The Feeling of Moving On or Jealousy

Hearts Will Never Change

“Good feelings?” Lila asked Jinyoung. “I’m not sure.”

            “Well, do you think that one day we could be more than friends?” Jinyoung cautiously asked. He didn’t want to ruin his chances with Lila before they even started. He understood that he probably scared her a little bit since they did just meet and he was suddenly talking about the possibility of dating in the future, but he wanted to know what she thought. Jinyoung figured that if Lila didn’t think the same way he thought, he was just going to give up on his feelings and continue a casual friendship with her. However, if she did end up thinking about good feelings, then he was going to pursue his feelings and see what happened in the future.

           “Jinyoung, we just met today. How in the world do you think that I’m going to have those feelings?” Lila asked. She wasn’t sure where Jinyoung would come out with those feelings. It did scare her a little bit, but she felt her heart moved knowing that he came to her apartment knowing that she told Eunji that she didn’t feel well. It showed her that he cared about her already, despite just meeting.

            “Do you…feel anything?” he asked. “Do you feel a connection or a spark between us?”

            “A spark? We only met for what, like ten minutes and the next thing is you’re sitting on my couch,” Lila said pointing at him. “How am I supposed to feel a spark in this type of circumstance?”

            “I guess you’re right,” Jinyoung said looking down at the ground. He wasn’t sure if this meant that Lila didn’t like him or if she wasn’t sure of her own feelings yet. Jinyoung could see where Lila was coming from and he would agree that he might have been rushing it just a tiny bit, or maybe a lot.

            “Look, Jinyoung,” Lila said as she could sense his downward mood. “You’re a nice guy and we might have a possible friendship and maybe a relationship in the future. Right now, I don’t want to jinx anything.”

            Truthfully, Lila didn’t trust herself. She didn’t trust herself to get into another relationship, and especially one who happened to be a part of a popular idol group. It just didn’t seem possible in her mind. She would have to hide it from the public even if she did like Jinyoung and they would have to pretend like the other never existed. Lila had no idea how Sandeul and Eunji even did that.

            “How about we start as friends first?” Jinyoung suggested. “Friends is always a good start and we can learn more about each other before thinking about the future. Hello, I’m Jinyoung.”

            “Hello, I’m Lila.”

            “So, Lila,” Jinyoung said starting up the slightly awkward conversation that caused Lila to laugh, “you just moved here, right? I notice the boxes around the room.”

            “Yeah, I moved here a week ago,” Lila said as she also looked at some of the stray boxes that she hadn’t gotten to putting away the contents of yet. “I guess laziness took a hold of me.”

            “Where did you move from?” Jinyoung asked. He was curious as to know where Lila had come from and what adventures she had in her life. He wondered if she was curious of the same things.

            “I lived in the United States for two years to finish up high school.”

            “Really? Then your English is probably really good.”

            “You could say,” Lila said. “Not the best, but it’s decent for living two years over there.”

            “Hey, I write songs you see,” Jinyoung said suddenly getting excited. “Do you think you could possibly help me with the English? Sometimes I have trouble with the phrasing and the exact words and even sometimes the pronunciation.”

            “I’m not an English teacher, Jinyoung,” Lila said laughing.

            “Yeah, but you’ve had more experience than me,” Jinyoung pouted.

            “That doesn’t mean that I’m any better than you.”

            “Please?” Jinyoung begged. “Help me, please?”

            Lila sighed. “I guess I’ll help you, but it better not be all of the time. I have college classes to attend to.”

            “Don’t worry, it won’t be all of the time, and where are you attending school?”

            “The same one that Eunji attends,” Lila explained. As time passed, she found it easier and easier to talk to Jinyoung and express her thoughts with him. The possibility of having a future relationship with him also popped into her mind a couple of times.

            “So then you’ll be going to school with all of us.”

            “With all of you?”

            “Yeah, with all of us. I’m guessing you’re in Eunji’s grade, right?” Lila nodded her head. “Then Gongchan will be with you guys. Shinwoo and I are juniors while Sandeul and Baro are sophomores.”

            “Oh,” Lila said nodding her head. “But aren’t you guys idols?”

            “We are,” Jinyoung said nodding his head with a smile.

            “Then don’t people recognize you when you’re at college?”

            “They do, but we don’t pay much attention to it. Our fans respect our space and they’re not people that we have to be afraid of. Plus they already know about Sandeul and Eunji.”

