
Untold Words

"Ouch!" I yelped as I knocked onto someone, "Sorry, sorry." I apologised.

"It's okay." A deep voice replied and we both hurriedly picked up the books and things we've dropped.

I smiled, "Thanks."

"You're welcome." His eyes met mine. It seemed so oddly familiar.

Not giving it much thoughts, I gave him another smile before turning on my heels, leaving the place.

"Hey!" He called out. I turned back as he sprint lightly towards me, "Sorry if this is too sudden, but would you like to have dinner with me this saturday?" He asked.

I blinked, it's been 3 years since I've been single and I don't actually know if I'm ready because even though I left, I still held onto a tiny hope that one day, he would still return to me. Tell me how much he missed me, how much he loves me. 

Call me a loser- anything, I don't care. But I truly loved him.

"Well?" He asked with a gentle smile playing on his lips.

"Well, why not?" I shrugged and half-nodded.

It's just a friendly dinner, anything that goes on from there... It would be another thing to say.

"Woah! Great! Um- so... Where do you live?" I frowned, feeling slightly creeped. He noticed it and immediately cleared my doubts, "I mean, I'll go there to pick you up." He awkwardly scratched his back of his head.

I nodded and laughed, "Well, just meet me here at 7pm?" I asked.

He nodded, "Okay! I'll be here on time!" He grinned.

I nodded and turned, "Oh! I'm Chanyeol by the way!" He shouted.

I stopped and turned back, "Well, I'm ______" I introduced before giving him one last wave and leaving.

Honestly, I hope this turns out good because, maybe it's time I moved on. It's been three years, if he wanted me back, he would have done so earlier.



I checked my watch again, he was late. "Sorry!" He panted heavily, "Traffic!"

I laughed, "It's okay." I waved it off.

He then led me to his car and we headed off for dinner.

"Seats for 2." He told the waiter and the waiter nodded, before bringing us to a table outside where it was quiet and slightly chilly but the atmosphere was good.

The waiter then placed the menus on the table and took our orders before heading off.

"So, how old are you?" He asked.

"Um, how old are you?" I shot the question back to him. Slightly hoping he wasn't older than me. 

"I'm pretty sure you're not older than me so don't worry and reveal it." He stated.

I laughed, "Okayokay, I'm 25." My smile faltered slightly, as I realised the youth I've spent on him.

He smiled, "Told you, I'm 26." They are both of the same age.

We then went on chatting and chatting about life and different stuffs and he was just hilarious. I don't know why but he was funny. He kept me happy and cheerful.

"Thanks for the dinner." I told him as we left the restuarant.


(Click play here!)


He smiled, "If you're really grateful..." He paused, "Could I still borrow your time for awhile?"

I curiously looked over, "Where to?"

"Secret." He placed his fingers to his lips then he led me back to the car.

"So, have you dated anyone in this 3 years?" He asked, I curiously snapped over. How did- 

"How did you know I was attached before these 3 years?" I asked.

He looked over, "I- I'm just guessing." He laughed.

I shrugged it off and thought of it as just a 'lucky' guess. Maybe I'm too paranoid. 

"So?" He nudged me.

"Well, I've been single." I confessed.

He turned over, "Why not, you're pretty." He complimented.

I blushed, "Well, I wasn't really interested in anyone new and no one asked me out. So yeah."

He nodded, "When was your last relationship?"

"3 years ago." I confessed.

"How long did you two last?"

"3 years?" I laughed.

He nodded, "I hope this isn't a very sensitive question, but why did the both of you break up?"

"Well, he- I guess he didn't love me anymore. He was seeing new girls behind my back even though I seen it everything and things were just getting worse, his love wasn't there and the relationship wasn't working so I broke it off."

"But what if he always loved you?" The car suddenly halted, causing me to jerk.

"What do you mean?" I questionly asked him.

He searched around the side compartment of his car before fishing out a blue envelope, "I was told to give it to you."

I frowned, "What do you mean?" I asked before I took the envelope from his hands.

"Anyway, we've reached." He told me.

I frowned and looked out before I got off the car but he drove away soon after, but not before shouting over, "I'll be back in an hour."

I looked around, before going into a deep frown. This was were Baekhyun confessed to me, when he asked me to be his girlfriend. The magical night, it's still so vivid in my mind, still as magical.



"Where exactly are you taking me to?" I asked again.

"It's a secret..." He replied.

"Baekhyun! Please take this off right now!" I grumbled.

He tugged my hands gently, "Come on, just a bit more. I promise it'll be good." I sighed, as I followed his lead with the blindfold on my eyes.

"Are we there yet?" I asked.

