Meeting the Hottest Time of Day.

Even if it hurts, it will be worth it for you.


---2pm Dormitory---

“MinJae Hyung, are you being serious? A girl is coming to live with us” WooYoung asked his manager excitedly as he bounced around the room with excitement.

“Yes, it’s true. We thought we would give you a treat and hire a woman as you caretaker. Your stylist HyoRi, says that she comes with a recommendation from quite high up in the company.” MinJae advised them. “She is…”

He didn’t get to finish as he disappeared under a pile of bodies all trying to hug him.

“A noona, we finally get a noona!” ChanSung said happily.

“Oh, this is the first time we’ve seen ChanSung act like a maknae.” TaecYeon said with laughter. “Wow she is amazing. She hasn’t even met him yet and she is already working wonders.”

The members all laughed when they heard this, and ChanSung blushed a deep shade of red.

“MinJae Hyung, tell us about her? Is she pretty?” JunHo asked.

“I actually don’t know that much all, I haven't even seen a photo of her. I just know is her name is Yuna Hanashima, born in 1989. When she gets here you can ask her for yourself.”

“Really, she’s the same age as me?” WooYoung said. “That means we can talk without honorifics!”

He was so happy he was trembling with excitement. Which JunSu mentioned and made him blush almost as red as ChanSung.

“Khunnie, you’re being very quiet about this. What are you thinking?” TaecYeon asked his younger group member.

“I’m just thinking about how to steal her away from you guys.”

A whole chorus of ‘yah’ and ‘you can’t came from the other boys.

“You can’t have this noona too, you already have Victoria noona already.” They told him.

Nichkhun just laughed in reply.

“Hyung, when is she coming?” JunSu asked their manager.

“Yeah!” the rest of the group shouted in agreement.

“That’s what I was trying to tell you before you guys group tackled me.” MinJae said. “Someone from the company was picking up her from the airport this morning.”

“When does her plane come in?” JunHo asked. He emphasised the word her and grinned outwardly at the thought of his new noona.

“Someone told me it was around 8ish.” MinJae replied.

They collectively all looked at the clock hanging in the living room of their spacious apartment. It said it was close to 10 already.

“It takes maybe 30mins to go through customs, 50mins to get from Seoul Incheon Airport to central Seoul and then maybe 15mins to get to our place from their… So she should be arriving…”JunSu calculated out loud.

“Now.” Said Nichkhun.

They looked at the state of the room and themselves, and as a group – started panicking big time.

Empty pizza boxes and finished bottles of soju covered every surface. ChanSung’s dumbbells lay in the middle of the hallway providing an unnecessary safety hazard. Their beds were unmade and all of them with the exception of MinJae Hyung were still in their pyjamas.

Needless to say chaos ensued.


---Yuna’s Pov---

So I’m being forced to live with a bunch of boys now. Great…. And now I sound like an ungrateful priss, even in my own thoughts. I know I should be happy and excited that I get to meet some… um Icons? Is that the right word for what they are… But I honestly couldn’t give a damn. I don’t want to live with them, I just want to live by myself in a little apartment in downtown Seoul, occasionally meeting up with the man who is supposedly my grandfather. Is that seriously too much to ask?

I looked outside as the green in the countryside, slowly disappeared and was replaced by the grey of urban Seoul.

“EunHye, what is 2pm like? Are they nice?” I couldn't help but feel nervous about the meeting.

“Yes, very.” She smiled kindly. “A lot of people say that is what is so appealing about this group, that they are very friendly and welcoming.”

“Oh, are there a lot of people in this group? What are their names? Are they a lot younger then me?” I ask hurriedly as I realised that there was an increase in the amount of people on the streets and that we would probably be there soon.

“Slow down, 6 guys there used to be 7. In order from youngest to oldest  - ChanSung 1990, JunHo 1990, WooYoung 1989, TaecYeon 1988, Nichkhun 1988 and JunSu 1988 also. So around the same age as you.”

“Oh, you said their used to be 7 members, what happened to other guy?” I asked.

From the look on her face, I could tell that it was a touchy subject so I dropped it and changed the subject. “So will I have a room to myself?” I said.

She smiled a grateful smile and said “Yes, you will. Speaking of which we will be arriving soon. So I need to inform you of a few things about this industry, there’s quite a lot to explain so I wrote this for you last night.”

EunHye handed me this disclaimer with the words ‘Guidelines for your time in Korea’ written in bold letters at the top of the page.

  1. Under no circumstances will you inform anyone not involved in the entertainment industry, without the companies consent, about where you live especially the fact you share a house with 2pm.
  2. Anything you might hear or come across, backstage, at photo shoots, concerts and promotional activities, that one might consider incriminating, shall under no circumstances be told to the press.
  3. Under your contract you will be working under 2pm’s stylist, HyoRi at various points in time as well as being 2pm’s caretaker, just must follow her orders as well as anybody else higher in seniority, at all times.

