Chapter 5

Say, You will never leave me anymore.




The clock shows its almost 5 o clock. And there's no sign that Kriss will come. I start to feel doubt. I'm not sure he will come. I stirr my noodle with the stick. Should I leave now ? but, deep in my heart I know that He will come so I decide to wait him. The sky is getting darker. And this place getting crowded but I can't find his face. I bowed my head and close my head. God, please makes a miracle one more time. The tears fall down and I find my self smiled bitterly. 

"Don't cry, you just act like a fool."

The perfect angel has stood up in front of me. I wiped my tears. 

"There's nothing to be explained." He start to talk.

"I know, but let me say those all was my fault..."

"No, Maybe its my fault that I didn't feel you sincerely at the first time we started to build all these things. Maybe that's your right to choose him and leave me like this."

"But I love you the most. I realize that I can't if that is not you. But, I'm too selfish I know. Can we start again?"

Kris can't say anything but takes his deeper breath. 

"I can't let you go like this, Kris. You know that you are so meaningful to me."

"It used to be. But not now. I know that I have fallen for you. But I think that was my mistake to use you to forget my past but it doesn't work. I know if we continue this. You will be the one who hurt the most. And i think the best thing that we can do is to let all the things grow like this. You have found him.And I believe that he is the best for you, Vic."

I cry more and more and can't say anything but cry.

"But, I can't Kris."

Kris starts to hold my hand and wipe my tears. He smiles.

"I know you can, Vic. If you decide to stay with me. You will be hurt. and I dont want to hurt you more and more. Go with him. He will be take care of you and love you sincerely. I believe he wouldn't hurt you. Kyu won't do that. Trust me, with this as we won't hurt each other again.

Kris smiles and and hold my hand tighter.

"Promise me, you won't avoid and hate me, are you?"

"We can still be friend. And as long as I'm your friend. I will take care of you."

"But Kris.. Mianhae... I'm sorry to do the thing like that to you. I'm sorry to make situation to be like this."

He touches my lips smiles

"sssshh that's not your fault. Don't cry. Dont feel like all the things gone wrong and said its your fault."

"Gomawo... Thanks to make me feel better, Kris."

We end the talks and Kris decide to accompany me to go home with him. We end with the beautiful confession. I hope i can move on step by step. And thanks God, You give me one more miracle to fix all. We arrive in front of my door. Kris smiles and I don't know but suddenly I hug him tightly like I don't want to release him. I want to stay like this forever. But I can't. So I let him. 

" I'll go then." Kris smiles and walks to leave me.

" Wait." I grab his hand and kiss him suddenly. I know that his face torn to be so confuse and I hold him for a long time. After that, I bow my head so deep. feel worse.

"Gomawo..." I said. 

He only smile and mess my hair. 

"Gomawo .. take care of yourself, ne?

I nods. And He walks away. I smile cause I can start my way better now to fix it all. Life must go on. 


Author POV

Everything is gone right. Except this one ... 


Everything is gone wrong with her. She has her own conclusion. She has saw and hear it. On her own.


Amber POV

The things go wrong. Now, I don't know. What should I do? Go on or avoid all these things. 

I lock my self in my room. I still remeber all the things crystal clear. Just now. Is he still loving her. They are adding my hurt when hugged and kissed. I don't have any idea right now. Except to avoid. I know i shouldn't come in his present. I'm just kind of his past and doesn't mean anything except memories. I should let them feel happily forever after. Kris is loving her much. Vic is my best friend. Come on, Amber. Why can not you give in and let them all happy?

Oh God ... Help me. 

I cry heavily. I imagine to back to my childhood and didn't get hurt like this. I miss my Dad suddenly. Maybe if I get him by my side now, I can hold him and tell how I feel this worse right now. Dad .. I miss him so much. I want to meet him. Suddenly I wipe my tears and takes my back pack. I put some clothes. And call for a tcket to Beijing As soon as possible. I think its time to clear the thing with avoiding for a while. And comeback when i get better. I open door.

"Eomma.. "

I knock her room.

She opens the door and feel shock.

"Eomma I want to ..."

"Amber ya.. are you alright. you just cried ?"

"Aniyo eomma.. I'm fine. I want to say that I will go to beijing for days."

"What ? why so sudden ? is it something bad happen to you? Amber, dont make me feel worried."

My mom wipe the rest of tears in my cheeks.

" You cant say that you are alright. tell me ? why you want to go to Beijing right now?"

"No , eomma. i just want to visit Appa's grave and want to relax. I think I have so much burden nowadays and I think I need to relax my self."

"Are you sure that you will go now?"

"Yes, eomma. will you keep one promise to me?"

"what ?"

