Whatever Works


Maybe I should have told her who I was. But what if she rejected me? I lost YeJi once already... I don't want to lose her again.



A friend asked me to do this... I usually don't start two things at a time, because I tend to get frustrated easily and delete things a lot more, but she and I are really close.

Written By- YeRimEE

Story Ideas- YeRimEE and bearivy

Hope you like the new main characters: SHINee



The bus was about to leave. This was it. I turned back once more, to say the good-bye that I didn't think would be able to come out of my mouth.

"YeJi... I'm sorry... It's just, it's a big deal and everything...." 

"I hate you." Her face was dark, and she spat the words at me. I flinched, but then her eye-smile came back. "I was just joking. Geez, Jonghyun, I thought you knew me better by now!"

Oh yeah. I had momentarily forgotten her ability to lie like an actress. "Gosh, you dumb-! Ugh, you want my last memory of you to be one of hating you?"

"This won't be the last time we meet." YeJi said seriously. "We're best friends. We're going to meet again. Promise?"

Before she could make me swear to something I couldn't, I engulfed her in a hug. She tensed up, then loosened and wrapped her arms around me. "I'll miss you." Her voice was sad.

My heart thudded unevenly. This was it. I had to go in about five seconds. "YeJi... I wanted to tell you this before I left."

Then, I swiftly pecked her on the cheek, and turned around to leave. "I was in love with you for three years! I couldn't bring myself to tell you... I'm sorry if this ruined our friendship, but I'm probably never going to see you again anyways."

And then, I ducked my head and walked quickly away. 


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Chapter 1: This is cute but the font is kinda hard to read ;)
sunnyvpz #2
:) i really enjoy this ^0^ i hope you update soon <(-'.'-)>