Chapter 7

We'll Be Okay, Right?

The U-KISS members came rushing to the hospital after receiving a call from the nurses, but they came and found a sobbing Eli in the empty hospital room. They all scanned the room to find a trace of Kevin but no luck. He was gone. 

Soohyun rushed to Eli's side and said calmly, "Eli, tell us where did Kevin go."

All Eli could do was mumble his words, he was sobbing so harshly that Dongho began to weep along side him. 

"He," Eli said, "went back to the ER.." sobbing more harshly after have spoken those words. 

The room fell silent, only sobs from Eli and Dongho were heard. Soohyun stood up and walked out the room to find out more what had happened to the younger one. The rest of the U-KISS members were trying to stop the tears of the two who were sobbing uncontrollably. They kept trying to calm them down until someone came into the room. It was Kevin on the bed, still unconscious with nurses and doctors surrounding the boy. 

Everyone stood up and went near the bed, except for Eli. He still sat where he was put before. Not even looking towards the other who was on the bed. 

A doctor began to speak, "We were able to revive and keep his heart beat going. We are not sure if he will be all right or if he will lose his life." A gasped came out from one of the members mouth. "We will examine him closely until he regains consciouness. For now he will be admitted to another hospital room for privacy matters, since your company does not want this to be leaked to the public. And everyone here," he pointed to all the nurses and doctors in the room, "and everyone else in the hospital have swore to keep this matter confidential."

"Thank you," All the U-KISS members said, except Eli who was sobbing quietly to himself. They bowed and the doctors and nurses left the room to leave them be. 

"Do you want anything to drink or eat, Eli?" Xander asked. 

Eli shook his head and didn't spare Xander a glance.

"Please you have to eat something," Hoon said to Eli who was still looking down. 

Eli shook his head again in disagreement.

"We're gonna bring you food anyway, alright?" AJ said to him. 

Eli didn't shake his head, all he did was wave his hand to make them leave the room. 

"Alright, we'll be back in an hour or so. So don't do anything stupid, got it?" Kibum said. 

Dongho was rubbing his eyes and walked out the door with the other members. The door shut, and now it was just Kevin and Eli in the room. Eli finally got the courage to look at Kevin after the others had left. He walked over to Kevin's side and tears came rolling down his cheeks once again. Eli fell to the ground, holding onto Kevin's hand that was cold as ice. With a vein that was pumping slowly than Eli ever witnessed. 

Eli cried harder and harder whenever he felt a bump pass under his hand. It wasn't long until Eli fell asleep crying next to the other one's side. 

Soohyun walked into the room, mumbling to himself wondering where the others had gone off to. He saw the scene that was right in front of him. He walked to the closet and brought a blanket out of the closet. He put it on the bed, then pulled a chair so that Eli didn't have to kneel on the floor anymore. Once Soohyun got him onto the seat, he placed the blanket over his back. 

Soohyun whispered to the two of them, "Everything will be okay." with reassurance coming from his voice. 

Soon a week had past and Kevin still had not woken up. Everyday the U-KISS members would visit Kevin and stay until visiting hours would be over. Eli was the exception, he was allowed to stay by Kevin's side 24/7. The hospital agreed to it, with understanding from Eli and the company. 

Eli hadn't shed a single tear after that day, but sat calmly staring at his beloved who has not woken up yet. There were some occasions that Kevin had to be taken to the ER again, but it became less and less of a situation. 

Eli was cutting apples for himself, and hoping that if Kevin would wake up he would eat them as well. 

Eli looked over at Kevin, and sighed depressingly. 

"Kevin, when will you wake up?"

The U-KISS members came over for a visit, like the usually do. They talked about how Kevin was doing, making sure Eli was okay staying at the hospital with just himself and Kevin, and if he needed anything from the dorms. Eli replied to them, saying everything is okay, that he'll manage, and that he'll call if he needed anything.

"I just wanna stay by Kevin's side til he wakes up," Eli said confidently and calmly. 

The members looked at one another, all nodding heads. They all understood that their Eli would be fine. 

"Okay, then we'll be leaving now. Visiting hours are almost up. Call if you need anything okay, don't hesistate to call us or we'll beat you up if you hold back," Soohyun said jokingly at the end. 

Everyone smiled when Eli had given them a warm smile after what the leader had said to him. They existed the room and were on their way back to the dorms. 

Eli looked at the time, "11:47..." he whispered out loud.

"I guess I should go to bed now," he thought. He looked over at Kevin, and walked over to his side. 

"I haven't even gave you a kiss..." he said out loud, "I'm sorry for everything."

Eli leaned over and gave Kevin a soft, warm peck on the lips that made Eli's heart beat faster. 

Eli held Kevin's hand for a moment before walking to the bed next to Kevin's. 

He felt a tug on his hand and turned around, to see Kevin trying to open his eyes. 

"Kevin..." he whispered, "Kevin!" he hugged him into an almost-tight embrace.

"Kevin..." he said softly into Kevin's ear. 

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Chapter 10: this story was amazing *fails* and yes to a sequel! omg that would be amazing ^.^
SEOULster #2
Chapter 10: yes, make a sequel! If this story was this good, I can't wait to see how the sequel will turn out!!!
Chapter 10: SEQUEL PLEASE!! :D
i-love-seoppie #5
Chapter 10: I want you to write sequel ^^ I really loved this story and I want to read more xdd
fitrah #8
Chapter 9: i love this story ^^