I'll Tell You the Truth

Hearts Will Never Change

The morning classes were fine for Lila. It was the same thing in every one, just sitting down and taking notes. Eunji and Gongchan weren’t in all of her classes, but they were in a couple of the morning, the couple that she had before she had her break. Not knowing if anyone else had a break at the same time she had one, Lila decided to travel around herself. She figured that she wouldn’t get lost and she had some time before her next class and then she would get lunch with everyone else since they agreed to meet up at one in the middle courtyard.

            Sandeul, meanwhile, was on his break. His next class wasn’t for a while and he figured that he could use some fresh air after a while. He knew that Baro also had his break, but he didn’t feel like hanging out with him much. Not only that, but he knew that Baro would probably want to rehearse his rap or write lyrics for another song that Jinyoung was working on and he didn’t feel like talking about work. They were in college and it was a time for fun when they weren’t at work.

            As Sandeul walked around, he spotted Lila sitting underneath a tree with her eyes closed. He figured that he should at least see if she remembered him, despite her already saying that she didn’t. Sandeul just couldn’t believe that she didn’t remember him and wanted to know what happened to her memories if she really didn’t.

            Sneaking up to her, Sandeul crouched down and leaned his face over Lila’s. “Hello,” he happily said causing Lila to sit right up and glare at Sandeul who backed away after seeing this scary side. He wasn’t used to this side of Lila and he was pretty sure that he had never seen something like it before when they were dating.

            “Why are you scaring me?” Lila angrily asked. She didn’t like it when people snuck up on her and it just so happened that the person sneaking up on her was Sandeul, the person that she definitely didn’t want to meet on campus.

            “What are you doing?” Sandeul curiously asked.

            “What does it look like I’m doing?” Lila asked as she thought about the words that she spoke before she said them. She couldn’t tell Sandeul that she remembered their relationship, it would just bring up too many hurtful feelings that she didn’t want to experience again. Lila thought that it would be better if she just didn’t say anything and that if they just forgot about each other. He had Eunji, they were dating and they seemed happy, she wasn’t going to rip that apart. It wasn’t even like she would even take Sandeul back. He broke her heart once, who was to say that he wouldn’t do it again?

            “I didn’t know, sorry,” Sandeul said as he got up. “I guess I’ll go somewhere else.”

            Seeing his sad face, Lila gave in. There was no way that she would ever be able to resist that pouting face with his duck lips. “Fine, I’m sorry for exploding. You’re…Sandeul, right?”

            “Y-y-yeah,” Sandeul stuttered as he sat back down next to Lila on the grass. “You really don’t remember me?”

            “Remember you? Why would I remember you?” Lila asked keeping up with her act. “Did we meet in the past?”

            “No,” Sandeul said shaking his head. “We didn’t meet at all. I just thought you looked like someone that I knew, but it turns out that it’s not right.”

            “Oh,” Lila said. Somehow she found herself a little hurt when Sandeul said those words. Surely he had given up about their relationship the moment that he broke up with her. Lila figured that he forgot all of the memories and things that they shared erasing them from his mind forever as he was the one that broke up with her in the first place.

            “So, Jinyoung-hyung said that you came from the States?” Sandeul asked with curiosity. He never knew that Lila went to the states and wondered if he she moved there because of him.

            “Yeah, I went there to finish my studies.”

            “Did something happen while you were over there?”

            “No,” Lila said wondering why Sandeul was asking her a bunch of questions. She figured that the only excuse would be that he was trying to figure out if she was lying about not remembering him. Lila figured that she would have to step up her game on forgetting about him, but playing the game would only make her even more reminded about their past together.

            “So you just went over there?”

            “I went there to study,” Lila repeated.

            “Yeah, you said that, I’m an idiot,” Sandeul said hitting the top of his head.

            “Eh, I’m sure that Eunji is happy to have you,” Lila said forcing a smile onto her face. “You two seem really happy and Jinyoung-oppa told me about how you guys have been dating for a while and you already told the public about your relationship. I’m happy for you.”

            Hearing Lila call Jinyoung oppa, Sandeul felt a pain in his heart, before he was the only one that was called oppa during their relationship. When they dated, Lila had stopped calling people oppa and Sandeul had stopped calling people noona. They felt like they would only show their devotion towards one another and Sandeul didn’t even know why they agreed to that in the first place. He figured that they liked each other and just figured that they could do whatever together.

