First Day of Collage



12 Years later…



Minsoa lay in her bed asleep. Her room was decorated with girly things. She had a Paris themed room, and the color scheme of the room was pink, black and white.


















All that could be seen of her was the messy mop of red hair sticking out of the blanket covers. She breathed slow and deeply, as she dreamed of becoming a pop star.  Himchan walked in her room, and over towards her. He sat on her bed and began to shake her awake.


Minsoa’s Point of View.


While I was singing on stage I felt shaking, and began to panic. Earthquake! I thought to myself, but then realized that I wasn’t on stage but in the comfort of my bedroom.

“Yah! Minsoa wake up!” Himchan’s voice came from beside me.

I propped myself up on my elbows, stomach down. I lifted my head, and my eyes opened half way. I was tired, and had been rudely woken up.

“What?” I groggily asked, closing my eyes again.

“It’s time for you to get up.” Himchan said.

“It’s too early.” I said with a yawn and put my face down in my pillow.

“Yah, Yah, Yah!” He said shaking me, “You need to wake up today is you’re first day of college.”

“So…” I moaned.

“So, you have to go it’s your education.” He scolded, “Now get up before I have to pull you out of bed! You know I will do it too.”

I rolled over onto my back, “Oppa I don’t want to go to school. You’re not going so why should I?”

“Because you need to get an education, and as for me I had already been through school several times, now get up.”

I sighed, “Fine.” I said sitting up, I ruffled my hair with my hands. “I don’t want to go alone.”

“You’re not, Daehyun is going with.”

“What?” I asked with my eyes wide.

“He’s enrolling with you, this is so that he can keep an eye on you. This is to make sure you are safe.” Himchan said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

“I don’t need to be babysat!” I said angrily, “I’m nineteen years old!”

“Ne, and nineteen is still young.” He argued.

I made a face of disgust, “I’m considered an adult.”

“Ne in the human world, but not in mine. You’re still young, and need to be protected. You know what lives amongst humans in this world. Didn’t Yongjae teach you that?” He said raising his eyebrow and hardening his eyes.

“Ne, I know. Yongjae Oppa taught me all of that, and even tested me on it!”

“Good, you need to keep that in mind.”

“It’s not like I don’t know how to protect myself.” I said, “Jongup Oppa taught me self-defense.”
“I know, but it’s better if Daehyun goes with you. Besides he’s the one who came up with the idea.” He said standing up from my bed.

“Gahhh! I’m going to kill him!” I said, rolling out of bed.
“Get ready and be downstairs by eight.” Himchan said leaving the room. He closed the door on his way out.

“Oh hoho Daehyun, you are in for a rude awakening!” I said out loud shaking my fist in the air.

I dragged myself to my bathroom, and did my daily morning routine. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, fixed my hair, and did my make up. Then I walked out of my bathroom, and went into my closet picking out my outfit. Thanks to Zinger Unnie, and Hyosung Unnie I had fashionable clothes. Zinger Unnie was a witch, and so was Hyosung Unnie. Their other two friends, Jieun Unnie, and Sunhwa Unnie were noble vampires. They were really good friends with the Oppas, and they taught me everything I needed to know about being a girl. Hyosung Unnie would always say, “Living with six boys won’t teach you how to act like a girl. Especially if you were raised by them.” And Zinger Unnie would always add to that, “That’s why we are here to help you.” She always had a smile on her face. They taught me how to put my make up on, and they were there for me when I didn’t understand why my body was changing. I knew I could talk to them about everything, and I’m thankful to have them in my life. I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have them. I don’t know, I guess I just feel it’s weird talking to the Oppas about girl things, even Himchan Oppa, I thought it was too weird.

I got dressed, and then looked into the mirror.



“Now that’s more like it” I said to myself, and walked over to my desk to pick up my messenger bag with my school things in it. I picked up my phone, and iPod and put them in my bag as well. I sprayed my favorite perfume on, and headed downstairs.