"Promise me. Don't tell anyone that I go to Beijing. Don't tell to anyone, please.."

"Okay, I will keep it then."

I smile and leave my home. I think it will be the right decision at this time. I dwactive my phone and make sure that no one can call me. I take my seat. I think i will be so much better there.

Almost ten years ago since the last time i go to Beijing. The time when my Appa died. Appa said that he want to buried here. The place where he spend his chilhood. One thing that i remembered, Appa loved to take me here. Appa buy a small house here and for a long time I didn't visit. 

Finally I arrive to the cemetery. Not too far from my house. 

"Appa.. I come. I'm sorry.. Its so long ago that i didn't visit you."

I put a fresh flower arrangement there. 

"Appa.. I miss you so much you know. I come here at least i can feel that you are with me now. I don't know how my day goes wrong day by day Appa. I really need you now. Appa ... am i wrong ? am I wrong that I love him so much ? am I wrong to meet him now? after feel apart and my really long of waiting him ? should I let him , appa ? or shoul I hold on   or give up on my love? Why it is so complicated?" 

I cry a river. I know if only Appa still alive today. He will angry because he hate to see my tears and said that I'm too weak and whiny. Forgive me Appa. I just too tired to hold my tears. 

"Appa, i'm promise i will visit you more often. Appa , I miss you."


Author POV

Kris takes his phone repeatedly. He tries to call but there is no answer. He get worried about what happen with Amber. He tries one more time to call Amber. But stil, there is no answer. Kris called Chanyeol and said that He didn't see her from yesterday and Amber wasn't with him. Almost a day, Kris didn't get to cantact with Amber. He feels more and more worried. Kris decides to come to Amber house.

He didn't find anyone but her mother. He still thinks about what Amber's mother said that she didn't tell her too but said that she will go for a while to relax with her. He can't still find any idea about what happen with her. Because Kris thinks that there's no something bad between Amber and him. Or maybe there is something that He didn't know about Amber ?

Chanyeol also try to find where Amber is he tries to visit every place that Amber loves to go .But he finds nothing. Chanyeol visit Vic home , but he didn't find amber too. It almost night and he still cant find him. He tries to call one more time. Miracle did. He finds that Amber activated her phone. but still there's no answer.

Unfortunately, Amber's phone is active. And now, she i very doubt. But, actually she thinks that she should tell Chanyeol so he didn't feel too worried.

"Amber ya !!! where are you now? are you okay. Amber yaa .. I feel worried. Where are you."

"Chan.. I'm okay here dont worry I can take care of my self. I just want to relax my self and forget all of my problem here." ...........

After all the things that She told to Chanyeol knows what happen. He must tell to Kris, although Amber said its a big  no no to tell kris about her now. But He thinks the right thing now is to telk Kris.

"Misunderstanding." Kris said to Chanyeol.

"What does it means? You wanna hurt her again and again?"

"No, Chan. I didn't have a relationship anymore with Vic. Yesterday we meet and make all the things clear. But, before i go home, Vic did it. Maybe Amber saw those things, and thinks that I still have a relationship with Vic.Amber... "

"Yeah, I know that maybe now She hurted so much now. She said that its better to let Vic and You and avoiding like that. She thinks that its better to hide. And I can hear her cry clearly on my phone just now. You must meet her, Kris. She needs you now. She needs an explanation from you. You must fight for her." 

"Yes I should, Chan."



Amber POV 

This house is so small and quiet. I can see the table, couch and the vase is covered by dust. I clean all the room.I can imagine how we use to sit down and talk more here. Really, I miss him, my father. One by one. I clean the glass frame. And saw the people in it. Me, Appa and Eomma. How my self was someone's cute and cheerfull. Aah . truthfully I want to go back to that time. The time who I don't need face and feel the burden like this. Don't care about someone you love or someone you hate. Don't know about hurt and broken heart. Dont care about someone leaves you or comes to your heart. Let all the things flow and feel that everything is gonna be alright. My childhood..

Suddenly, I found someone in the frame. I'm so familiar with his face but i really hard to find who is he. Hair neatly combed. A bizzare tuxedo and shoes. His white face and the sun makes it turn red. He hold my hand tightly in this photo. And my face shows that i really annoyed with him but try to smile. Ah, cute memories. Another picture shows the same person who brace her arms and hold me. Seems like two pranks, I close my eyes and tries to find who is he. I try to memorize and my brain invite me to remind all the thing all the things about him. When we meet, fight, laugh, cry, angry, smile, run , walk , tell the story , and do all the thing together , and then apart. I drop the frame and snapped. I am stunned and remember, He is the one who I wanted that I waited that I loved that I cried on. And now when we meet again , I should leave and let him with someone else. I can't hold on my tears that has been repeatedly. I take the photo and drop my self to the couch. God, I'm tired. I think that I'm strong enough to forget him. In fact I cant really forget him. I use to think, i can forget and finish everything when I avoid it. How can I go and leave all of my problems and think that it will be finished by it self. I really take a deep breath. 

