


I was home alone watching a random show on TV. My parents were away on a business trip and Mei was out with her friends. I was laughing hysterically when I saw a man walk into a pole.


“What are you watching?” A voice said from the back. I jumped and turned my head to see who it was. I look and see Mei.


“You scared the crap out of me” I said and continued watching people walk into things. Mei giggled and jumped over the couch, landing next to me. She then laid her legs over mine, giving me no room to scoot away. She was wearing shorts so I couldn’t help but stare at her long smooth legs. I continued to gaze at it until I came back to my senses. I slapped her legs lightly.


“Uh, ouch. What was that for?” Mei then slapped my arm, hard.


“Ow! I didn’t slap you that hard” I was rubbing my sore arm while glaring at her. She returned the glare and started to pound her legs on my lap. I then grabbed her legs to stop it. Mei was still resisting but she later on gave up.


“Tch” Mei glared at me before turning her attention to the TV. I let go of her legs and continued to watch TV. Once Mei was free from my grasp, she continued to pound her legs on my lap. I tried to ignore it hoping that she’ll stop eventually, but that didn’t work. I grew annoyed and took matters into my own hands, literally. I pushed her knees down and sat on top of her legs. Mei was now sitting up straight, arms crossed and pouting at me.


“You better stop,” I said. Our faces were a mere foot away and Mei held this mischievous glint in her eyes.


“And what if I don’t want to?” I smirked and grabbed her hands. Mei had thin wrists so I was able to hold them together with one hand. I pushed her downwards until her back met the couch. I held her hands over her head and started to lean towards her face. Our faces were an inch away from each other. Mei lifted her head up and gave me a peck on the lips.


“What are you going to do, brother?” Mei asked innocently. I used my free hands to caress her cheeks and then leaned in for a kiss. The kiss was long and euphoric. I let go of her wrists and took my shirt off. Mei smiled in delight and wrapped her arms around my neck while wrapping her legs around my waist.


“Room” Mei said and kissed me. I carried Mei and walked up to my room. I opened the door and then closed it using my foot; I was too occupied kissing Mei. I laid Mei on the bed. Mei started to take her shirt off, slowly but seductively. I gawked at her in awe. It was almost off until-




I groaned realizing it was my alarm clock. I opened my eyes and again groaned realizing it was just a dream. These dreams have to stop. These thoughts have to stop. My feelings I have for Mei needs to stop. I-I can’t go on living this way. I’m so sick and twisted. Why did it have to be her? Is it true that we always want what we can’t have?


“Kri- Oh! Your awake.” Mei rudely barged into my room.


“What do you want?” I asked.


“School. Get up and get ready” I didn’t budge.


“Now” Mei demanded. I didn’t move an inch. I lay there, just looking at her. Mei then grabbed my arm and started to drag me out of my bed. Her touch was electrifying. It wasn’t until I hit the floor that I fully awakened. I groaned and got up, pushing Mei out of my room so I could get ready. Once I was done, I walked downstairs to the kitchen where Mei was cooking breakfast. I sat on the kitchen table, watching Mei as she cooked. It felt as if we were a married couple… No. No Kris! No! I shook my head to stop these thoughts.


“You crazy or something?” Mei gave me a “judging you” kind of look as she placed bacon on the plates. I didn’t respond.


“Are you mute now?” I rolled my eyes at her.


“Get your off the table” I jumped off the table. I grabbed my breakfast and headed to the living room to eat and watch TV.


“Tch” Mei followed and sat beside me.


“At least say thank you” Mei pouted and then began eating.


“Thanks” I said.


“Mmmhmmm” We ate in silence… Well not really since the TV was on. When we were done, I waited by the door for Mei to finish the dishes. Once Mei was done, we headed out and walked to school. During the walk I kept stealing glances at Mei. She was happy which kind of made me happy too. I guess walking side by side is enough. I sighed knowing that my feelings will never be returned.



Details about Kris and Mei: So they're siblings born in the same year. Mei was born in January while Kris was born in November. Yeah... their parents were quite busy that year... It happens in real life. I had a friend whose brother was born the same year as her, her being born in like December and her brother in January.


Don't forget to read my luyoon fanfic.

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HaiImEJ #1
Chapter 1: i read your story just now qnd yeah, same goes with me, we are born in the same year and same like your friend, im on december while my brother on january.. hehehe :D
--ohreos #2
Chapter 4: The (sort of) scenes are hawt :D But it was so frightening and I'm confused. So Kris just dveloped feelings for Mei?

You should do more XD
PandaFashion #3
not really like twins but they are born in the same year with a 10 month
Pretty interesting! but i'm kinda confused, so they basically are twins?! Cuz i dunno, same year born but in different months..hm..or am i wrong?