Daehyun was already downstairs in the kitchen drinking from a dark mug. He glanced up towards me, and his eyes were silver.  He raised his hand to his lips wiping the blood residue off from them. He walked over to the sink, rinsing out the glass, and putting it in the dishwasher. “It’s nice to see that you’re awake.” He said with his velvet voice.

“Mehh…” Was all I could manage to get out of my mouth.

“Really? You’re not excited for school?” He said raising one of his eyebrows.

“Not really,” I said plopping myself down at the kitchen table. “I don’t see the point, the rest of you don’t have to go, so why should I?”

 I was hoping that Daehyun would side with me on this one, but I was wrong. “You have too, it’s important. The rest of us have already been though school several times.”

“What a lousy best friend, he’s supposed so side with me.” I thought to myself.

“Yah! Daehyun, Minsoa thinks you’re a lousy best friend.” Himchan said walking into the room.

Daehyun just glared at me, his eyes turned back to the dark brown they normally are.

“What?” I said, “It’s true, you’re supposed to side with me.”

“I usually do, but this is to benefit you.” Daehyun said walking over towards me, “And it’s the right thing to do.”

“Meh,” I said sticking out my tongue.
“Minsoa, Meogeosseo?” Himchan asked.


“Then what are you waiting for you have to leave soon.” Himchan scolded, and Daehyun laughed.

I glared at Daehyun, scrunching my face up. He just smiled back at me with soft kind eyes.

“I’m not that hungry.” I said.

“You will be,” Himchan said, “Here take this then,” He then handed me a banana.

“Okay.” I said putting the banana in my bag.

“Let’s go, we are going to be late.” Daehyun said, pulling car keys out of his pocket.

“What? Wea does he get to drive?” I pouted.

“Because he knows where he’s going, and you don’t have your license.” Himchan said, “Now go!”

“Because you won’t let me go for it! And what are you trying to do get rid of me?”

“No, if I wanted to get rid of you, I would have done it a long time ago.” Himchan said pushing me out the door. “Now have fun, and learn something.”

I didn’t even bother saying anything back. I dragged my feet to Daehyun’s car, and slowly got in.














In the process of doing this I hit he side of my head on the roof of the car.  “Oww!” I exclaimed, rubbing the side of my head.

I heard Daehyun snicker, and I looked at him. There was a smile stretched across his face.

“Don’t laugh at me!” I scolded, “It really hurts!” I gently massaged the side of my head, and groaned.

“I’m not laughing. It just doesn’t cease to amaze me. You’re a klutz.” He said starting the car, and putting it into reverse backing out of the garage. After he closed the door, we headed towards the school.

“Does it really hurt that bad?” He said after a while, as I continued to rub my head.

“Yeah, I think I have a bump, or a bruise, or both.”

He slowly pulled into the university’s parking lot, and parked the car. “Let me see.” He said, gently touching the spot where I smacked my head.

“Well?” I said.

“You’re right, I see a bump, and a bruise forming.” He said, and he placed his hand on my bump. The bump started not to hurt anymore, as he healed it.


He smiled, “No problem, anything for my human.”

I squinted my eyes and made a face, I hated when he said that. It was like I was a pet or something. Well, Zelo Oppa thought of me as a pet when I was younger. I guess the thought of that stuck.

He laughed, “Come on we are going to be late.” He said getting out of the care.

“Yeah Yeah yeah.” I said, and got out of the car. I looked around at the university. It was massive, and there were people everywhere. I had never been to actual school. I was homeschooled by the Oppas, well mostly Yongjae Oppa. He taught me everything from all subjects, to arts, to even the so-called ‘mythical things’ that were actually real. So being here was really overwhelming.

I took a deep breath, “Oh my.” My eyes were wide, and my heart pounded.

“Calm down, its not that bad. Your heart is beating like you just ran a marathon.” Daehyun said putting his arm around my shoulders, and pulled me closer to him.

“I can’t help it. I’m freaking out! I’ve never been to a actual school and you know that!”

“I know, but it’s not that bad. Don’t worry about it, I’m with you every step of the way.” He said, lets go to class.