The room is getting smaller and make me feel more tired. I decide to go out from my room and open the door. I can see all of flower bloon the smeel of the rain. I can find some peace here. The wind blown who makes tehe swing move. Its a sweet serenade that i ever see. The smeel of the cut grass. Aaah I will miss all the things here. Maybe I will back to korea tomorrow or maybe two more days again. There's nothing to do here. I must fix all of my problem and walks the day that i use to be. I smile. 

"Don't leave me anymore."

Someone hugs me very tight. And i can feel the tears on my shoulder. he holds me tighter and tighter.

"Amber.. Don't leave me anymore. Promise me. I just can't without you."

"Kris, how can you ... "

"My love for you , bring me here to find you."

I really shock that he can find me here. He saw my face and then hold me again.

"Amber ya.. you have misunderstood, about Vic we didn't together anymore. I didn't feel anything for her anymore. I only have you now and then."

I drown my face and cant see him. Then he holds my hand. 

"Amber, trust me."

"Don't lie. I'm fine if you with her."

"No.. you shouldn't say the things like that."

"I come here, Leave the canada, stay in korea, just to find you. Find my past and bring you to my future."

I smiled bitterly. I still feel that I lost my mind for his phrase.

"No, Kris. I really fine if You are with Vic!  I don't wanna be someone who disturb your relationship with her. Let me alone here. I'm fine!"

"Amber ya ! what are you talking about? you wanna push me like this after all of my effort to find and my bruised heart because of you?! Amber ya .. why you still didn't understand that my love just for you. I'm sorry if you hurted like this."

I cry a lot and so carried away with my emotion.

"So, what you wanna from me ? my bloody broken hearted ? my tears ? what Kris !! Tell me !! is it enough to see me like this ?"

I run and avoid him. But I know i'm not stong enough. He catch me and hold two of my hands tightly.

"You know what I want from you know? You really want to know?"

I drown my face into his chest. 

He push me to the wall and I can feel his breath so deep. He started to kiss me roughly and hold me. seems like he won't release his hug. He stops to kiss and see through my eyes clearly. 

"Kris, I can't breath. Please let me.. "

"Do you know now, what I want from you?"

I keep the silence.

"Please, understand. Be with me. All i want is you. We can build again from the start. I promis you, i will hurt you and let me like this. Amber.. "

At the first time I can see crystal clear the tears fall from his eyes. The sincere tears. The tears which afraid of losing someone.

"Promise me, You are mine. Only mine." Kris said it with the husky voice.

I nods and can't say nothing. 

He hugs me again. 


Now he gets my hand and walks in the middle of blossom flowers. I hope it will be like this forever after.

I feel awkward for the first time. Because Kris still staring at me. And i just can smile.

"Why? why you look at me like that?" i ask.

He pinch me and kiss me then said.

"I just cant get you out from my head." He answers and smile

"I hope you cant get me out from your heart too. " I smile and hug him very tight.

"I just want to be like this forever." I said it murmur. 

"Do you see the space between your finger?"

I see it and try to find something.

"euum ??" I mumble.

"It fit mine perfectly." Kris whispers into my ears as he intertwines my finger.

"It means, I must be with you forever after to  take care and share my life with you.And say you will never leave me anymore."


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krisber_1806 #1
i love krisber and krisyeol.
i'm sorry if you want kristoria .. later i wil make new one . sure I'm KrisBer and KrisYeol shipper . I think to make a sekuel for this story , so wait .. :D
Chapter 5: not kristoria?! -.-
why vic cheated on kris.? aigoo. frustrated.!! i love if kris and vic get bak together. please author-nim.?? :))
Chapter 4: I got confuced too so can u pls add who's pov it is to it??? And I LUV kristoria!!! Pls update !!!
ZeeNix #6
Chapter 3: It will be btter if you put who POV in the story. I got cnfssed when first its chan pov then suddenly it turn out to be kris pov.
I Luvh KrisToria <33 >.^*
Yuhh Should Do ChanToria ( Chanyeol+Victoria ) It Wouldd Be Cutee c; <3
Omo Thanks , I will do my best , please anticipate it :D
ZeeNix #9
Chapter 1: Kristoria \( ´ ▽ ` )/

Krisyeol \( ´ ▽ ` )/
Omo! It's Krisyeol! Haha I love Krisber too ^^ will read it now!