            But now hearing Lila called someone oppa he felt a little jealousy that he felt before he and Lila had established that rule in their relationship. Sandeul was truthful to himself and knew that he felt jealousy, but he didn’t know why. He had gotten over breaking up with Lila, even if it broke his own heart in the process. He knew that it was something that he had to do and something that he chose to do rather than fighting it out. Sandeul was the one at fault and he had to live with that fact every day.

            “Yeah, we are,” Sandeul awkwardly said. He found himself nervous when talking about Eunji to Lila. It was even more shocking to find out that they were neighbors with each other in the same apartment complex. What were the odds for that to happen? “And we’re glad that everyone accepts it, too. We were very worried in the beginning when we were wondering if we would ever get caught.”

            “You must’ve been,” Lila said. “You’re a celebrity, normally celebrities don’t just say that stuff out loud, especially an idol, right?”

            “Right,” Sandeul quietly said as he looked at Lila and nodded.

            “Well, look at the time, it was fun talking with you, but I have another class to get to. I’ll see you with the rest of the guys at lunch?” Lila asked as she grabbed her bag and got up off of the ground.

            “Yeah, lunch,” Sandeul repeated as he watched Lila leave.

            Lunch came around after all of their next classes and they all agreed to go to the cafeteria together. Of course girls were looking at Eunji and Lila since the boys were still idols, but they respected their space since they got used to them attending their university together and they also knew that Sandeul and Eunji were dating.

            “Oppa, where do you want to eat?” Eunji asked Sandeul as she grabbed his hand when they reached the cafeteria.

            “I don’t know,” Sandeul excitedly said, he was always excited for food. “Everything here just looks so good.”

            Upon seeing the sight of her ex-boyfriend and current best friend interlocking fingers, Lila was jealous, but she wouldn’t tell anyone. Jinyoung, on the other hand, noticed Lila staring exceptionally hard at Eunji and Sandeul’s hands. “Is someone jealous?” he whispered as he made his way next to Lila.

            “Jealous? What are you talking about?” Lila asked pushing it off. She looked down and noticed that Jinyoung had interlocked his own fingers with her. “What are you doing?” she asked in an attempt to unhook their fingers.

            “You’re just jealous, let’s stay like this,” Jinyoung whispered in her ear and Lila had no other way to escape but to comply. “You know, you never got to tell me how you know Sandeul,” Jinyoung said motioning towards him with a flick of his head. “I was upset when Gongchan had to ruin you telling me. I was hoping to hear the story.”

            “You’ll hear it one day,” Lila said shrugging her shoulders, but then  remembered about how Sandeul doesn’t know that she remembers about their whole relationship. She wondered if Jinyoung would ask Sandeul about their past and then he would get the hint that she does actually remember and was lying to him. “On second thought, do you have a schedule today?”

            “A schedule? No,” Jinyoung says shaking his head. “Why?”

            “I was just wondering if maybe you would want to hear the whole story back at my apartment.”

            “The whole story?” Jinyoung asked as his face suddenly got brighter.

            “Maybe not the whole story, but the general overview,” Lila said.

            “Of course I’d love to, shall we go back to your house together once both of our classes are done?”

            “Sure, when is your last class?”

            “Three thirty, what’s yours?”

            “Four,” Lila said pouting. “You get out earlier than I do.”

            “You look so cute when you pout,” Jinyoung says pinching her cheeks. “I’ll wait for you when I’m done, just tell me what building you’re in.”

            “Okay,” Lila said not realizing that Jinyoung had called her cute. “Let’s get food, I’m starving.” Lila began pulling Jinyoung away as he looked down at their still interlocked fingers and smiled to himself.

            “There’s so much good food here today,” Sandeul said looking at his plate as Lila and Jinyoung sat down at the table.

            “How do you like your classes so far?” Baro asked starting a general topic at the table.

            “Boring,” Gongchan complained.

            “I didn’t think they were that bad,” Lila said looking at him.

            “You don’t have the professors that I do. They’re horrible. I wish I was with you all day.”

            “Well, things just didn’t work out that way,” Lila said shrugging her shoulders.

            “What about you, Eunji?” Shinwoo asked. “What do you think about your classes?”

            “I thought they were good, I have Lila in one and Gongchan in the other, so I’m not that much alone, I see them sometimes,” Eunji explained.

            “Thankfully I don’t see Sandeul in any classes,” Baro joked.