When he said he was with me every step of the way, he literally meant it. He was in every single one of my classes, and I think he did that so that he could keep an eye on me. I had met some other girls. They were nice, but they kept asking me if Daehyun was my boyfriend, and when I said no. They asked if we were twins, because they couldn’t understand why we were so close. I told them that we were best friends since childhood. While I talked to these girls Daehyun gave me some distance, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t eavesdropping.

“Why is he so quiet?” the girl named Taeyeon asked.

“Because he’s shy around new people.” I said, “You have to get to know him like I do.”

“Oh well, he better warm up to us soon, because he seems self absorbed.” The other girl named Tiffany said.

“Really? I don’t think he comes across like that at all. He’s really not like that.” I said defending him, and I looked over at him. He had his iPod headphones in his ears, and it looked like he was listening to music, but I knew better.

“Well, I got to go, Daehyun and I are going to get lunch. I’ll see you guys around. It was nice meeting you.” I said, “bye.”

I walked over to Daehyun, and he looked up at me. I pulled the headphones off his head, and put them up to my ears.

“How did I know?” I said, and smacked him. “You were listening in on my whole conversation.”













He smiled, “No, I just turned off my iPod.” He said with a mischievous look in his eyes.

“Uh huh sure. I know that look. Don’t try to pull that one with me.” I said, “I’ve known you for twelve years. Not to mention I live with you.” I said the last part in a whisper so only he could hear it.

He laughed, “Okay, you caught me. It’s not that big of a deal. I don’t care what they think of me. All I care about is you.”

I sighed, “What am I going to do?”

“Go to lunch with me.” He said, putting his arm around my shoulder, “Then we are going to go home.”

Somehow Daehyun managed to get all of our classes in the morning so we were done by one o’clock in the afternoon, and then we could go get lunch, and head home.

“See the first day wasn’t that bad, Seoul National University is nice.” Daehyun said as we stepped into a little restaurant down the street.

“Yeah, it is really nice. So are the people and the professors.”  I added, and we were then seated. I looked at the menu, I didn’t know what to get. I’m a very indecisive person, and I have problems making decisions.

When the waitress came to take our order, Daehyun knew that I couldn’t decide on something so he just ordered for me.

“Can we get and order of galbi, and an order of andong jjimdak.” He said with his velvety voice. The waitress was taken back at the sound of his voice. She was definitely a college student, and she stared at Daehyun.

“Ne, anything to drink?” She asked.

“Ne, water and tea are fine.” He said, and she was surprised again by the sound of his voice. She took our menus and walked away.

“How do you get use to that?” I asked.

“Get use to what?”

“How people react to you. They stare at you like you’re an alien.”

He smiled, “I wouldn’t say alien, you know why they do too.”

“Yeah I know, it’s cause you’re a vampire” I whispered, “What is it some kind of like alluring mechanism you have?”

“Ne, it is” He said with a big smile, “It’s how we attract our pray. Everything about my kind makes humans melt.”

“Well it doesn’t work on me.” I said, with a disgusted look on my face.

“Well you’re weird, and you live with vampires. You know everything about them and on top of it, it did work on you when you were younger.” He said, and the waitress brought our food out to us.

“Kamsahamnida,” He said to her with a small smile. She began to turn red, and quickly walked to the back of the restaurant.

“See.” He said, “I still have it.”

“Ehh, just eat. I want to go home.” I said.

“What ever you say.” He said and we started to eat.

Once we finished eating Daehyun paid the bill, and we left for home. I was literally exhausted from the day’s activities. I just wanted to relax before I had to start on my homework. 

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Sharissa #1
Chapter 7: *wiped tears* finally found Chocolat Member fanfic and its so nice knowing it pair up with my bias Daehyun im chocolatiers btw
Chapter 14: Omg... I'm too much in love with this fic for you to stop T.T XD
Plz plz plz update soon ♡♡
Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
Baekna #4
Chapter 14: i really like this story!
update soon
update plz
ahhhh I love this fic sooooo much please update soon!
Chapter 14: Hey, I just found your fic and I was into it right away! Amazing Fic. Please please update soon. It's a really unique story and I'd want to read more
YBWalkerz #8
update pls!!!
Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^.