Punishment & Murder


My eyes widened as Mei grew nearer and nearer. The gloomy weather dimmed the light in my room making the situation scarier than it really was. Mei had pale skin, long pin straight black hair, and a long sleeved dressed that reached mid-thigh. She looked like a ghost in one of those Japanese horror movies, plus she was walking slowly which added to the effect. Before I knew it, Mei was standing right in front of me. Her fingers lightly touched mines as she took the hot chocolate from my hands. I shivered at the touch. Mei than used her free hand to grab my ear.


“Ow. Oww. Ow!” I whimpered but she only tightened her grip. With the drink in her left hand and my ear in the other, Mei started to walk out of the room, down the stairs and into the kitchen. 


“Sit” Mei demanded, pointing at the chair by the kitchen table. I gulped and did what I was told.


“So…” Mei sat across of me. Instead of sitting on a chair like me she sat on the table. Mei crossed her legs. My eyes followed her every movement.


“You stole my homemade hot chocolate” I felt like a little boy being scolded by his mother


“Sorry” I said quietly


“Huh? I’m sorry but could you repeat that?” Mei leaned forward, turning her head so that her left hear was face me


“I’m sorry,” I said loud and clear


“Sorry for what?” Mei smirked at me. It was clear that she was enjoying this.


“I’m sorry for stealing your homemade hot chocolate and nearly finishing it all… But you got it back” I muttered


“Yeah like 1/3” Mei scrunched her face and took a sip of the hot chocolate.


“Can I go?” Mei took a long pause before nodding her head. I walked away with a sore red ear.




I woke up sweating from my little nap. It was 10 at night. The thunder had died down but the rain kept on pouring. The lamp beside my bed lightened the room. The dim lighting had me replay the nightmare I had. In the dream I was enraged, nothing could hold me down nor stop me, I was invincible. I held a bloodstained knife in my hand. I stood in front of the girl who I loved, Mei. Mei was laid on a puddle of blood, her blood. She was dead, murdered by me. I stood there staring at her lifeless eyes. I then dropped the knife and started to walk away. I stopped has I heard shuffling coming from the back.


“Brother~” The whisper had the hairs on my arm stand up. I jerked my head towards the back, slightly turning my body. My eyes widened. Mei stood there covered in blood.


“Why?” Mei started to walk towards me. With every step she took, blood oozed out from the floor leaving a trail. Her hair started to move as if it was being blown by wind. I urge my body to move but it couldn’t. I stood there helplessly.


“Why?” Mei asked again. She stood in front of me, eyes widening. The whites of her eyes shifted to a glossy black color. She screamed and her blackened veins were visible under her skin. My eyes shut close and I then fell into darkness.



Next chapter will contain info on both Kris and Mei.

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HaiImEJ #1
Chapter 1: i read your story just now qnd yeah, same goes with me, we are born in the same year and same like your friend, im on december while my brother on january.. hehehe :D
--ohreos #2
Chapter 4: The (sort of) scenes are hawt :D But it was so frightening and I'm confused. So Kris just dveloped feelings for Mei?

You should do more XD
PandaFashion #3
not really like twins but they are born in the same year with a 10 month
Pretty interesting! but i'm kinda confused, so they basically are twins?! Cuz i dunno, same year born but in different months..hm..or am i wrong?