Whatever Works

"Aloha!" Taemin chirped as we got off of the private jet. That's Hawaii, you idiot maknae.

Onew was helping YeJi off. I tried shooting lasers at them with my eyes, but apparently it didn't work, because nothing happened. Trust me, I was freaking jealous. He took my girl.

Jessica suddenly appeared; I swore loudly. "Why are you always next to me?"

"Who are you staring at?" She said, getting straight to the point. "You cheating on me?" She asked flirtatiously.

I rolled my eyes. She was probably referring to the scandal we're supposedly in right now. I know Jessica; she wouldn't go out with me to save her life. "Yeah, baby, maybe I am."

"So... you're into that whole 'ice princess' thing I see." Jessica motioned at YeJi. "You like girls that can speak their minds?"

No, I like girls that I can trust with my life. "Gorgeous, you know I'm only for you." I smirked at her. She slammed her high heels on to my foot and stormed away. Yeah, that's right.

We walked to the small house we were staying at. When we knocked, the door was flung open, and an old couplecame out. "Annyounghasayyo, it's SHINee, the-"

Before we could finish our standard greeting, they shoved past us and attacked Eunhye and Siwon with hugs. "Are you okay? Have you been eating? Siwon, I think you've grown more! And Eunhye; you are getting way too skinny, haven't you been resting?"

Then, they turned to us, their faces crinkling into welcoming smiles. "Oh, I heard you're Siwon's good friends. How are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you ahjumma." I said, trying to sound politely and not rude, like most adults think I am. Really, if you die your hair different colors they build all sorts of judgements against you.

Jessica slung her arm through mine. "We're dating!" She said cheerfully to the couple.

What? Get the heck away from me. But when I tried to escape, she slammed her elbow into my ribs. "That hurt, love." I gritted my teeth. Wow, this was probably her way of messing around with me, like always.

YeJi was staring at me. I could tell she was curious, and maybe finally ready to meet me, knowing that I wouldn't try to be mean around my girlfriend. An excellent plan came up. If she thinks I have a girlfriend, then she won't be awkward, right? I can get away with flirting, because it won't look like I'm flirting.

"Yes, we're dating." I said, lowering my lips so that they were near Jessica's ear. She looked at me, alarmed, wondering why I was playing along. 

"Oh, what a cute couple!" The old woman said cheerfully.

We smiled at them until they went back into the house, the rest of us following them. Jessica tried to leave me, but I yanked her back. "Sica, I need you to do one thing for me."

"If you want me to help you confess to Key, then go away." Jessica said to me. "And I know I'm hot, but you can let go of my arm now."

"No." I pulled her back again, dragging her off to the beach. 

"Let go of me you ert!" She screamed, but I ignored her.

Onew was watching us, amused. YeJi appeared at his side. "You coming in?" I heard her faint voice. My heart tightened, and I proceeded to the beach faster.

Once we made it to the ocean, I stopped. "Sica, please...."

Jessica shoved me into the sand. "Leave me alone!"

"I need you to help me with a girl!" I finally exploded, yelling the words at her. 

Jessica's face smoothed, a knowing smile creeping on to her face. "Well, why didn't you say so?" She sat down next to me on the ground, crossing her legs. She's so bipolar. "You trying to make her jealous?"

"No. Yes. No. Ye- Okay, I need to convince her that I'm not a bad guy! She thinks I'm a freak-"

"You are."

I gave her a look, and then continued. "She won't even look at me. I'm not sure if I like her... I used to though. It's YeJi. You were right. We were childhood friends before I made my debut, and I didn't talk to her once I moved. But right before, I confessed my love to her. I don't want to make it awkward anymore, so can you please pretend to be my girlfriend for the trip so that I can get closer to her? Can you please tell her that I'm sweet, nice, blah blah blah, and help me to make her believe that I'm not that horrible? You could ask the other SNSD girls to help too... I just want to be friends with her again."

Jessica was quiet a little after that, thinking while tracing patterns into the sand with one finger. "She doesn't know that you're the friend?"

I nodded. "Yeah. She's stupider than I remembered."

She looked at me, completely serious. "Or maybe she just doesn't want to believe it's you... because you're so, you know... player-ish?"

I'm not a player. I just pretend to be. "Will you do it, Sica?" And then I added, for safety, "Because, you know, you're so pretty, and nice, and you could easily make her think that I'm a great person."

"Quit with the up, okay?" She said dryly. "I'll do it."

I let out a sigh of relief. "I love you..."

"Save that for when we go up to the house." Jessica stood up, helped me up, and then took my hand. 

We walked like that back up to the others.

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Chapter 1: This is cute but the font is kinda hard to read ;)
sunnyvpz #2
:) i really enjoy this ^0^ i hope you update soon <(-'.'-)>