

Shards of glass covered the floors. Darkness engulfed the rooms. Broken doors swinging left and right added movement to a still house. Dead and battered was what I would call the body that was once someone whom I treasured dearly. Blood dripped from my hands. Mine? Distant sounds of sirens were nearing. I was unfazed, feet implanted onto the ground. I stood there lifelessly.


“What have I done?” I tugged onto my hair. I have gone insane. Dropping down onto the puddle of blood, I screamed hoping for it to be an awful nightmare. I didn’t wake up; it was no dream. I was pulled into reality.


“Wake up… Wake up!!!!” I shook the empty vessel, but it was too late. Death had already grabbed its soul. I’ve become a murderer. A bomb that has finally exploded.


I laughed hysterically like a mad man in denial. I refused to believe, but it was all too real for it to be fiction. I was pushed down onto the floor. Neither sounds nor struggles were made. I was reluctant. Handcuffed and then off to where evil people go. I watched the place that I once called home drift away into the night as I left.


I was haggard when I walked into the questioning room. Hair disheveled, cheeks sunken, and eyes with no signs of life. It was a face I could not recognize, but one I’ve seen many times. I sat there like an old abandoned doll. An emotionless façade.




“Why!? Why did you kill h-” The cop slammed his hands onto the cold metal table. I could not take it. I was like a snake being provoked.


“Because they were going to separate us!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. Nails dug into my sweaty palms as I tried to regain my composure.


“They had found out…” I trailed off. My walls were crumbling.


“We both knew it was wrong, b-but it felt so right. It was a well-hidden secret. We never knew they’d find out…” I was on the verge of tears.


“I don’t understand?” The cops’ brows furrowed.


“It was a forbidden love between flesh and blood, brother and sister. I never knew I would develop these types of feelings, but I did. We shared the same feelings. We grew an intimate relationship. We held hands, hugged, kissed, and slept together like a normal couple. Our parents never knew as they were rarely home… Carelessness led to the downfall. One day we left the door unlocked. The night before, we had . Our parents barged in to find us under the bed sheets the next morning. We hadn’t known they had arrived from their business trip… We were beaten mercilessly. Our parents came to a decision. They were going to separate us. I didn’t take it well. I wanted to run away with my love, but it didn’t happen. Nothing worked out. My precious had agreed to the separation. I was infuriated. I went back to smoking in order to calm my nerves. Evil thoughts had taken over my brain, but with each cig I was able to dismiss them until it too was taken away. I was pissed. I was going to get separated from my love and my love had separated me from my stress reliever. I felt alone, that nobody had my back. All the bad thoughts surged through me and I took action. I chanted, “If I can’t have you, than no one will” as I did the unthinkable.” I felt a sudden rush of relief as I spilled out everything.


“I-I don’t know what to say” The cop was baffled. Minutes passed in the now silent room. Then I was taken to my cell without further questioning


“I’m so sorry Kris.” I whispered to myself. A single tear dropped from my eye.




I had to end the story as I no longer had an interest in it and I could not conjure up any other plots. I wanted it to last a bit longer but what can you do.

I will return with a Kris oneshot though I don't know if it'll be a tragedy. It most likely wouldn't as all of my stories have ended in a tragedy, but you never know.

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HaiImEJ #1
Chapter 1: i read your story just now qnd yeah, same goes with me, we are born in the same year and same like your friend, im on december while my brother on january.. hehehe :D
--ohreos #2
Chapter 4: The (sort of) scenes are hawt :D But it was so frightening and I'm confused. So Kris just dveloped feelings for Mei?

You should do more XD
PandaFashion #3
not really like twins but they are born in the same year with a 10 month
Pretty interesting! but i'm kinda confused, so they basically are twins?! Cuz i dunno, same year born but in different am i wrong?