"Just a tiny bit more." He requested. I rolled my eyes, this has been the nth time he have been telling me that. "We're here!" He suddenly called out.

"Can I take it off now?" I asked, but he took it off my eyes rather than answering me.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness but I soon frowned, my hopes of him possibly doing something fun tonight was ruined. We're in this forest liked place with this huge stones pillars and it's so dark I can't even se-

A click was heard and suddenly the whole place lit up, it was hanged with many colours of colourful bulbs around the pillars that looked ancient and I stared back at Baekhyun, "Woah..." I gently stared.

"Here." He turned me around to a table of food and candles in the middle.

"What is this? Some sort of candlelit dinner?" I asked calmly, but my heart pounded wildly. I didn't want to put my hopes too high.

"Well...." He played with his fingers and pouted slightly, staring down on the floor.

I frowned, "What's wrong?"

"I... I- Aish." He groaned before mumbling some stuffs to himself.


He then took me by surprise, on the lips. My eyes widened before slowly closing, I understood him. I knew what he meant.

End of flashback


I took a seat just by the pavillion and gently opened the envelope and letter.


Dear ______, 


I gulped, it was his handwritting.


                 By the time you've read this letter, I should be already gone from this place, from all the pains and torture. I've read your letter and I'm sorry I didn't give you the perfect love story you deserved. You deserve so much more and so much better.


Without realising, I was tearing. Inside, I hated him. I hated him to appear so suddenly again when I thought I could start all over afresh again. I hate him for leaving me like that, I hate him for not coming back. But there was still this familiar feeling I felt, only with him.


                 I ate up everything you cooked that night. You're still the best cook I've ever met, and will continue to be for the rest of my remaining time.


I frowned, I didn't quite understand his letter. It almost seemed like a parting message to me. That he was leaving this world, with so much... regrets. I shook my head, keeping all those negative thoughts away.


                 I don't want to say too much, but please move on. Don't ask why, don't ask Chanyeol anything. He promised me not to reveal anything. Please don't let him break his promise please? 

                 I wonder if you actually hate me.... Laughs. It's okay if you do. I understand okay? But my feelings will remain just like how they used to be. 


Once again, I frowned. What did he mean by how it used to be? When we started out or when we were already breaking apart almost beyond repair? 


                 ________-yah, even though I wasn't with you through those times properly, please know I was always by your side. Even now.

                 In our next lives, you would be my girl, and I'll be yours. 



Byun Baekhyun


I finally broke into loud cries, for I understood his letter. He left, he no longer lives on. He is no longer here. But indeed, I still do feel him.


I took in a deep breathe, "Baekhyun ah, what if I told you, I still loved you? And that I would still repeat everything that we had to go through, even if it hurts." I paused, "But this time, I wish you wouldn't lie to me and let me go through everything with you."


I let out the deep breathe and placed the letter back, but then I noticed a something bulging in the envelope. I opened it and checked. It was a ring. I bitterly smiled before slotting it into my ring finger, "I do." I mumbled, "I do.. in this life, next life, and in all my other lives."





Well, so this is the 'epilogue' a few of you were asking. I'm actually not sure if this is actually an epilogue or not. But I remembered someone mentioned it to be from the girl's P.O.V, so yea. I kind of just wrote it this way. Yea, it's still a letter..... LOL. So guess baekkie didn't die yet and managed to write a letter to her eh? 

Oh, about Baekhyun's disease, I really don't know what to think about and decided to leave that out and decided it wasn't important. Anyway,  he's dead and no matter what disease he has, he's still dead. So yea.

Anyway, now you may cry a river now- LOL, jaykay. 

And yea, I know it's still has this rather hanging and incomplete feelings in some ways but I like it like this. XDDDD

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Chapter 3: Very sad :(
baekhyunmahdear #2
sad story
ByunShari #3
Chapter 5: i cried :( so sad TT
reobeurrijeu08 #4
Chapter 5: Oh my god!
After so many years... This is the story that made me cry so much, TT^TT
I hate you Baek! Why did you die Just like that?! you must atleast spend your last minutes with her TT
mrxclebaekhyun #5
Chapter 5: TT TT amazing, im crying right now.
LoveBaek #6
Chapter 5: Baek Hyun is too kind and nice :'(
penielhyunsik #7
Chapter 5: sad ... i'm crying right now... amazing story
meepulianne17 #8
Chapter 5: AFJSJSBSHWWJAN OMG This was a super good fic omg I was drowning in my tears like I couldn't even ㅠㅠ I love you, author, whoever you are ㅠㅠ
songjihyo15 #9
Chapter 5: such a great story omggggT_T *cry* good job authorninm!
Chapter 5: ;_; daebak, omgawdd. This is really... b(><)d