Daehyun's Feelings



Minsoa’s Point of View


Daehyun’s eyes were soft as they stared into my eyes. I felt myself melt under his gaze. “what did he mean by how I feel about you?” I asked myself, “Can he hear my thoughts? No wait, only Himchan Oppa can do that.”

“Wha-wha-what do y-yo-you mean b-b-by how you feel about me?” I stuttered.

He stared at me with intense eyes, “The way you make me feel.” He said.

Did he seriously just tell me the name of a song?” I thought to myself, “Why does he have to make everything so complicated.”

“huh?” I replied, and stared at my hands.

I felt a warm hand under my cheek, and it forced me to look up. Daehyun stared into my eyes, as he did this. His face was kind and welcoming, and his features were perfect like an angel’s.

He spoke softly, “Minsoa, there’s something about you that is different from other people.”

“You mean other girls.” I mumbled, as he caressed the side of my face, sweeping a strand of my hair behind my head.

He leaned in closer to me, and I took in his scent. Daehyun always smelled nice, and it made my heart race. I felt like it was going to explode.

“Ne,” He said, “When I’m with you I feel complete.”

I nodded in agreement, and stayed silent. I didn’t know what to say, and with each moment my heart beat faster.

“Ever since I laid eyes on you twelve years ago, I knew you were special.” Daehyun said with his signature smooth velvet voice that made me want him more.

“Special?” I whispered, only for myself to hear.

“Ne, special. That night when Hyung brought you here was the night I knew…” He said pausing.

“New what?” I asked confused.

“I knew that you were going to be a big part of my life.”

I didn’t expect that one.” I thought to myself, and looked up to him. Daehyun was smiling, and his eyes sparkled in the light.

“The next time I spent time with you alone, was the night you stayed in my room for the very first time, remember?”

I nodded in agreement, “How could I forget that? It was when I had those awful dreams… that are now, back again… but this time without my unicorn in them… Odd.” I thought to myself.

“That night you told me you weren’t afraid of me, and that meant the most to me. You didn’t know anything about me, but you still told me that I wasn’t a monster, even though I am.” He said.

“Daehyun, you’re not a monster.” I said softly, “Monsters hurt people.”

“I did, in the past.” He said sadly.

“But that wasn’t you, you were confused and only a kit. You did what your parents told you to.” I argued.

“I know, but that’s no excuse.” His face showed grief all over it.












“I still don’t think you’re a monster.” I said, looking up at him with big eyes.






















He smiled after I said that, I could see that it meant a lot to him.

“You saying that is all that matters to me.” Daehyun said pressing his forehead against mine, and staring into my eyes. I could feel his breath against my face, and it tickled my lips. “I know it seems wrong, but I love you.”

I froze after hearing those words, “What?” I gasped.

“I love you.” He said staring into my eyes.

My heart skipped a beat; no actually I thought it stopped. I forgot to breathe, and then gasped for air.

“Ever since you stayed with me in my room that night, I’ve loved you ever since.” He said running his hand through my hair. I was in utter shock, and focused on breathing, because that became difficult.

“Love me…” I whispered.

He leaned in close to me, placing his other hand on the side of my face. Daehyun then leaned his head closer to mine cocking it slightly to the side, and pressing his lips against mine. His eyes were closed, but mine remained wide open. My heart pounded against the inside of my chest, and my breath escaped me. His lips were warm, and the tingling feeling engulfed my body. I couldn’t help, but give into it. My eyes slowly shut, as I leaned subconsciously closer to him. Daehyun deepened the kiss, pulling me against him. His body was warm, and he wrapped his arms around me. I felt safe, warm, and loved in his embrace. He pulled away slightly, allowing me to breathe, and then he kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck, running my hands through his hair. I didn’t know what had gotten into me, but I didn’t want him to stop kissing me. His hands traced down my back, to my waist where he rested them there.

Daehyun pulled his head away, breathing heavily. He kept his eyes closed, and I stared at him. I felt my face get hot, and for some odd reason I felt embarrassed.

Daehyun slowly opened his eyes revealing silver colored irises, which pierced right through me. I had managed to catch my breath, and just stared into his silver eyes. He opened his mouth slightly revealing his fangs. They were long and sharp, sharper than my other Oppas’, but they looked the same as Yongguk Oppa’s.

They mesmerized me; I had never seen Daehyun like this. Well he never showed me his fangs before, and I didn’t see his eyes this color often. I slowly brought my hand up to his face.

Daehyun closed his eyes, as I traced the shape of his lips. He then bared his fangs gently, so I could see them better. I took my index finger and lightly touched the tip of one of his fangs. With barely any pressure, blood was drawn. I didn’t even feel pain. I went to move my hand away, when he grabbed it. I looked up from my hand to see his eyes staring into mine. Daehyun then glanced down at my hand where my blood spilled rom the tip of my finger.

I looked at him as he stared at my blood. He then gently took my finger to his lips, the blood off, and kissing it. My wound healed, and his eyes met mine.

I was frozen. It wasn’t that I was afraid; it was just that I was nervous, and shocked.

I had butterflies in my stomach, and I felt like I was going to hyperventilate. Daehyun held my hands in his, and then decided to pull me against his chest. I pressed my face into it, and smiled. I loved this feeling I had. It was a feeling of security, being loved, and that electrical tingling feeling that pulsed through me. Daehyun rested his chin on my head, and then he nuzzled his face in my hair. I could feel his warm breath in my hair, and I liked it.

“You are the most important thing in my life.” He spoke finally breaking the silence.

I felt him pull back, and I glanced up to him and our eyes met.

“I love you Daehyun.” I said, and looked down out of his gaze. His eyes still remained silver.

He put his hand under my chin lifting it back up so my eyes could meet his. “I love you too.” He said with his velvet voice, “I don’t care if it is considered weird, I love you. And you can’t help who you fall in love with.”

I nodded, “Do you feel this strange feeling when we are together.” I asked, and then noticed how dumb the question sounded.

“The tingling feeling?”


“Like and electrical current?” He asked, and I nodded. “Yes I do. I always did, ever since we met.”

“What do you think it means?”
“I don’t know, maybe this is what love is.” He said with a smile. His fangs showed, but I didn’t care. He still looked like an angel that wouldn’t harm you.

Daehyun’s eyes stared into mine, and then closed. He leaned in kissing me deeply. The warmth of his lips warmed mine. We began to kiss passionately, and began to make out. I lost myself kissing him. I felt like I was floating, and that no worry in the world could bring me down. Well that’s what I thought when the door slammed open. I jumped, and Daehyun and I quickly pulled away from each other.

“Daehyun! You better start explaining now!” Yongguk’s voice bellowed through the room.




Yes I know short chapter. Sorry about that, but I had to do it. I didn't want to continue the story under this chapter becasue what is to come next has nothing to do with wha was in this chapter.... I hope i'm not giving too much away. HEHE but anyway please comment and let me know what you think. THANKS A BUNCH FOR READING! ^^

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Sharissa #1
Chapter 7: *wiped tears* finally found Chocolat Member fanfic and its so nice knowing it pair up with my bias Daehyun im chocolatiers btw
Chapter 14: Omg... I'm too much in love with this fic for you to stop T.T XD
Plz plz plz update soon ♡♡
Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
Baekna #4
Chapter 14: i really like this story!
update soon
update plz
ahhhh I love this fic sooooo much please update soon!
Chapter 14: Hey, I just found your fic and I was into it right away! Amazing Fic. Please please update soon. It's a really unique story and I'd want to read more
YBWalkerz #8
update pls!!!
Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^.