            “They do?” Lila asked in surprise. She thought that idols would have to hide their relationships, but it turns out that everyone already knows about Sandeul and Eunji’s relationship. Does that mean that they already know about hers and Sandeul’s?

            “Yeah, on their first anniversary they decided to announce it to everyone. Thankfully it was well received.”

            Even though Lila knew it was bad, she figured that she could possibly get more information about Sandeul’s relationship with Eunji out of Jinyoung. She felt bad using him like that but figured that she could make it up later to him without him necessarily knowing.

            “How long have they been going out?” she asked as casually as she could. “It seems like they’re a pretty close couple.”

            “They’re close,” Jinyoung said as he thought about the times that they spent together with the couple. “And they’ve been going out for a little bit over a year, nothing too long, though.” Lila nodded her head with every word that Jinyoung said to show that she was paying attention, but she also found it interesting. Sandeul and Eunji were dating for a little over a year, while she and Sandeul had been separated for two years. That excluded the idea of him cheating on her, but she still wondered why he would break up with her out of nowhere. “Are you okay?” Jinyoung asked.

            “I’m perfectly fine, why?” Lila asked.

            “No reason,” he said as he flashed a smile. “So, tell me more about yourself.”

            “More about myself? What is there to tell?” Lila asked.

            “Where did you live before you went to the United States?”


            “Where in Korea?”

            “Nowhere in particular.”

            “Okay then, how about this question,” Jinyoung said as he thought of another one. “When’s your birthday?”

            “Why do you want to know?”

            “I’m just curious. I can tell you mine if you want. I was born on November 18, 1991. There, I told you mine, now you have to tell me yours.”

            “I was born on August 20, 1993, exactly five months after Sandeul-oppa,” Lila said when she realized her mistake. She mentioned Sandeul when she told Jinyoung about her birthday. She hoped that he wouldn’t notice her slipup, but he did.

            “How do you know when Sandeullie is born?” Jinyoung curiously asked.

            “No reason, I took it as a guess,” Lila said attempting to avoid the subject.

            “And you called him oppa too, which means that you guys are close, but I thought you met for the first time in the parking lot.”

            “We did,” Lila said, but she knew that it was probably useless now, Jinyoung had caught on. He wondered why Lila would be pretending to not know Sandeul when it was now clearly evident that they somehow knew each other.

            “You don’t have to lie in front of me,” Jinyoung said attempting to get the truth out of Lila. “Look, I’m the leader and anything you say is fine with me. I won’t tell Eunji about anything you say.”

            “How do you know it’ll affect Eunji?” Lila asked as she crossed her arms.

            “Lucky guess? Just tell me,” he whined. He wanted to know the reason, but he didn’t want to pressure Lila too much to tell him the answer.

            “Fine, fine, you see…Sandeul-oppa and I,” Lila slowly started as she began gathering her thoughts. Somehow she felt as though she could trust Jinyoung. There was some quality about him that made him seem reliable. Lila thought that that’s the quality that he possessed as their leader.

            When Lila had gotten her thoughts together, there was a loud banging at the front of her door. “Jinyoung-hyung!” Gongchan’s voice called from the other side. “We’re going to go back to the dorm now, are you done in there?”

           “Yeah,” Jinyoung said disappointed that he didn’t get to hear the reason why Sandeul and Lila knew each other. He wouldn’t ask Sandeul about it later because that would mean that Sandeul knows that he knows and he wouldn’t have that happen. He would just have to wait until another time to get the truth out of Lila. Then Jinyoung remembered that classes started tomorrow. He could possibly get the answer out of her then. “Look, I have to go now, but don’t forget your story, I still want to know.”

            “Whatever,” Lila said rolling her eyes as she went over to the door with Jinyoung.

            “And one more thing,” Jinyoung said as he opened the door and stood in the doorway. First he looked around to make sure that s were nowhere in sight. “Call me oppa from now on.” Quickly, Jinyoung gave Lila a hug before he took off towards the elevator. “See you tomorrow in classes!” he yelled as he waved to her.

            “That idiot,” Lila muttered to herself as she closed the door and got herself ready for a deep sleep.


The next morning, Eunji and Lila met up with the members of B1A4 who were patiently waiting outside of the apartment building to give them a ride to the college. Lila had sat next to Jinyoung who casually placed his arm around Lila’s shoulder and acted like nothing happened. “You know, just for the record, I know that your arm is there,” Lila told him.

            “What, I can’t sit like this in my own car?” Jinyoung asked.

