the clear, glass doors.


Woohyun uttered a snicker as he spotted that girl whom he was extremely unwilling to see; the girl who he thought was born into this world to turn his life upside down in endless tornadoes. Park Chorong, the annoying girl that happened to be the one whom he had spent his whole high school life sitting with, tolerating and holding in every bit of his anger just because she was Sunggyu's best friend. If not for that misunderstanding and grudge that she held on him, he would have thought that she was a good catch.


"That's it, I'm heading home," Woohyun announced while gritting his teeth in rage.


Chorong widened her eyes as she stopped to see Woohyun amongst the group. Sunggyu did not mention anything about him and so she had let her guards down and completely forget that Woohyun was actually one of his best buds after all.


"Hey, not so fast!" Sunggyu beamed, extending both his arms to grab hold of Woohyun's and Chorong's neck.


"Let me go!" They both said in unison as they tried to struggle out of Sunggyu's grip while the others stood to watch, with no intention of helping either; it was for their own good anyway.


"Don't spoil the mood alright? It's not like we are forcing you both in a room or something."


"But I'm sick of seeing his face," Chorong muttered.


"Oh really? You ought to get your eyes checked because the last time I remembered, a girl was praising me for my flawless features," Woohyun snapped, eyeing straight at Chorong.


"That's what I c-"


"Shut up will you? It wouldn't kill to not argue," Sunggyu scowled, covering both of their mouths with his hands.


"Now, I'm sure the others want you to tag along with us. Besides, we have already booked the tickets, it's too late to turn back."


Sungjong clasped both of his hands together, hoping that Woohyun would change his mind. It wouldn't be fun to have one of their good friends missing.




"Alright! Let's go!"


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16th Sept - Do support my new fanfic ft Woorong: 'Noona Neomu Yeppeo' !


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Chapter 7: update soon~~~ i want to know their holiday kekekeke...
Chapter 7: update! update! update! ><
-SNSD- #3
Chapter 7: Update LOL!
Chapter 7: update soon ❤❣
Chapter 7: hahahaha woorong is so funny! xD they're so childish :3 but cute tho hohoho
New reader here. I kove pinkfinite! Looking foward for your update! :)
Love this story :)
Baybeeboo #8
Chapter 6: WOORONG ! Aha I didn't expect that they would be enemies .. Lol ! XD
Hey guys! I hope you like this story so far~ do subscribe to my new fanfic 'Noona Neomu Yeppeo' ft woorong!