::Afraid of the Future::

Even for 1 Minute and 1 Second {HIATUS}
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“Maybe this is why I was given the second chance to continue living... because now I finally got the happiness I never had... And it’s all thanks to you...” I said as I tightened my grip around him and tears overwhelmed in my eyes.

“What are you thanking me for? I haven’t even done anything for you yet,” he said between his sniffs from the back of my ears, still embracing me as if it was his first and last time to do it.

“You already did,” I pulled away and wiped his tears that have been drowning his eyes at the moment. “I know that you’ve been following me all along these past few weeks and I guess you already knew about my life... and my sickness.”

He stared down a bit embarrassed that I knew what he’s been up to all along. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to meddle with your life but I really wanted to help you in the possible way I can.”

I nodded in a way that I understood what he meant.” I admit it that at first I wanted to yell at you to leave me alone but then I remembered the words you told me back then. I just wanted to see if you’re sincere to your words and if you won’t give up on me unlike what my father did. You only prove yourself that my impression about you was wrong when you still cared for me despite knowing my hopeless condition.”

“Hopeless?... You shouldn’t be saying things like that. I just know that someday, you’ll live with no more hindrances to be happy...”

I nodded for the second time. “And that’s what you did for me. You’ve given me hope that even I wasn’t able to give myself. I started to hope again for my condition knowing that someone like you believed in me. And do you know why I’m here?”

He shook his head. “When I heard that you skipped school for the whole day, the first thing that came into my mind was you, jumping off this cliff like what you did the first time I saw you. And I felt terrible knowing that I wasn’t here to stop you at that time.” He smiled back when he saw the sudden grin appearing on my lips.

“I’m here because I want to regret what I did that day. I just came from my check-up yesterday and my doctor said that I’ve been showing progress with my condition. Although I still need to undergo several treatments, at least there’s a possibility that I’ll be cured someday.”

A grin pulled up on his cheek as he took me again in his arms with eyes overflowing with tears. “I knew it. I knew you’ll stay. I’m really happy knowing that you’ll never leave.”

“Thanks for always believing in me, Donghae. Thanks for making me happy.”

Hearing those words, he planted a kiss in my forehead. I knew then that my blissful days are yet to come.

We spent the days that followed together. He was reluctant to leave my side and it works the same way for me. I know for the fact that my condition was temporary. Future is unpredictable and we can’t do anything to change it if fate has really willed it to happen. We could only accept what it had for us. We should always have ourselves prepared for the better... or for the worst. For myself, I don’t want to think about it for the meantime. I’m happy being with Donghae. Even if my life would be taken in the near or distant future, I knew I had l

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KimSasaeng #1
seems interesting
Chapter 5: Y? Y HIATUS?? xD
i like this story
too bad it's on hiatus
Unnie, I finished reading. And you had a cliffhanger there.
LOL, tease. xD
But you need to study first. Fighting! ^^ <333
Like this story ^^
I'm so sad for Onew... he has to go through a lot. I can imagine having cancer. I would be depressed for a long time... Great chapter. Can't wait for you to update!!
Sungrinnie #8
I love this story. So sad at the same time. T_T Update soon! :D
Aww.. Donghae.. is so sweet. If I try to commit suicide would he come for me?JKJK!!! No seriously I'm just kiddiing.. I really like the story!!! Please update soon!!