            “Isn’t it your company’s car?”

            “Still, I use it every day, more than you use it,” Jinyoung retorted.

            “And why would I use it?” Lila asked a smile crept up on her face. Jinyoung saw it and smiled back.

            Sitting in the back, Sandeul witnessed the whole sight. He noticed that Lila and Jinyoung were close after Jinyoung had gone to Lila’s apartment the night before. Sandeul wondered what happened in the apartment that made the two close friends. Somehow, he felt a strange feeling inside.

            “Are you okay?” Eunji asked as she looked over at him.

          “I’m fine,” Sandeul said smiling to Eunji as he kissed her on the nose. “Just nervous for the first day of classes.”

            “Don’t be nervous,” Eunji said attempting to soothe him. “It’ll be fun. Too bad we aren’t in the same grade.”

            “You have Gongchan, don’t worry,” Sandeul said looking at the boy who turned around at the sound of his name. “Channie, I entrust my girlfriend to you. You better make sure she’s alright.”

            “I promise,” Gongchan said saluting at Sandeul. “I’ll protect Eunji-noona and Lila.”

            “Why are you calling me noona?” Eunji asked. “I’m younger than you.” Gongchan didn’t answer her and instead just stuck his tongue out. He liked to joke with Eunji about her age since they were only a couple of days apart from one another. Sometimes he got so used to calling her noona that he’d forget that she was actually younger than him.

            “What about you?” Gongchan asked turning to Lila who was sitting between him and Jinyoung. “Are you my noona?”

            “Nope,” Jinyoung said shaking his head as he answered for Lila. “She’s younger than you. She was born on August 20.”

            “That’s close, all three of our birthdays are close,” Gongchan remarked as he pointed at himself, Eunji, and Lila. “We should celebrate together sometime.”

            “Too bad our birthdays already passed for this year,” Eunji said. “Ah, we’re here.”

            The seven of them got out of the van. Jinyoung still stayed by Lila’s side and Sandeul was careful to watch his every move without making it too obvious. He didn’t like Jinyoung by Lila, but he knew that he had no choice and just had to accept things the way that they were, no matter how much he didn’t want to.

            It bothered Sandeul knowing that Lila could have possibly forgotten him. They spent a lot of time together and created many memories. Did he really mean nothing to her? He understood that he broke her heart, but did she really not remember any of the time they spent together or did she simply force all of those memories out of her mind? Sandeul was still curious.

            “Okay, Lila, Gongchan, and I are going to go for our first class. We’ll catch up with you guys later,” Eunji announced to the rest of them. “See you guys later.” Eunji dragged Gongchan and Lila along and as soon as they got far away enough from everyone, she asked Lila the question that she was waiting to hear all morning. “Are you and Jinyoung-oppa dating?”

            “Dating?” Lila asked in disbelief. “Why in the world would we be dating?”

            “You guys look very close,” Gongchan said. “I wouldn’t mind if hyung went out with a girl like you. You’re pretty and kind, so are you guys going to date?”

            “Date? I just met you guys yesterday,” Lila reasoned. “Isn’t it too early to start dating if I just met you?”

            “But still, you guys make a cute couple,” Eunji said as they continued walking.

            Lila stared at Eunji. She thought that her and Jinyoung were a cute couple? Lila couldn’t picture it, but she thought that maybe it wouldn’t be that bad to have slightly good feelings about Jinyoung, she just wouldn’t tell him about them and let things take its natural course.


Will Lila and Jinyoung ever become a couple? Will Sandeul ever figure out that Lila does remember him? Will Lila be able to tell Jinyoung the truth about her past with Sandeul?


Here is Chapter 3. Hope you enjoyed :D

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Chapter 2: Oh mo Jinyoung has a feelings towards Lila. By the way i really like the story
Chapter 31: I like Lila a lot better now, because she had the guts to actually talk to him. I wonder Jinyoung should had talked to Gongchan, I mean hello, Jinchan , not to change the plot or anything
Ooooh I like this a lot
tiffani123456 #4
Chapter 28: Don't make eunji sound bad !!!!!!!
tiffani123456 #6
Chapter 11: I want sandeul and Lila back together but jiyoung and eunji together too
Chapter 28: I kinda want Sandeul and Lila back together..
I mean Lila already kissed him on the cheek after asking Jinyoung for a break so0o..
Chapter 28: I hate having Sanduel and Lila together I like having Jinyoung with Lila