
Untold Words


My P.O.V



As the clock struck 12, I bitterly cried. Even till the very last second, I was waiting. I kept waiting. But maybe it's all over now. I'll give you what you want now, which I believe is the freedom to date different people again.


I picked up a pen and a paper and wrote a little letter to him.


Dear Baekhyun,


          Our happy days were shortlived weren't they? I don't know what went wrong and I guess I would never know, and I don't ever think I want to know anymore. But I thank you for those days you have been with me. 

          Maybe our story wasn't the best but it was great while it lasted. I'm sorry I will leave now, but I'm tired.

          I don't know if you noticed, done it on purpose, or just didn't bother. But I was still your girlfriend before this, and I seen you around those girls, I've seen your messages, I've seen your pictures. Why couldn't you be a little more discreet?

          Why couldn't you try and save my heart? Why did you have to break it like this? 

          You could've told me you were sick of me, you were tired, you didn't have the feelings- Anything. But why go around my back doing stuffs like this? Why call me a cleaner when I was your girlfriend? I was out the entire night in cold, and finally when I thought there might be a miracle and that we could get things back from possibly a simple walk to school, you went off again.

          Did you know how hurt I was? ...Nevermind Baek.

          Anyway, Baekhyun, even though it's for the last time, I still want to tell you, I love you and happy third anniversary. 



When I was done with the letter, I was crying, because I really was going to leave him. There really isn't any going back anymore. We're really breaking up. 

I placed the letter neatly beside his plate of already cold food and sighed. "Happy third anniversary?" I sighed, realising I didn't say it before, and now it was after 12, it was too late, and not only that, I've already sort of broken up with him.

Still crying, I went to pack up my stuff and left shortly after. I'm done here. 


Baekhyun's P.O.V

I groaned, hurting in pain. It hurt so badly. I cleared my throat and warmed myself from the cold air. 

"Hey, you're out." Chanyeol came over and pat me on my back as I coughed slightly again.

I forced a smile, but it hurt so badly. It hurt my heart so badly to have told her things like that just now. But she couldn't know the truth. Even though I badly wanted to go home on time and receieve the warm greeting as I reach home, I can't. 

I just hope she really would be waiting for me, even though it's selfish. 

"I'll call for the cab." I nodded weakly. Then I started coughing violently again, and my eyes widened as I saw blood. This is the 3rd time it happened. 

The doctor says I should live my last days happy. I only hope to still spend this third anniversary happily with her. 

"Ohmygod!" Chanyeol gasped as he saw the blood, "Again! Isn't this the second time already?" He shrieked.

I nodded, lying. But he shouldn't worry too much, I'm hopeless already. 

"Come on, let's get you back in the hospital." He said, pulling me back into the direction of the hospital I hated so badly. The smell, the people, th- everything. I hated everything inside. 

"No." I stopped him for once, "I'm hopeless already." I told him honestly.

He clenched his teeth tight as his grip on my shoulders tighten, "No." I saw his tears drip, "No..." He croaked, "You're gonna be fine. Let's just go back! The doc-"

"No, he told me to spend my last days happy. And all I want to do now is go back home and see her. I want to see her and spend our last third anniversary together. I'll then die peacefully." I smiled, thinking about how she would give me a gift and how I would secretly give her a little necklance I bought that day.

"Baek.." He croaked, "Why wouldn't you let her know?"

I smiled, "I would rather she hate me than cry in pain because I still love her. I still love her as much as before, if not, even more. I want her to move on after I die. That's why she can't ever know."

He nodded, "Okay. I'll get you home. But if anything goes wrong, call me." He said.

I smiled, "Don't worry, I would." I smiled, thinking of the times I called him late at night just to sneak back into the hospital and get back home hurriedly so she doesn't suspect anything, but as times went back and things got worst, I started to stay out rather than going back home early in the morning.

"Come on, let's go." I said, giving him a smile as I hung my hands loosely over his neck. I then made him go his way home for once because tonight I want to go back home alone, without any disturbance.

The ride back home felt extremely long and I felt so sleepy, but I couldn't. I have to give her the gift, and as she falls asleep, I would whisper my apologies and sweet nothings in her ears as usual, then I would give her a peck on her lips and on her forehead. 

I would then watch her sleep, and clean her tear-stained face and apologise again for making her cry because she should never cry because of me. Never. 

It hurts everytime I see her cry, it felt like someone was stabbing my heart and it aches so badly and to know I was actually the one who made her cry hurts even more.

I wanted to give up so many times, but everytime when I got home and when she greeted me so happily, I would bite back my smile and treat her coldly. But all I wanted to do was hug you tightly and tell you how much I loved you. How much I miss you while I was out. How much I missed seeing those beautiful doe eyes, how much I missed your melodious voice.

