Thunder & Lightning



I was in my room, on my bed doing homework until Mei walked in. I didn’t bother to look up and just continued doing what I was doing. I was writing when Mei suddenly grabbed my hand to stop me. I was confused and looked at her. She smiled and removed the paperwork from my bed. Mei then sat on my lap and leaned in. She blew air into my ear and I shuddered. Mei wrapped her arms around me; our bodies were pressed tightly against each other. As if on impulse, I wrapped my arms around her waist and nuzzled my face into her neck.


“What are you doing?” I asked


“Can’t you see? I’m showing you my affection” Mei broke away from the hug to look at me


“I do-“ I was cut off when Mei rubbed her lips against mine


“I. Love. You” Mei kissed me after each word. Mei was about to pull away from the last kiss but I leaned my head forward and used my hand to stop her from moving. She was surprised but slowly gave in.




I was woken up by a shout. My heart was racing from the sudden loud noise. I ruffled my hair and looked at my surroundings. Crap. I was in class. The teacher was in front of me, obviously irritated. Everyone was staring. Oh how embarrassing.


“Sorry~” I apologized. I was too embarrassed so I kept my head down


“Detention after school” I sighed


“Yes sir” The teacher walked away and continued the lesson. I couldn’t concentrate for the rest of the period as I kept replaying my dream over and over again. I hit my head on my desk repeatedly. I must’ve looked like a crazy person as I heard my fellow classmates whispering.




While everyone dispersed I stayed back for detention. I sighed and rested my head on the table. I closed my eyes to take a nap. I felt a slight tapping on my head. I opened my eyes and see Mei crouched down to face me.


“Let’s go home,” Mei continued to poke my head. I slapped her hand away and she pouted


“I have detention” Mei sighed and gave me a disappointed look. I sighed and frowned


“Were you sleeping again?” I gave her a slight nod. Mei rolled her eyes and tilted her head to look out the window


“It seems like it’s going to rain so I’ll pick you up when you’re done” Mei stood up and walked towards the door. Before she left, she gave me the “call me” hand sign thingy.


Since I didn’t have to do anything for detention I decided to take a nap. Minutes passed and I could not fall asleep. Giving up, I decided to be productive; I decided to do my homework. Something questions into my work, I grew frustrated, as I couldn’t find the answer to this one question. I skipped that and went to the next one. I sat there staring at the equation. Screw this. I give up. I groaned and put my stuff in my bag. I slouched in my chair and looked out the window. It was raining.


“You can go home. Turn off the lights when you’re on your way” My teacher said and left the class with his belongings. I grabbed my stuff and headed to the front while calling Mei to pick me up. I was at the entrance waiting for Mei. It was raining and a beam of light came from the gray clouds, following was the sound of thunder.


“Ugh, seriously!” I hated, hated thunder. I covered my ears to drown the sounds. I really hate it. I was too fixated on the clouds that I didn’t notice Mei walking towards me with an umbrella. Something grabbed one of my hands allowing me to hear the booming sounds of the thunder. I jumped and looked downward. It was Mei and she was giggling. I glared at her and she cleared


“Let’s go” Mei held out her hand and I took it. We walked in the rain, hands clasped together. I occasionally squeezed her hand as thunder and lightning .


“Are mom and dad home?” I asked trying to take my mind off of the weather


“Nope. They flew to Japan for some business trip”


“When are they coming back?”


“In a week or so”


We got home and I went to my room to change while Mei went to the kitchen. When I was done changing into something comfortable I went to the kitchen to see what Mei was doing. On my way down I smelled the sweet aroma of hot chocolate


“Are you making hot chocolate?” I shouted as I rushed down the stairs.


“Yeah!” I was already in the kitchen when Mei replied back. A smile crept up on my face as I saw a mug filled with chocolaty goodness. I inhaled the scent and goose bumps arose from my skin. I unknowingly took the mug and went to the living room.


“Kris! WTF!” Mei was pissed. I was scared so I ran up to my room, careful enough to not spill the hot liquid. I got up to my room and locked the door. I curled up by the window and sipped on the hot cocoa. It was a nice peaceful moment until Mei banged on the door


“Open the door!” Mei kept on banging on the door. I was frozen. I stayed put hoping she would go away. Luckily she did. I sighed in relief and continued to sip on my drink.  My ears perked up as I heard the knob twisting and turning. The knob on the door fully twisted and opened. In came an annoyed Mei. I kept sipping on the hot cocoa as she grew nearer and nearer. I couldn’t stop it was too good. It was kind of like that scene in scary movie 3 where Brenda (I think that was her name) kept on munching on the popcorn as the girl from the ring was crawling (or maybe walking) towards her.



Kris details: In this story Kris is araid of thunder. The loud booming noise of it just terrifies him. I still haven't found a good story for why he's scared of thunder but I knew I wanted him to be afraid of it for future plots.


Don't forget to read my luyoon fic.

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HaiImEJ #1
Chapter 1: i read your story just now qnd yeah, same goes with me, we are born in the same year and same like your friend, im on december while my brother on january.. hehehe :D
--ohreos #2
Chapter 4: The (sort of) scenes are hawt :D But it was so frightening and I'm confused. So Kris just dveloped feelings for Mei?

You should do more XD
PandaFashion #3
not really like twins but they are born in the same year with a 10 month
Pretty interesting! but i'm kinda confused, so they basically are twins?! Cuz i dunno, same year born but in different am i wrong?