
Untold Words


My P.O.V

"Omo! It's going to be our third in a two days!" I exclaimed as I squealed with my friends, Tiffany and Luna.

Tiffany frowned, "Why are you still doing this?"

I feigned ignorance, "What?"

"You know, you know he isn't like before." Luna said.

I laughed, "Of course! He turned so much more handsome and cute. Kyaaaaaaaa." I spazzed.

Luna sighed, "Sorry but I've got to break it to you straight. Chanyeol have been spreading rumours about you living with him-"

"It's the truth," I laughed, "It's no lie!"

"You're not the girlfriend, you're the cleaner." Luna said blantly in my face as I thought back to that day. 

I clenched my fist slightly as Tiffany hushed Luna, "Luna said it in a too exag-"

"I know... I was there." I mumbled as I felt the hurtful feelings coming back all over again. This month. This month was way too scary, it was as though the hill was so steep I fell and never got managed to get back up.

After that fateful day, I tried to talk to Baekhyun again, but ended up waiting for him as he showered, to only find him messaging this someone he named as 'sweetheart' and the messages were too lovey dovey to just be friends and when I was caught, I was scolded by him for not giving him privacy. 

Then more and more things happened. I saw him going out with this girl and I've seen him working on several gifts, but none of them were for me. I was like forgotten. I was forgotten. I no longer existed in his world.

"It's okay..." Luna and Tiffany hugged me as they wiped the tears away from my eyes.

"Did I do anything wrong?" I asked.

"You did great, you done the best you could've done." They hugged me tight, and just that every moment, I burst into tears. I bit my lips and snuggled into their shoulders as I cried out all I could. 

But the stubborn me didn't give up just yet. I still have the third anniversary. I still could change things. I still believe I can.


- 2 days later -


I sent a message out to Baekhyun, 'Baekkiee, it's our third anniversary today! Please get home early today okay? I have surprises for you!' I texted him as I prepared the place. 

I cleaned up the living room and got to gocery shopping, getting the food he loved most. When I returned, I continued packing up the place and cleaned up everywhere but stopped mid-way as I was cleaning his closet. 

There was a huge box I have never seen before, but then again, I hardly ever open his closet. I gulped, contemplating if I should open it because I was afraid he would say I have invaded his privacy again. 

But at last, I decided to open it. I opened to find pictures of him and a few different girls, hugging and such, then I cringed at the love letters he had from them.

I clenched my fist tight, I'm not going to cry. But I guess I just wasn't strong enough, I cried. 

I got up shortly after I heard my phone ring, "Hello?" I croaked.

"I'm not going to be home today."

I stiffened, "Why?" I sniffed softly, "But it's our thir-"

"I'm not free. I have- I have this new project I have to do." He replied. 

"It's okay." I smiled, "I'll wait as usual."

"No-" I hung up, not listening to him any longer.

I looked to the clock, "I'll wait, only till today ends."


One's limit can only be so much. I've endured enough, I can't go on like this. 

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Chapter 3: Very sad :(
baekhyunmahdear #2
sad story
ByunShari #3
Chapter 5: i cried :( so sad TT
reobeurrijeu08 #4
Chapter 5: Oh my god!
After so many years... This is the story that made me cry so much, TT^TT
I hate you Baek! Why did you die Just like that?! you must atleast spend your last minutes with her TT
mrxclebaekhyun #5
Chapter 5: TT TT amazing, im crying right now.
LoveBaek #6
Chapter 5: Baek Hyun is too kind and nice :'(
penielhyunsik #7
Chapter 5: sad ... i'm crying right now... amazing story
meepulianne17 #8
Chapter 5: AFJSJSBSHWWJAN OMG This was a super good fic omg I was drowning in my tears like I couldn't even ㅠㅠ I love you, author, whoever you are ㅠㅠ
songjihyo15 #9
Chapter 5: such a great story omggggT_T *cry* good job authorninm!
Chapter 5: ;_; daebak, omgawdd. This is really... b(><)d