How much I missed everything of you. 

"Hey! Pay up!" The cab's driver voice woke me up in my trance, I quickly apologised and paid him before getting out weakly.

I impatiently pressed on the buttons of the lift as waited for it to get to my floor. I pushed the keys in loudly as usual, and opened the door. But for once, everything was dark.

I frowned as a bad feeling creeped up, I ignored it and on the lights. "Maybe she really slept today. After all, it's very tiring." I told myself as I stared at the clean house and food she made. A smile greeted my face as I looked at everything.

I slowly sauntered towards our room, but my smile then fell. The box of stuffs that I kept on purpose for her to see was open, but it wasn't supposed to be opened today! I then hurriedly looked around the room and found that her belongings were all gone, still thinking she might be here, I looked around the whole house to find no one. 

I felt life going out of my body as I slid down the floor, "She left..." I croaked, then I realised I cried. I was crying and it hurts so badly. I held her gift tightly in my hands.

But moments later, I got up. If she really left, I should at least have the last meal made from her. I would die in at least some peace then. I looked at the food she cooked and tears just kept coming out. She cooked all my favourites.

I took the fork by the side and stuffed everything into my mouth and I kept going, I wasn't going to waste any of these. When I was done, I was so full I felt like exploding. I sat comfortably back into the chair as a paper that was neatly folded caught my eye.

Could she have written me something? Of course... what am I thinking?



Dear Baekhyun,


          Our happy days were shortlived weren't they? I don't know what went wrong and I guess I would never know, and I don't ever think I want to know anymore. But I thank you for those days you have been with me. 


I don't want you to know either and I thank you for always being there, giving me the energy, and you gave me everything I needed. You were more than enough.


          Maybe our story wasn't the best but it was great while it lasted. I'm sorry I will leave now, but I'm tired.


As long as I have you, our story will be perfect. But I guess, it's about time you left anyway....


          I don't know if you noticed, done it on purpose, or just didn't bother. But I was still your girlfriend before this, and I seen you around those girls, I've seen your messages, I've seen your pictures. Why couldn't you be a little more discreet?


I've done it on purpose. I'm sorry I hurt you, but please understand..


          Why couldn't you try and save my heart? Why did you have to break it like this? 


That was the only way....


          You could've told me you were sick of me, you were tired, you didn't have the feelings- Anything. But why go around my back doing stuffs like this? Why call me a cleaner when I was your girlfriend? I was out the entire night in cold, and finally when I thought there might be a miracle and that we could get things back from possibly a simple walk to school, you went off again.


I was never and will never be sick of you. And Chanyeol knew you were my girlfriend since day one because I could never stop talking about you. I'm sorry I left you out in the cold but I just couldn't be so obvious. But please know that, that night, our backs were only a door apart. I sat with you throughout. But, I know that still doesn't make up for it. I'm sorry I had to go even though I promise, but I was hurting that time and had to leave for the hospital immediately. I'm sorry.


          Did you know how hurt I was? Nevermind Baek.


I know, I know. I'm sorry.


          Anyway, Baekhyun, even though it's for the last time, I still want to tell you, I love you and happy third anniversary. 


I broke out in tears, "It wasn't supposed to end this way. You were supposed to hate me! You were supposed- " I started coughing violently and suddenly, I felt myself choking as I gasped for air but I finally fell onto the floor and out.


But please know, I always loved you and still do. Happy third anniversary, my love.



Almightybling: This is the end of the story! The story will be on for another week or so before I delete it, because apparently, there's this fic that is so so so SOOOOOOO. I EMPHASIZE, SOOOOOO MUCH SOOOOOOO SOOO SOOOO MUCH SIMILAR TO THIS. And so, I'll be deleting it.

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Chapter 3: Very sad :(
baekhyunmahdear #2
sad story
ByunShari #3
Chapter 5: i cried :( so sad TT
reobeurrijeu08 #4
Chapter 5: Oh my god!
After so many years... This is the story that made me cry so much, TT^TT
I hate you Baek! Why did you die Just like that?! you must atleast spend your last minutes with her TT
mrxclebaekhyun #5
Chapter 5: TT TT amazing, im crying right now.
LoveBaek #6
Chapter 5: Baek Hyun is too kind and nice :'(
penielhyunsik #7
Chapter 5: sad ... i'm crying right now... amazing story
meepulianne17 #8
Chapter 5: AFJSJSBSHWWJAN OMG This was a super good fic omg I was drowning in my tears like I couldn't even ㅠㅠ I love you, author, whoever you are ㅠㅠ
songjihyo15 #9
Chapter 5: such a great story omggggT_T *cry* good job authorninm!
Chapter 5: ;_; daebak, omgawdd. This is really... b(><)d