 As I read this and look up, “Higher in seniority, who does that refer to?” I say.

“Well since your only HyoRi’s assistant, that pretty much refers to everyone.” EunHye tells me.

I force back a smile at her and continuing reading.

  1. If you are leaving to go anywhere without the companionship of at least one person in the company, you must be reachable at all times.
  2. Accepting bribes, or any money form of compensation for information about 2pm or other idol groups. Will result in the immediate termination of your contract.
  3. Usage of sites such as ‘cy-world and mini-hompy’ is strictly forbidden.
  4. Relationships with people within the company are permitted but are bound to secrecy and must be reported to the company immediately.

They write it as if I want to work at this ‘company’ and being ‘terminated’ is a bad thing. This company pretty much sounds like I’m being imprisoned: not allowed to talk to other people about where I live, no sharing of information with potential friends, pretty much being a errand girl, constant surveillance and limiting what I do in my free time. Yay me -  I wonder whether the ‘7th group member’ finally cracked after being forced to live under these rules or maybe he broke one of them and was terminated…

  1. Do not let anyone discover the relationship between you and your paternal grandfather.

Although the other ‘guidelines’ were unreasonable, they still made some sort of sense unlike this last one. I wonder why I can't let anyone know about my grandfather.

“Why am I not allowed to tell anyone about my grandfather?” I ask EunHye.

“Ah, I’m sorry but I can’t tell you the reason right now. Someday you will understand.” She promised me. “ Have you finished reading it?”

I nod.

“Well that was very fast reading.” She said.

She doesn’t need to know that when I was going through uni, I read like 200 page cases everyday as well as pieces of legislation.

“Do you have any questions?” She asked as she looked at my curiously, looking for signs of rebellion I supposed.

I shake my head and notice that I pulled up to a sleek modern building. The driver informs us that we are here and starts to unload my suitcases. EunHye hands me a swipe card that she tells me will let me gain access into the building and that I need to guard it with the upmost care.

“Their room is 2107, on the 21st floor, I think that they are expecting you." She pauses. "Well goodbye, I hope I will see you soon.” She says as she gives me a hug and hops back into the van and closes the door.

I knock on the window shocked. She rolls it down and looks at me expectantly.

“Aren’t you coming up with me?” I say surprised.

“Well I would like to, to introduce you and help you settle in. But I can’t. I’m your grandfather’s personal assistant. If I went up there with you they would automatically link you to him.” She explains.

“Oh.” I say dumbfoundly. “Well goodbye then.”

“Goodbye Yuna, I would wish you the best of luck but something tells me you won’t need it.” As she says this she smiles and tells the driver that they could leave.

Leaving me in the dust at the bottom of a very intimidating building.

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jellybelly4U #1
Chapter 9: @sanjana_kalyanpus wow long name... but thankyou for commenting and you should read my latest chapter to see how i feel about victoria, maybe she will be more to your liking now :) again thankyou for commenting and subscribing.
jellybelly4U #2
Chapter 9: @OhHai_Channie I love all of them but i do think that Khun is probably plays the role of prince charming the best out of the members, He is afterall the Thai Dreamboat XD and about Jay you will just have to wait and see ;) but i promise that wasn't his last appearance.
hey this is a great story!
aww.. junho is so so so cute! <3
and nichkhun... i seriously love him a lot here!
As much as I love Victoria, I would hate to say this that she's a total snobby ____ out here and I'm starting to hate her as much as I won't exactly accept that happening...
anyways, please update soon!
Hope for more Nichkhun-OC moments! :D
OhHai_Channie #4
Khun fits the role quite well. I always tend to find more stories about him than Chansung. Not that I'm complaining. Junho is adorable.
And Jay in the story! Will he be in it more?? I love him as well.
jellybelly4U #5
@OhHai_Channie and @Nanydh thankyou for commenting :) it means a lot and i love JunHo too he is my actual personal bias but i think for the role that i am thinking of Khun fits it better :-P
OhHai_Channie #6
Subscribing!! Lol. Can't get enough of 2pm. Loving your story :)
Oh Boy Junho is So Cute
jellybelly4U #8
@rachellwy15 - Thankyou so very very much~ i write these stories for people like you. Hope you like my next chapters :)
rachellwy15 #9
HEY:D cool story:) I really really liked/like it<3 don't really comment much so I'm not very good with this but I FEEL IT:) the story I mean... so that's good! Rock on~
jellybelly4U #10
Comments and Love are greatly appreciated~ Whether i ditch a story or continue on blabbering on till the end is judged on 2 criteria: what goes on in my head and what goes on in this section.