            “Thankfully I don’t see you in any class,” Sandeul said giving it right back to him.

            “Those two,” Jinyoung muttered.

            “Do they always fight like that?” Lila wondered.

           “They do,” Jinyoung said nodding his head. “But it’s not like an actual fight, they’re friends, really close friends, so they just always argue and bicker like normal friends do. Everyone always gets a hit out of it and sometimes I think they just do it to work on their variety skills.”

            “What about you?”

            “What do you mean what about me?”

            “How do you work on your variety skills?”

            “I don’t,” Jinyoung simply said. “I already have the skills; I wouldn’t need any working on them. They’re just as good as my dating skills.”

            “Conceited,” Lila said as she ate some of her food and rolled her eyes.

            “Hey, I’m only joking,” Jinyoung said laughing. “I don’t have a lot of dating skills.”

            “Of course you do,” I say sticking my tongue out. “Either way, it doesn’t bother me. A person’s past is their own past. I don’t know why people are so interested in pasts all of the time.”

            “You know, you aren’t like any other girl I’ve ever met. I know I already said it before, but I mean it,” Jinyoung said looking at Lila in amazement.

            “Is that a compliment or an insult?”

            “A compliment,” Jinyoung said with a smile. “A definite compliment.”

            With their lunchtime ending, the rest went to their classes before they were dismissed at different times. Like he promised, Jinyoung went to Lila’s building and waited for her class to be done before walking back together with her.

            “Are you sure you don’t have anything to do?” Lila asked hoping that Jinyoung would say yes. She was regretting ever telling him that she would tell him the full story, but she was going to tell him last night and she saw no difference in last night compared to telling him now.

            “Don’t act like you’re going to back out now,” Jinyoung said putting his hands into his pockets. “I want to hear the story.”

            “Fine, fine,” Lila said as she quickened her pace faster to get home. “Just throw your stuff anywhere,” Lila said as she opened the door and stepped foot inside of her apartment. Eunji wasn’t home yet and frankly, Lila wasn’t too concerned with where she was and neither was Jinyoung.

            “Okay,” Jinyoung said as he took off his shoes and placed his backpack on one of the nearby chairs so he wouldn’t forget it when he left. “So tell me, what is this mysterious past between you and Sandeul?”

            “Are you thirsty?” Lila asked going to the kitchen. “Are you hungry? I have a lot of food and drinks.”

            “I’m perfectly fine, you’re just avoiding the subject,” Jinyoung said with a playful smile.

            “It can’t be helped,” Lila said shrugging her shoulders.

            “Then why are you telling me?”

            “Someone has to know,” she said with a laugh.

            “You’re saying that no one knows?”

            “They do, if they don’t realize it. I lost contact with all of my friends that I used to have.”

            “Well now you have new ones.”

            “Yeah,” Lila said. “Jinyoung-oppa, promise me one thing, though.”

            “I promise,” Jinyoung said automatically sticking out his pinkie.

            “You don’t even know what I’m going to ask of you.”

            “So? I promise anyway.”

            “What if I asked you to run around in broad daylight?” Lila innocently asked.

            “I’m sure you wouldn’t do that,” Jinyoung said putting faith in Lila. “So what am I promising to?”

            “Promise that you won’t tell Sandeul-oppa and that you won’t ask him any questions.”

            “I already promised, now just tell me.”

            “Sandeul-oppa and I dated for two years, it was before I left for the States, but he broke up with me and he broke my heart.”


What will Jinyoung say about finding out about Sandeul and Lila's past relationship? Will Jinyoung and Lila have a relationship of their own? Will Sandeul ever know that Lila actually does remember their past?


Here is Chapter 4. Hope you enjoyed :D

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Chapter 2: Oh mo Jinyoung has a feelings towards Lila. By the way i really like the story
Chapter 31: I like Lila a lot better now, because she had the guts to actually talk to him. I wonder Jinyoung should had talked to Gongchan, I mean hello, Jinchan , not to change the plot or anything
Ooooh I like this a lot
tiffani123456 #4
Chapter 28: Don't make eunji sound bad !!!!!!!
tiffani123456 #6
Chapter 11: I want sandeul and Lila back together but jiyoung and eunji together too
Chapter 28: I kinda want Sandeul and Lila back together..
I mean Lila already kissed him on the cheek after asking Jinyoung for a break so0o..
Chapter 28: I hate having Sanduel and Lila together I like having Jinyoung with Lila